Screw them and their tags..
Judge not and ye shall not be judged.
And it is evident by the posts on here that "we" are so much more civilized than "them".
Robin, I know you have a strong do I. These muslim (terrorists) fanatics will wipe us out if we don't judge them. I believe in an eye for an eye. You come over here and kill our innocent children, women and men and your asking for it. So yes, I will judge and fight them with every breath of my being. Sit back and do NOTHING and you will see the end result and it won't be pretty.Sometimes you make alot of sense and sometimes you don't....this time you don't.
I do not believe in "HATE". The man in question was convicted and sentenced and is serving a term in prison. Members on this forum saying he is slime, garbage and should have been shot is what I object to. To me that is wrong. (I know you have not said that Tuc)
Yes I am aware that there are non-christians that hold with the "an eye for and eye" view point. I feel sorry for them.There are people who do evil things and there are people who then think it is ok to respond by doing evil things to them.