Author Topic: Don't Forget to Vote Tomorrow  (Read 4395 times)


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Don't Forget to Vote Tomorrow
« on: May 04, 2015, 09:48:52 AM »
Get out there tomorrow and vote in the Provincial Election.

Vote for whoever represents the ideals that are good for you. 
I won't try to sway anyone's decision as it is a personal choice.
Be informed and do what is the best for you.  Sift through the rhetoric, the past histories, the platforms, and the campaign information.
I have already made my decision and voted on Saturday in the advanced poll.  Very easy, it took under 5 minutes.
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Re: Don't Forget to Vote Tomorrow
« Reply #1 on: May 04, 2015, 12:10:38 PM »
Been trying to convince non voters to at least go and scratch a ballot. Even if you hate all the politicians, spoiling a ballot makes others realize how many people would vote for a different party. If more people would do at least that much, then a count of how many people don't have a party to vote for is possible. Not going just shows your lazy, while a voided ballot shows you would vote, if only you had someone who believes in what you believe in.
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Re: Don't Forget to Vote Tomorrow
« Reply #2 on: May 04, 2015, 07:02:57 PM »
If ever there was an election to vote in its this one. We have a seriuos threat in Alberta this go round and that's the NDP. This cancer has to be stopped before it has the chance to destroy our province. Get out there and do your part to stop it.
Westerner by birth, Canadian by law, Albertan by the grace of God.

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Re: Don't Forget to Vote Tomorrow
« Reply #3 on: May 04, 2015, 07:44:57 PM »
Ya, right on Walleyes, choose your poison wisely.  You can pick cancer (NDP), dementia (PC), or schizophrenia (WRP).....
I think I see a rip in the social fabric, Brother can you spare some ammo?
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Re: Don't Forget to Vote Tomorrow
« Reply #4 on: May 04, 2015, 09:12:35 PM »
Got er done Friday at the advanced polls. ;)


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Re: Don't Forget to Vote Tomorrow
« Reply #5 on: May 04, 2015, 09:13:16 PM »
voting done...pc still left crap in my mail box which is located by the ndp party sign and its the large one. :o
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Re: Don't Forget to Vote Tomorrow
« Reply #6 on: May 04, 2015, 11:51:15 PM »
This made me piss myself


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Re: Don't Forget to Vote Tomorrow
« Reply #7 on: May 05, 2015, 08:10:42 AM »
This made me smile too.
I think I see a rip in the social fabric, Brother can you spare some ammo?
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Re: Don't Forget to Vote Tomorrow
« Reply #8 on: May 05, 2015, 08:42:30 AM »
voting done...pc still left crap in my mail box which is located by the ndp party sign and its the large one. :o

So you are choosing to stall Alberta's economy even worse than it is. I see some do get fooled by shinny new things,, the thing is how do you pay for those shinny new things. The NDP has proven its self in every attempt that it can not, does not and will never work in a capitalist based economy. You talk about debt,, geez man show me one place the NDP have been and haven't utterly destroyed that province just one,, please.

Un fricken believable !!!
Westerner by birth, Canadian by law, Albertan by the grace of God.

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Re: Don't Forget to Vote Tomorrow
« Reply #9 on: May 05, 2015, 08:45:15 AM »
On top of that its a wasted vote. It will never be allowed in Alberta, the NDP will never rule. The incumbent government does not have to give up its seat. If by some chance the commies get in the PC's and WR would form a coalition party and over rule them. Alberta will not be thrown to the dogs,, never happen.
Westerner by birth, Canadian by law, Albertan by the grace of God.

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Re: Don't Forget to Vote Tomorrow
« Reply #10 on: May 05, 2015, 09:56:17 AM »
I was hoping my thread wouldn't turn into a party support soap box, but that is likely unavoidable now.

People will vote their conscience.  So many people try to influence other's votes with great rants of opinion.  That strategy so often backfires and results in an even stronger resolve.
I think that is exactly what we are seeing in the polls on this election.  Prentice has failed miserably in the campaign.  Whether or not that will translate into votes will be seen tonite.
I don't want a socialist government either, but the PC's and WRP have royally screwed up (BIG TIME).  People are honestly sick of their bs.  Prentice is correct in saying that Alberta is not an NDP province but he had better realize that voters will not put up with PC corruption and bullshit any longer.  If he survives this election, it had better be a wake up call. 
I think I see a rip in the social fabric, Brother can you spare some ammo?
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Re: Don't Forget to Vote Tomorrow
« Reply #11 on: May 05, 2015, 02:41:07 PM »
no soapbox but I agree with walleyes.  It would be a sad day that we would pay for for 25 years if the NDP were put in power.  A trail of economic destruction has followed the NDP where ever they have been elected.

