Screw them and their tags..
Most of those peons behind the firtearms counter wouldn't know their azz from a hole in the ground. They'll keep doing things the way they always done regardless of the new laws. If I went in there to buy a gun and they started recording my information I too would walk.
Sorry. But that warranty thing is bull.your warranty is your receipt as serial number should be on it and some have registration cards in the gun box as well. So really no info needs to be recorded. Only thing that is required is to verify pal is valid.
So what year was it started that it was required to use an FAC and stores documented new rifle sales? I bought my first when I was 14 (23 years ago) and it was put through on my parents FAC and was documented on a ledger and all that same as it seems places are doing now.
From what I've read the cfo's are making a ledger a condition of the licence to retailers, giving the cfo's unrestricted access, and that's the problem.
1977 Bill C-51 passed in the House of Commons. It then received Senate approval and Royal Assent on August 5. The two biggest changes included requirements for Firearms Acquisition Certificates (FACs) and requirements for Firearms and Ammunition Business Permits.1979 The requirements for FACs and Firearms and Ammunition Business Permits came into force. Both involved the screening of applicants and record-keeping systems. Provinces were given the option of requiring FAC applicants to take a firearm safety course.Before these dates you were able to walk into a store and buy a rifle and there were no records kept except your receipt for warranty. So since 1979 there was a record keeping system in place for the purchase of all firearms, the Liberal gun registry brought a system in for all guns acquired prior to these dates. Its my opinion they will never distroy these records. Some one (government) somewhere will always have a copy of what we own unless you were one of the few who chose not to register all your firearms before the Conservatives dismantled it.
“I instruct all Chief Firearms Officers to ensure that the licensing conditions you impose on business records pursuant to the Firearms Act do not facilitate the creation of long-gun registries in your jurisdictions,” commissioner Paulson said in the May 10 statement.[/b]