Author Topic: Distracted Driver Law..  (Read 1515 times)


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Distracted Driver Law..
« on: September 20, 2011, 07:00:06 PM »
So I was cruising west on Hwy#1 this afternoon doing my normal 117 when slowly this cop cruiser comes rolling up alongside me. No big deal on that Hwy even the cops cruise around 115 to 120 on it. But as this guy is coming alongside I watch as he pulls up and I couldn't beleive it,, the officer is typing on his fricken lap top mounted beside him,, yah the mounty driving is typing on his lap top while driving. I see this and it kind of blows my mind. I let it go but the longer I think about it it starts to bother me. So I boot it up a little bit and catch up the to the guy and yup he is still doing it typing on his damn lap top. Well I kind of snapped a bit,, a few wild hand jesters of WTF are you doing !! He gives me quite the look like he definitely ain't use to getting shit from people. I drop off and let him drive on..

But really folks what up with this. We can't even talk on a damn phone in our vehicles but these guys can type on a damn computer while driving !!! Talk about get my blood boiling or what..


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Re: Distracted Driver Law..
« Reply #1 on: September 20, 2011, 08:50:44 PM »
I am certain there will be several complaints about police behavior regarding this law. I have seen them on cell phones countless times prior to the law, there will be some that think the law doesn't apply to them because they are "doing their jobs".

A guy I know got stopped for a lift kit (a mutual person we know by the way Terry). The cop said his mudflaps were too short. So the guy asked "what length do they need to be exactly?". The cop didn't know so instead he told the guy he had too much stuff on his dash and windshield, satellite radio, radar detector, gps, etc. So he told the cop "what about all the shit obstructing your vision? Your laptop, radar gun, radios". The cop let him go "with a warning".



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Re: Distracted Driver Law..
« Reply #2 on: September 21, 2011, 06:40:31 AM »
I think there's some kind of a clause in the DD law to allow for talking on a cell phone if it's integral to one's job, ie. police ect.   Not sure how it pertains to driving down the road and typing on a laptop though lol.  The whole law is BS, IMO.  Most people I know are quite capable of safely operating a vehicle, and talking at the same time, what difference does it make if it happens to be on a phone?  Typing on a laptop, that really IS distracted!


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Re: Distracted Driver Law..
« Reply #3 on: September 21, 2011, 08:15:11 AM »
We already had, "driving with undue care and attention", on the books.  This dd BS is just one more removal of our freedoms by making another stupid law that was completely unnecessary rather than actually ENFORCE the law that's already on the books.

In other words, it's just another road tax against people who are not the problem.  Redundant laws like this are just one more reason the RCMP has no credibility with the populace anymore.  People can see through BS a mile away, and this is nothing but BS.  The problem lies not with the RCMP, they're just the tax collectors.  The real problem lies with politicians who have no foresight or leadership abilities.

Unless I'm mistaken could the police not sit at the exit of tim hortons and ticket Every Single Car leaving the drivethrough???

Completely ludicrous, but does't it make you, "feel good" ?  'Cause that's it's purpose.  Oh, and before you know it, you'll not miss those freedoms our politicians just stole. 

Just one more thing to remember on election day!

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Re: Distracted Driver Law..
« Reply #4 on: September 21, 2011, 08:49:09 AM »
Whenever I'm on the road and a cop passes me without his lights flashing, I follow them, matching their speed but staying a safe distance behind them so I'm not tailgating.  If they can speed, so can I.  They are bound by the same laws as us, and are not allowed to speed any more than we are.  The only exception is when their lights are on and they are going to the scene of an accident, etc.   


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Re: Distracted Driver Law..
« Reply #5 on: September 21, 2011, 11:40:21 AM »
To bad I have a Blackberry and I dont have the video activated or I swear I would of got a vid of it or at least a couple pics and I swear they would be up on youtube and where ever I could get them..


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Re: Distracted Driver Law..
« Reply #6 on: September 21, 2011, 01:57:26 PM »
To bad I have a Blackberry and I dont have the video activated or I swear I would of got a vid of it or at least a couple pics and I swear they would be up on youtube and where ever I could get them..

LOL that would be funny.  I am not sure anybody is too happy with this new law. (except maybe my wife who starts yelling DISTRACTED DRIVER! DISTRACTED DRIVER! every time i check by text messages LOL).


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Re: Distracted Driver Law..
« Reply #7 on: September 21, 2011, 03:45:30 PM »
I should probably create a soundproof shield around my drivers seat because there is nothing more distracting than crying kids and a back seat driving nagging wife  ;D