At the end of the day, the quality of life, pay scale etc is better for every Albertan than any other province.  Even with a few screw-ups by the PC's - why would we risk losing that forever??


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Re: Don't Forget to Vote Tomorrow
« Reply #12 on: May 05, 2015, 10:57:18 PM »
On top of that its a wasted vote. It will never be allowed in Alberta, the NDP will never rule. The incumbent government does not have to give up its seat. If by some chance the commies get in the PC's and WR would form a coalition party and over rule them. Alberta will not be thrown to the dogs,, never happen.

Just wondering what crow tastes like.... Looks like an NDP majority, the WRP in opposition and the PCs with less seats than a suburban.

Its a good thing really... The WRP isnt ready to be top dog... albertans get to see actual democracy in action for the first time in  40'years and the PCs get what they deserved.


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Re: Don't Forget to Vote Tomorrow
« Reply #13 on: May 06, 2015, 07:52:51 AM »
Not sure what qualified as a "few mistakes". Only remembering that last couple? Long term memory problems?
 Look at the destruction of hunting and fishing opportunities. We have had this sector of our lives mismanaged for decades. Look at how much money the false barbless hook law cost Albertans. Look at what environmental damage has been encouraged by the PC's. IF you actually paid attention to the big picture, you might see why the crooked bugger's are looking for real jobs today.

As for the NDP ruining the other provinces, a province without diversity in its economy is doomed. A province that has a democratic dictatorship is going to be doomed as badly. The PC's have been spending OUR tax money stupidly for decades and it caught up to them. We have only heard of the biggest wastes of money, all the small wastage adds up to even more than that.


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Re: Don't Forget to Vote Tomorrow
« Reply #14 on: May 06, 2015, 10:40:37 AM »
Well,, crow certainly doesn't taste good it's a bad taste.

This is very dark days for Alberta and I don't mean this in any light way. The lifestyle we have come to know in this province the lifestyle that was the envy of the country is over. Many, many bankruptcies for large and small businesses are on the way. It's gone with the stroke of a pen.. It's ironoc really, the people that have brought this on are all the people that have moved here from other provinces and brought their socialist ideals with them. The same ideals that wrecked havoc with their homes, the reasons they had to leave and come here to work they have now brought here and have destroyed our province. This goes so far beyond what people think. So many lives are going to be destroyed, so many young families with good jobs lost, so many retirement funds and plans gone. So many young men and women with educations in the sector lost and gone. I can think of so many friends with long running family businesses that were on the cusp of selling out to large investment firms for nice retirement funds that will now most likely go broke. I feel so bad for those people. 30 - 40 years of family work gone. Their equipment will be on the auction block and all their plans lost. It's just scary beyond what any can emagine.

What comes next is a Liberal federal government. Alberta was a PC strong hold its obviously gone. What's next is a liberal government combined with a communist provincial government,, it's just simply dark days and there is just no way around it.

I really haven't felt this bad, this hopeless in a very long time if ever, I have truly lost hope of any recovery. The price drop in resources is nothing compared to this. We all knew the price would go up, this is truly worse.

Paul, I truly hope the best for you and your company, it doesn't look good my friend it's going to be a scary trip.

My wife and I are seriously concerned. We put a lot of our money into our new home with the anticipation of selling in 5 - 6 years in a prosperous economy and using that a a nice retirement nest egg. It's now gone, i am sure the value of my property has dropped by a couple hundred thousand over night. there is no point in even putting it up for sale now, this is so bad.

Best of luck to all unfortunately the future is very dark for us,, very dark.
« Last Edit: May 06, 2015, 10:51:24 AM by Walleyes »
Westerner by birth, Canadian by law, Albertan by the grace of God.

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Re: Don't Forget to Vote Tomorrow
« Reply #15 on: May 06, 2015, 02:42:48 PM »
Thank Christ I own land in Sunny Sask. that I can build on and move to!!!  I, for the most part, grew up under the communists in Sask., thus my reason for being in Alberta.  As Walleyes has indicated, it is truly a shame that the transients brought their politics here to wreck the economy, like the economies in their respective provinces were demolished by the socialist governments that they voted for!!


