Author Topic: Alberta Wild Horses!!  (Read 1829 times)


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Alberta Wild Horses!!
« on: February 23, 2014, 03:46:29 PM »
Hey Guys! Haven't been on here much for a while but this topics is one that could affect hunters in a big way. Many will have seen the controversy on the current cull going on to remove some of the wild horse. This cull is a great thing. Horses have a place out there but for sure need population control and herd reductions. So here is the scoop... all the bunny hugging save the horse people are pushing for this to be shut down!! Pushing for the horse to be protected. Not a new deal but the issue comes now that there is a drug in the states thats is being used there and that could be used for contraception on these horses that is administered via a dart gun. All great in controlling horses I guess but the kicker comes in here. What happens when this form of population control becomes cheaper and more readily available? Now do the need hunters to help control populations? Now they administer drugs to hold populations where they want them and us as hunters no longer can get tags. Hunts like the suffield cow elk season will be a thing of the past. Especially as its perfected into a long term drug. So everyone talks about hunting opportunities being less and all that now. Well you just wait till these wingnuts get this stuff going through. We as tag paying hunters will be paying for a drug to be administered that inevitably will take away our passion as we know it. I started the page to get both sides as there are already 5 or 6 to save the horses that anyone with a difference of oppinion just gets banned. Im kicked out of 4(I know I know shocker for me to get banned LOL). Anyways I hope a bunch of guys and gals like the page but please say what you think of the situations. If you want the horses there with protection by all means say so but also say if you support a cull or if you want them removed all together. The facts need to be out there on what the majority of people think. So far they are the only ones working at this. We need to stop them in their tracks. The other bad part is a bunch of them dont even live in Alberta but think they should be deciding the fate of what happens here!! So lets see your ideas.

Here is one you may want to check out and is the main page trying to protect the horses!!

And the petition to have them protected!!!

Thanks people. Hope you jump in on this!!
« Last Edit: February 23, 2014, 03:48:48 PM by sheepguide »
I hunt sheep to see over the next mountain not to measure the next trophy!

Maximus Outdoor Adventures Prostaff

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Re: Alberta Wild Horses!!
« Reply #1 on: February 23, 2014, 06:13:29 PM »
I believe wild horses belong in the wild but numbers should be kept in check. Too many of them can eat a lot grass effecting other wildlife. Wolves don't really have any effect on the herds other than taking the odd colt now and then.


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Re: Alberta Wild Horses!!
« Reply #2 on: February 24, 2014, 12:26:44 AM »
Have a watch on this.

The drug can be used for any animal basically. It could be used to control every animal we hunt here in  Alberta. Whats to stop them once they prove its a viable method with the wild horses?? Pretty soon its the deer herds, the elk on suffield. The sheep on Cadomin. Pretty soon hunting isnt needed for population control. Pretty soon numbers are held to where numbers are stable and at a level that hunting isnt viable any more. I know im not going to just sit around and wait for it!!

Here is a quote right from the people involved with the drug!!   

"if it has a hoof, it will work" - Dr Jay Kirkpatrick
I hunt sheep to see over the next mountain not to measure the next trophy!

Maximus Outdoor Adventures Prostaff

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Re: Alberta Wild Horses!!
« Reply #3 on: February 24, 2014, 08:06:35 PM »
Not saying it would never happen sheep but I think it is a long ways out there if at all.. There is to much money involved in the hunting industry for governments to drop it or stop it,, way to much money. Hunting is a cash cow for businesses and governments and money talks,, it rules in this world.

But as far as the horses are concerned,, sound like a lot of money to be wasted on useless virmon.. Why drug what you can shoot for a fraction of the cost.


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Re: Alberta Wild Horses!!
« Reply #4 on: March 01, 2014, 11:42:56 PM »
Not saying it would never happen sheep but I think it is a long ways out there if at all.. There is to much money involved in the hunting industry for governments to drop it or stop it,, way to much money. Hunting is a cash cow for businesses and governments and money talks,, it rules in this world.

But as far as the horses are concerned,, sound like a lot of money to be wasted on useless virmon.. Why drug what you can shoot for a fraction of the cost.

Your right Walleyes. Im sure the antis would never think about fighting to control Grizz numbers, Buffalo numbers or anything others via PZP to stop animals from being killed. You think its hard to get a Griz hunt back now? Just imagin if the antis push this for controling numbers instead of hunters. What about sterilization of over populating populations that aren't in huntable areas but do contribute to our huntable populations such as the bighorns in places like Cadomin mine? And sure maybe its a long ways down the road but each foothold stuff like this drug get the harder down the road it is to fight.
I hunt sheep to see over the next mountain not to measure the next trophy!

Maximus Outdoor Adventures Prostaff

Mountain Hunting FaceBook Page