Author Topic: Cant wait for the first hot, lazy Sunday...Bow River Float  (Read 1695 times)

Calgary Dave

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Cant wait for the first hot, lazy Sunday...Bow River Float
« on: April 29, 2012, 09:34:05 AM »
Anyone here do the Bow River float?  Started doing this last year and it's a great way to enjoy a lazy day with the family.  This year's gonna be a BLAST!!  My next purchase:

Built-in cupholders, built-in coolers FTW!!


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Re: Cant wait for the first hot, lazy Sunday...Bow River Float
« Reply #1 on: April 29, 2012, 04:37:24 PM »
A friend from work and I were going to book a trip sometime this year to float it with a guide and try to catch a few big trout.  I'm not a fly fisherman or one of those hard core fisherman types but I have always wanted to do a guided trip with someone that could teach me a few things and show me how to catch one of those big Brown trout.  It's on my bucket list so maybe this year! 

Floating for fun would be a riot as well.  Looks like quite the ride with what is in the picture

Calgary Dave

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Re: Cant wait for the first hot, lazy Sunday...Bow River Float
« Reply #2 on: April 29, 2012, 05:56:55 PM »
A friend from work and I were going to book a trip sometime this year to float it with a guide and try to catch a few big trout.  I'm not a fly fisherman or one of those hard core fisherman types but I have always wanted to do a guided trip with someone that could teach me a few things and show me how to catch one of those big Brown trout.  It's on my bucket list so maybe this year! 

Floating for fun would be a riot as well.  Looks like quite the ride with what is in the picture

I grew up flyfishing on BC lakes.  Where you can feel and see pretty much every little nibble and brush by the fish.  When I came to Calgary, I tried fishing the Bow with no success whatsoever.  So I finally did a guided trip with a local guy and learned a WORLD of skills that I never would have without that.  Caught over a dozen large Browns that day.  Well worth the money.  I didn't do a float guide though...walk n wade.  But it was a fantastic day.

As for recreational floating , that is a blast.  I know there are idiots that leave litter and stuff like that.  But all the times we floated last year I didn't see anything that took away from our enjoyment. We put in under Glenmore overpass and came out at Fish creek.  About a 3 hour float.  This year will be a few longer floats.  Might even try going through Harvie Passage. 


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Re: Cant wait for the first hot, lazy Sunday...Bow River Float
« Reply #3 on: April 29, 2012, 09:41:43 PM »
there is nothing better than a day long river float... in my mind anyway

Calgary Dave

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Re: Cant wait for the first hot, lazy Sunday...Bow River Float
« Reply #4 on: April 30, 2012, 05:50:09 PM »
  Dave who did your guiding trip you did?

I think his name was Brian.  He used to own Bowcrow Fishing Adventures. He turned it over to a couple of new guys a few years back.  They still have many great trips.  Bow, Livingstone, Highwood, Crowsnest.  We started at 7:00 am and went til dark.  Man, was my arm sore the next day.  But it was a blast! We started down under the bridge on the Deerfoot, and then came up to around the dog park at Southland. 


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Re: Cant wait for the first hot, lazy Sunday...Bow River Float
« Reply #5 on: May 03, 2012, 09:57:13 AM »

Any bow river recreationelists have big issues with jet boaters and personal water craft (sea-doo) traffic?  Or are they just another minor irritant?

Calgary Dave

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Re: Cant wait for the first hot, lazy Sunday...Bow River Float
« Reply #6 on: May 03, 2012, 07:13:15 PM »
Well I know who you are talking about.  If you ever want to go drop me a pm and I will go out with you.  I live 5 min walk from the river in the area were you are talking.  I even have two pontoon boats if that turns your crank.

I would love to take you up on that offer, and thank you.  I really wished I fished more here at home.  I just never seem to have the time.  Like I said, about the only time I get a hook in the water is when we go camping, or I visit my old man back in BC.   It seems weekends and evenings are filled with either working, chores, or family time. 

Any bow river recreationelists have big issues with jet boaters and personal water craft (sea-doo) traffic?  Or are they just another minor irritant?

Not me at all.  I see the river cops zooming up and down the river all the time and the odd private jet boat, and  I just enjoy something else to look at.  Same as all the other people floating.  No matter how crowded the river gets, there is rarely more than half a dozen within shouting distance.  Still plenty of room for everyone to enjoy.