Screw them and their tags..
I'm happy to see everyone is discussing this very sensitive topic with respect, courtesy, and seeking the same outcome. Equality for all. I like it!!! Its clear Canadians are thirsty for change I'd almost have to like Harper....(I can't believe I just used the words 'like' and 'Harper' in the same sentence) if some of these changes are actually pushed through under his term. We're stuck with the SOB til 2015....he's already pooched the Wildlife Act, Navigable Waters Act, Fisheries Act, Environment Act, Endangered Species Act, and numerous other essential acts to protect our fish, wildlife, water and environment, all in the name of Oil and Gas, and I feel we'll never recover from his choices. He's given free reign to corporations and O&G Let call it a love hate relationship lol.
Harper is a fine leader,, the best we have had in generations.
x2! He has surpassed my expectations, that's for sure. I pegged him as a bit of a dullard in the beginning. He still moves too slow for me, but he does manage to slowly bring the country out of a Progressive swamp without spooking the horses.This "Victim Industry" we have seen for years and involving FN, those who exploit them, the many FN whose lives consist of feeling sorry for themselves and the self-loathing liberals who feed into it for their own ambitions - all of it - has to STOP.As for what happened 50 or 100 years ago...I don't really care. People did what they thought was best. They made mistakes. A few of them were bad people. Yeah, well, all of that is pretty normal. There's no more point rehashing that in hindsight than there is in rehashing the Iroquois genocide of Hurons nor the various battles and butchery between Cree and Blackfoot. Those are the pastimes of losers.
Liberal propaganda BS but one can dream,, one can dream. An equal society and an Indian peoples that supports itself and gets off my pay check,, one can dream,, one can dream.. Eqaul hunting rights for all Canadians,, one can dream one can dream.. Hundreds of millions of dollars going into legitamite projects for all Canadians,, one can dream, one can dream..
My family and I have never done anything to the first nations people in this country......Except give them our tax dollars its about time somebody put an end to this bullshit, nobody gives me anything for free. As far as a civil war goes not a chance, you may have a few idiots that will try to fight but they will be quickly stomped out. No more special treatment for anybody in this country, or give me special treatment for being a First gen Canadian of Scottish decent.