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Re: Don't Forget to Vote Tomorrow
« Reply #16 on: May 07, 2015, 12:22:18 PM »
           It was pretty sad watching the election results come in.  The NDP's track record is pretty poor but maybe the one thing going for us is just the huge amount of infrastucture and investment that has already been put into Alberta before these socialists got voted in.  To me Notley hasn't come off all that horrible and hopefully she realizes that governing in Alberta means supporting Industry.  Luckily in four years we have the option of voting them out.  Keep in mind that over half of alberta voters chose either PC or WRP and I'm sure that is not lost on the NDP.   

          Just trying to be optimistic...
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Re: Don't Forget to Vote Tomorrow
« Reply #17 on: May 07, 2015, 03:07:51 PM »
Do you mean all the infrastructure that the PC's have left to crumble? The hospitals with millions of dollars of postponed maintenance? The school's that are struggling to pay for everything? The seniors who are crowding our hospitals because the government never paid attention to the demographics? We all know how many seniors around us that have no place to go.
 Look at the waste the crooked broad wasted on her extravagant lifestyle. The license plate study that cost Albertans 9 million, just to decide to add one more digit. Or killing the health care boards and retiring their buddies for millions.

Maybe you should get out of Alberta, and let a business owner come in who isn't afraid to pay their share of taxes. Tired of paying double the rate of taxes as the business. I have to struggle to make ends meet in a building that profits a million a month. I haven't had a vacation in years but I bet you business owners have. Probably wrote it off on your taxes too.
 If you can't afford to pay a little more taxes, you must be doing something wrong. I have no choice, whenever us employees get hit with tax increases, they just take it from my mouth.

Go whine elsewhere. The majority of voters made it quite clear, you need to pay your share of the bill. The last two idiot leaders YOU elected showed the population just what they thought of the common person. Now we will see how much money has been wasted that should have been spent on that infrastructure you are referring to.


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Re: Don't Forget to Vote Tomorrow
« Reply #18 on: May 07, 2015, 03:45:03 PM »
Do you mean all the infrastructure that the PC's have left to crumble? The hospitals with millions of dollars of postponed maintenance? The school's that are struggling to pay for everything? The seniors who are crowding our hospitals because the government never paid attention to the demographics? We all know how many seniors around us that have no place to go.
 Look at the waste the crooked broad wasted on her extravagant lifestyle. The license plate study that cost Albertans 9 million, just to decide to add one more digit. Or killing the health care boards and retiring their buddies for millions.

Maybe you should get out of Alberta, and let a business owner come in who isn't afraid to pay their share of taxes. Tired of paying double the rate of taxes as the business. I have to struggle to make ends meet in a building that profits a million a month. I haven't had a vacation in years but I bet you business owners have. Probably wrote it off on your taxes too.
 If you can't afford to pay a little more taxes, you must be doing something wrong. I have no choice, whenever us employees get hit with tax increases, they just take it from my mouth.

Go whine elsewhere. The majority of voters made it quite clear, you need to pay your share of the bill. The last two idiot leaders YOU elected showed the population just what they thought of the common person. Now we will see how much money has been wasted that should have been spent on that infrastructure you are referring to.

You know what,, f@ck you !! You go whine someplace else.. This site is owned by an Alberta businessman that out of the goodness of his heart has put it out there. Pay taxes,, I pay more taxes in a year than you earn,, don't tell me about paying taxes. Are you that f@cken brain dead you think buisnesses don't pay taxes.. That's the problem with socialists they think everyone should be equal,, you think if you go to work at Walmart as a greeter for 20 years you are entitled to the same lifestyle I am when I leave home for 200 days out of the year. What seniors are you talking about that aren't looked after ?? The ones that blew all their money and never saved for their older years, the ones that figured I would feed them. My father did his part as a man and made sure my mother had enough when he left he made sure she wouldn't have to worry, her kids ensure she never wants for anything. We look after our own I don't need the government to feed my family or my old,, I do my job and look after them. What's your problem,, to useless to look after yours you want everyone else to look after them for you,, be man and look after your elders.

You want a vacation,, quit being such a lazy ass and get a decent job that allows you to take a vacation. You want to make money do the easy thing and start your own business,, it's easy all you do is make money, pay no taxes and take vacations.. It's so easy all you will do is make millions trust me.. Oh sorry forgot it's not your fault right,, it's societies,, it dealt you a raw deal,, it picks on you,, right ??

