Just make the best of it.
Like put on your bikini and go make a snow angel.. 
Oh Sonny! You crack me uppppp!!!! Hehehe
And Bonnie, I have to agree its nice to have a way to conversate with other lady hunters. My whole reason for coming to AS to meet new hunting partners (particularly women!).
Do you know how intimidating it is for a woman to come to a male dominated hunting forum and try to contribute something that you avid hardcore men haven't already thought of or discussed? I don't have a massive bull elk pic or story to share.....not yet at least.
But thanks to the guys here (Lurch you mostly) I got my weasel in 24h! And maybe one day ill have an elk or moose that will compete with you guys....but til then I'm here to learn from you guys. And take in as much as I can. Because I don't have friends or family who hunt, have been trying to teach myself for 4 years. Sorry if I don't have the experience u guys do.
But you don't see me cutting people down for not being able to contribute as much. That was a low blow but I'm turning the other cheek sir! And got my big girl pants on

hehehe you won't scare me off that easily.
I got nothing but eager eyes and ears for you guys!