We had out F&G association meeting in Rocky tonight and went over and voted on the resolutions for the Feb 2014 conference.
A number of resolutions that were voted down last year have come up again in a similar way. There are a few resolutions calling for more restrictions on outfitters and some asking for full disclosure of the number of permits per area and success and such for non residents and non resident aliens.
The limited harvest of bull trout resolution that we discussed here a while back was there.
A few were geared to change limits on perch and pike. With the suggestion that it would "simplify the regulations".
Some asking for changes in some of the draws particularly to deal with bow hunting.
Requests for a season on morning doves and a season on sandhill cranes.
Nothing that I would say is too earth shattering or controversial.
These resolutions all go into the head office at the same time so one group should not know what another group is submitting. And it is interesting how one area's resolution calls for...regulate the majority of yellow perch populations with the current Provincial standard of 15- fish per day harvest... and then the next resolution calls for ...that regulation changes on lakes requiring special yellow perch limits be established when biological information supports...
So we voted for one and against the other.
Some of the guys feel the deer numbers will really take a hit this winter. Any resolution that had the word "antlerless season" in it got some of them kind of riled up.