Jimmy what do these guys remind you of??
You are off the mark a bit. There is 98 percent less b.s. than other forums. I am sorry to read that somebody pissed in your corn flakes this morning. Milk versus urine is a much better choice. ;
Screw them and their tags..
Albertahuntress so far I have seen you add nothing of value to this forum, you have said lots of crap that more than one person on here has held there tongue about, maybe you should try to do the same. Deerman I will make sure to have a shit fit about everything you say that I disagree with from now on.I thought this forum had potential but its turning out to be the same bunch of spineless whiners that are everywhere else.Paul I appreciate your efforts here.
I can laugh and like at whatever I like. And quite frankly I like not being bombarded with JustinC's negativity right now. You're entitled to your opinion about me and my "valueless" posts. You don't have to read or reply on them if you don't like. I hope you have a better day today. Smile it gets you so much further!
Any other feedback on the logo would be good. I had some other ideas like instead if antlers a silhouette of the province maybe.
Thats it Jimmy Dorks
Kind of low don't you think? Talking #%!~ about someone When there under a suspension I guess age has nothing to do with maturity you are like what 70 ?
You have has a pout on ever since your pal got the boot.. For those of is that are full time members,, trust me it's a breath of fresh air. Just like huntress is a breath of fresh air around here,, myself and I would think just about everyone else enjoy her light heartedness.
I made a little joke that some of the more mature people had a laugh at (maybe JustinC would even have a laugh at it). But I guess you didn't see the humor in it and thought i was "Talking #%!~". What are you like 12?
I had some other ideas like instead if antlers a silhouette of the province maybe
I spoke too soon about Spring yesterday lol. Its now full on blizzarding white out here lol. Stay smilin' all
Just make the best of it.Like put on your bikini and go make a snow angel..