Guys, we would really appreciate having Rocks welcomed on here no matter what the case. Locked or unlocked. He is a great sportsman and I know I always have enjoyed his contributions.
Thanks for the non apology.
Screw them and their tags..
Again what's the problem with guests?
New members?Hell we got a good group here..just pass the beer and it's party
Just thought maybe not being as public was a good idea. Typing in a user name and password is to hard to have a look around.
No worries Jimmy personally I just don't see the down side, unless there's some evil that can be done by being a guest. How would you know if you wanted to join if you couldn't see what you're getting into.
People guests aren't always legit people, sometimes they are search engines, sometimes they are spam bots. If you see 50 guest half will be legit people.
Or they think **** this I can't lurk anymore no sense coming back
We could ask all the guests what they
To note at the moment there were 44 guests 9 were spambots and 2 we're search engines that leaves 33 lurkers you guys should sign up. In fact all lurkers that sign up and post here in the next hour go into a draw for a $100 cabelas gift card!
$100 gift card?Please excuse me while I open another account.....joking..