Author Topic: Canada 's First Nations Debate - Globe & Mail.  (Read 3385 times)


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Re: Canada 's First Nations Debate - Globe & Mail.
« Reply #20 on: January 16, 2013, 07:11:44 PM »
 ^^^  You may get your chance Sonny.  One of these days someone is going to smash some of these road blockers and all hell is going to break loose.

Look at these clowns on hiway 2 today:

In the last video the reserve bouncer and chief head-dress are a hoot.  They own the hiway apparently.  I would have had a hard time not laughing at them both.  On hiway 63 he would have found out how tough he wasn'
I think I see a rip in the social fabric, Brother can you spare some ammo?
Gettin' down on the mountain, gettin' down on the mountain


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Re: Canada 's First Nations Debate - Globe & Mail.
« Reply #21 on: January 16, 2013, 09:10:25 PM »
It will boil over soon and all hell will break loose, you just wait and see.


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Re: Canada 's First Nations Debate - Globe & Mail.
« Reply #22 on: January 16, 2013, 10:03:58 PM »
It will boil over soon and all hell will break loose, you just wait and see.

I think you are right and this is going to make Oka look like a pinic..


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Re: Canada 's First Nations Debate - Globe & Mail.
« Reply #23 on: January 16, 2013, 10:29:04 PM »
White people blocking hiway 2 would be pepper sprayed and beaten, then put in jail....just saying.


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Re: Canada 's First Nations Debate - Globe & Mail.
« Reply #24 on: January 16, 2013, 11:07:59 PM »
White people blocking hiway 2 would be pepper sprayed and beaten, then put in jail....just saying.

And tasered....just sayin"

Joe Fehr

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Re: Canada 's First Nations Debate - Globe & Mail.
« Reply #25 on: January 17, 2013, 05:31:34 AM »
An Oil Company can not stop traffic in an emergency but INM can stop traffic when ever they like? Come on now get a job you bums....


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Re: Canada 's First Nations Debate - Globe & Mail.
« Reply #26 on: January 17, 2013, 06:40:52 AM »
The world is watching…

I bet James Cameron will become involved 


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Re: Canada 's First Nations Debate - Globe & Mail.
« Reply #27 on: January 17, 2013, 07:12:04 AM »
I agree this is going to get messy before it is done.


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Re: Canada 's First Nations Debate - Globe & Mail.
« Reply #28 on: January 17, 2013, 09:41:00 AM »

I think the Canadian tax payers should start a movement:

Enough is Enough...........

On a very serious note and regarding the "Idle No More" movement, I offer the following:

Over the years we have all listened and watched as successive Canadian governments have tried to deal with the residue of our colonial past.  On the evidence, a wide range of policies, and a huge amount of our money, has failed to solve a seemingly insolvable problem of abortive aboriginal treaties, perceived entitlements, and social disasters.  Many good people on both sides of the fence have spent lives of frustration using different administrative models to no lasting effect.

The only consistent result of over 100 years of wasted time, money and lives is the fact that, for many, being a treaty aboriginal has become a business in and of itself; Aboriginal Incorporated has become a way of life, a leadership management philosophy, a negotiating tool, a public spectacle, and a very lucrative business model, at least for a few.  The latest public display of Chief Spence and her Aboriginal Inc. handlers has backfired and, with the release of the audit report on her financial management of millions of tax dollars, we see what really is the issue: The criminal misappropriation of funds intended to help the social ills of an important but socially failing segment of the Canadian population.

This has to stop. The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over, and over, while expecting a different result. A failed policy approach is a failed policy approach and over 100 years should be sufficient evidence that enough is enough.  We need to start from first principles:

1) No one in Canada is above the law of the land.
2) Your economic well-being is your responsibility.  It is not the government's job to pay you to fish and hunt.
3) Employment rules apply to everyone.  If you can't get a job where you live, then move.    Idle No More at our expense!
4) If you receive public funds, you are accountable.  Penalties apply.
5) Theft is theft; see 1) above.
6) If the funds are badly spent or the recipients do not care for the infrastructure and benefits provided, the funds will not be replaced.
7) Treaties will be respected in the context of the date of the treaty and the standards of the day.
8) Your administrative costs and the pay of your local leadership will be set by the people that fund your operation.
9) As our municipalities are governed by provincial rules, so the reserves will be governed by federal rules.

