Author Topic: 10 year old First Deer with a bow!!  (Read 1651 times)


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10 year old First Deer with a bow!!
« on: October 16, 2013, 04:55:49 PM »
My 10 year old has been wanting to go deer hunting for the last few years but, as you all  know, he needs to be 12 o hunt in Alberta.  I researched taking him to BC but decided it was cheaper to take him hunting in texas (where there are no age limits...gotta love Texas).  Anyway, we finally made it out over the Thanksgiving weekend.  We hunted a ranch west of Austin that has wild deer and NO high fences.  The deer could come and go as they please.  We hunted in ground blinds rather than treestands just because of his age, unfortunately this added a degree of difficulty as the deer were definitely spookier when you are on ground level with them. Also his maximum range was going to be 20 yards with his bow.  And for all of you that have never watched a wild texas deer hunting show, then you cant grasp the skittishness of these deer.  Man, they were high strung and ran at the slightest sound.

Frankly after the first morning of having deer come in I concluded that a deer with his bow probably wouldn't be in the cards on the trip.  Well..I was wrong, we finally had a doe cooperate and came in alone early in the afternoon.  She was at 19 yards and feeding.  He did a great job at quietly getting into position and got the bow to full draw.  We decided to aim low as the deer like to drop when the bow goes off.  Anyway, his arrow hit her perectly through the heart and even broke the exit front leg on its way through (the arrow ended up staying in the leg).  I would not be surprised if a few you didn't hear him the way he was hollering when that deer went down.

Overall the trip was a blast and some phenomenal memories for the 2 of us.  Also hunting in blinds in Texas when its 95 degrees out can be a little warm for a couple Canadians.  Next year, I think we will go a little later in the season.

[attachment deleted 180 days old]


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Re: 10 year old First Deer with a bow!!
« Reply #1 on: October 16, 2013, 05:30:52 PM »
Now that's one happy looking little buckaroo..

The big buckaroo looks mighty happy also. ;D

Congrats guys on the great memories you made.. ;D


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Re: 10 year old First Deer with a bow!!
« Reply #2 on: October 16, 2013, 05:31:19 PM »
Love the smile on Evans face,, that says it all right there man..

Congrats to the young hunter on an awesome deer.. And well done Dad,, super job..


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Re: 10 year old First Deer with a bow!!
« Reply #3 on: October 17, 2013, 07:00:02 AM »
Congratulations to that young man!  I still remember my first Deer and to take him on an adventure like that I am sure he will to.

Where are the pictures of dead pigs?

See any snakes? 


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Re: 10 year old First Deer with a bow!!
« Reply #4 on: October 17, 2013, 07:17:28 AM »
but who's smile is bigger..........his or Dad's  8)

way to go guys
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Re: 10 year old First Deer with a bow!!
« Reply #5 on: October 17, 2013, 08:14:29 AM »
Congratulations to that young man!  I still remember my first Deer and to take him on an adventure like that I am sure he will to.

Where are the pictures of dead pigs?

See any snakes?

We did see a Copperhead so that was pretty cool.  actually had to check out the blind every morning just in case we had a visitor. 

We did see some pigs but did not get a chance to shoot any.  Once he got the deer, I was pretty much relegated to bystander for any other creatures that may come in.  We were allowed to shoot 1 buck each and 5 does each and unlimited hogs.  The ranch was participating in a state sponsored QDM program and we were required to shoot deer that were a minimum of 4 1/2.  They were definitely around but were not going to give the 10 year a shot opportunity.  He had a chance at a cull buck (3 1/2 year old that was high and wide but only a 3x3) but a spike buck started snorting when he was getting ready to shoot, may have seen movement or something.  After the doe, we were on the trophy buck program and I was in charge of the rangefinder!!  LOL


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Re: 10 year old First Deer with a bow!!
« Reply #6 on: October 17, 2013, 09:29:28 AM »
Rick, you must be really proude of that young man...I wouldn't have been able to keep still at 10 if a deer walked in...You better buy one more freezer!!!
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Re: 10 year old First Deer with a bow!!
« Reply #7 on: October 17, 2013, 10:40:55 AM »
Congrat's to you both.  Can't wait to get my little man out hunting.


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Re: 10 year old First Deer with a bow!!
« Reply #8 on: October 17, 2013, 12:56:27 PM »
What's better being in Austin for BBQ and music or Texas deer huntin with the kids?

Never heard how you and you're daughter made out back at home. Drop me a line would like to hear if you got anything on the cameras.

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Re: 10 year old First Deer with a bow!!
« Reply #9 on: October 17, 2013, 01:33:13 PM »
What's better being in Austin for BBQ and music or Texas deer huntin with the kids?

Never heard how you and you're daughter made out back at home. Drop me a line would like to hear if you got anything on the cameras.


I never made it to the Austin city Limits but the texas BBQ was enjoyed a couple of times.  The amount of food that we were served at the BBQ and Mexican restaurants was ridiculous.   Pretty much good for 24 hours after those meals.

Emily has been out a couple of times and missed a doe.  She is definitely zeroed in on getting a bear, this getting up at 4:30 in the morning to hunt deer is more of a challenge than a 12 year old girl wants.  LOL  Anyway, I am still hoping to get her out a few more times this fall.


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Re: 10 year old First Deer with a bow!!
« Reply #10 on: October 18, 2013, 08:39:23 PM »
Way to go!