Author Topic: e mountain biking  (Read 590 times)

Twin Valleys

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e mountain biking
« on: September 03, 2019, 06:56:57 PM »
any pedal bikers on here, with the first day of school today and my 5th year of retirement from school after 40 years teaching, quite happy to celebrate the first day of school on my bike on a beautiful day here in southern Alberta, after renting battery assisted bikes on a small island in the Cook Islands last spring found we had a blast on them, you can petal with limited assist and wear off last nights happy hour and the better half rides along with more assist keeping her happy, so much fun stopping to watch the local polynesian with machete whacking the coconuts to feed his hogs and so forth, got me thinking, looking at an e-bike for both of us to use while camping in our home province, anybody have any experience with these bikes and suggestions what might make a good purchase, after years of hunting and fishing and running into some major back issues my mountain bike was a great purchase to get me back out in the back country again ...


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Re: e mountain biking
« Reply #1 on: September 03, 2019, 07:43:18 PM »
I do quite a bit of biking as part of my workout, at 60 it’s easier on my knees then running, and out here in the county the back roads are great to ride on. The bike is a great way to stay in shape and easy on the body. Can’t help much with where to get good deals on bikes, believe it or not my mountain bike is 30 years old, it was top of the line back then and I guess I’m little nuts about looking after my stuff, so the wheels are still turning.


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Re: e mountain biking
« Reply #2 on: September 04, 2019, 10:05:10 AM »

I wonder how an e bike would be able to handle colder temperatures, crossing streams, mud, rocks, branches.....and recharging from a "current bush".

I figure a little more testing might be required.

Twin Valleys

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Re: e mountain biking
« Reply #3 on: September 04, 2019, 11:11:53 AM »
good points, don't know the answers to how rugged they are to handle the bush in cold weather and how long a battery lasts when using it more, even looking at the electric drive train on the back wheel looks like changing a flat tire will be a little more challenging and a few more tools to pack, definitely need to do some homework before purchasing, kind of why looking for some real life reviews rather than just the manufacture promos, but could be an interesting option with so many rules and lack of access to public lands for the old side by side