I believe this list is a good start but is clearly a work in progress.  I further believe that a valid counter to the Idle No More movement needs to be a strong Enough Is Enough movement.  Plainly said: we have had enough!

I truly hope the government gets the picture and puts its foot down once and for all.

If enough Canadians repeat this message then perhaps the abusive power of Aboriginal Inc. will be lessened and the real needs of the thousands of aboriginal Canadians in need can be met.

Enough Is Enough!


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Re: Canada 's First Nations Debate - Globe & Mail.
« Reply #29 on: January 17, 2013, 03:28:07 PM »
Tuc, I'm hoping the bulk of taxpaying Canadians will see the light and come to the same conclusion, and IMO what's going on right now could be the best thing in the long run as it's bringing reality into the light via the media.  Getting harder and harder for media who try to put a skewed version of what everyone knows to be how most people already think about this entire issue.

To be honest when I first heard the term, "Idle no more" I thought maybe certain people were going to get off their ass, pick up a hammer and fix their own damn house right before they went and got a job.  Guess I should'a known, eh?


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Re: Canada 's First Nations Debate - Globe & Mail.
« Reply #30 on: January 17, 2013, 03:52:48 PM »
Bruce, Spence may have opened a can of worms here and this 'Idle No More' could backfire and bite all FN in the azz. You can definitely see the outcry from the general public is stronger than the previous times they had their hands out. I hope the government takes note of this and finally starts the long process of dismantling these treaties and Indian act, working toward a system that gives them no more or no less than what we all are entitled too.


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Re: Canada 's First Nations Debate - Globe & Mail.
« Reply #31 on: January 17, 2013, 06:27:37 PM »
Ya and who is going say what the deserve.  The treaties need to be dismantled period.  We are all equal. No one should have anything that the next guy or girl can't have.  No more free pay cheques and no more free for all on wildlife. Same rules for every Canadian citizen. No more racisum

Never going to happen,, wishful thinking but never, not in our lifetime or our kids. Nope this current government will cave on some issues and pay out even more then wait and see when the little anti Christ himself ( Justin ) gets in. He will hand them the country in a hand basket.. All industrial improvements or approvals will have to go through them first. They will have to get their cut then it will proceed.

You all mark my words, we ain't seen nothing yet. You and I will be sitting at home with no tags to hunt and they will be running around shooting the shit out of everything,  you watch and see. No one and I mean no one has the balls or the fortitude to stand up to these terrorists, that's all they are is social terrorists no one will stand up and stop it.


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Re: Canada 's First Nations Debate - Globe & Mail.
« Reply #33 on: January 17, 2013, 09:46:39 PM »
Well we can all sit around and bitch or we can get active, I think we should really start standing up for ourselves and put away the fear of being labelled a racist just for complaining about our tax money getting wasted. You know that's how it works:

- You guys are wasting our tax money!
- You're prejudice!

- Please don't block the roads we need to get to work!
- You're racist!

- I was born here, it's my land too!
- You don't like indians!

We need to unite, show some strength, because the police and Government wont


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Re: Canada 's First Nations Debate - Globe & Mail.
« Reply #35 on: January 18, 2013, 06:25:51 AM »
Write letters to your MP and the PM.  Emails are somewhat usefu and, "may" be readl, but good old fashioned printed letters must be answered.

Here's a list of MP contact info:

Here's the PM's contact info:

Send letters to the Ott. addy rather than local. 

How's that saying go?  "All it takes for bad men to prosper is for good men to do nothing".  Same principle applies.