Get out of Alberta,, f@ck you,, my family has been here for over 100 years,, my Grandfather died over a stump trying to build this province and make it into something. My father was making roads and building communities in this province for 50 years. No one ever fed us nor ever will especially the government,, you need hand outs,, can't feed yourself.. Get out of Alberta,, I am Alberta you f@cker,, you get out..

Are you completely ignorant or what,, no really.. You just voted in the NDP,, every province they have ran has the highest taxes there are,, personel and corporate what the hell is wrong with you.. We as Albertans enjoyed the lowest taxes there are. . F@ck man,, do you not pay attention,, do you have a clue.. Our civil servants are the highest payed in the country our teachers and doctors the highest payed in the country some of the highest in the world. Do your home work man.. All this because of a conservative government.. We were the envy of the nation..

Diversify into what,, we are working with what we have, oil is our industry it's that simple, we can't recreate the earth and add stuff to Alberta it is what it is. We do well with agriculture and lumber but oil is what we were given in abundance so we use it. Shit man,, what's wrong with people,, they here something on TV and they think that's the way it should be. If you think we should be diversified into something else's then do it, invest in it, but it, build it, its that simple. Quit whining and wanting the government to do it for you and just do it. Why do you need a hand out to do it.
« Last Edit: May 07, 2015, 04:19:49 PM by Walleyes »
Westerner by birth, Canadian by law, Albertan by the grace of God.

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Re: Don't Forget to Vote Tomorrow
« Reply #19 on: May 07, 2015, 06:44:44 PM »
Do you mean all the infrastructure that the PC's have left to crumble? The hospitals with millions of dollars of postponed maintenance? The school's that are struggling to pay for everything? The seniors who are crowding our hospitals because the government never paid attention to the demographics? We all know how many seniors around us that have no place to go.
 Look at the waste the crooked broad wasted on her extravagant lifestyle. The license plate study that cost Albertans 9 million, just to decide to add one more digit. Or killing the health care boards and retiring their buddies for millions.

Maybe you should get out of Alberta, and let a business owner come in who isn't afraid to pay their share of taxes. Tired of paying double the rate of taxes as the business. I have to struggle to make ends meet in a building that profits a million a month. I haven't had a vacation in years but I bet you business owners have. Probably wrote it off on your taxes too.
 If you can't afford to pay a little more taxes, you must be doing something wrong. I have no choice, whenever us employees get hit with tax increases, they just take it from my mouth.

Go whine elsewhere. The majority of voters made it quite clear, you need to pay your share of the bill. The last two idiot leaders YOU elected showed the population just what they thought of the common person. Now we will see how much money has been wasted that should have been spent on that infrastructure you are referring to.

          By infrastructure what I was meaning was all the the infrastructure in industry that is in place that companies have invested billions in already.  My hope is that even the NDP's can't screw up bad enough to get such a big wheel to grind to a hault.  I will say again "hope." 

          As for infrastructure like hospitals, schools etc. I think "crumble" is a pretty strong word and frankly dishonest.  I don't think the pc's were perfect and I didn't vote for them (WRP actually).  This province has seen a huge influx of people in a short time trying to get away from places that are "have not" to alberta which has been "have."  Maybe you can explain to me why that is?  There has been some health problems in my family and with friends family recently and I can't say that I ever felt we were dealing with a crumbling health system.  There are definately problems with waste and efficiency that can be addressed I will admit but you will never convince me that the health care system is in shambles.  I have one boy in school and have no complaints that would warrant more attention by government.  I wait enough during the summer in traffic to know that there must be something happening with the roads. 

          I am not a business owner and don't know where you got that from.  I work in the oil and gas sector as a tradesmen and buddy I can guarantee you I pay my share of taxes.  I decided a long time ago that I wanted to provide a good income for my family where mom could stay at home with the kids and we could have a few nice things.  It takes a lot of hours, hard work, stress and I pay more friggin tax than a lot make in a year so don't be saying a word to me about taxes.

         This may sound simplistic but I believe there is to many people out there that got fed the bit from mom and dad that if they got a degree (doesn't matter what completely useless field) they would be living the good life and all us blue collar grunts would be their pool boys.  Well it just aint that way in Alberta and those people are the type that vote NDP. 

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