Author Topic: Environment, Economy, Politics.  (Read 106815 times)


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Re: Environment, Economy, Politics.
« Reply #120 on: July 29, 2016, 10:31:14 PM »
Lol,, this is just getting better by the day.

        Getting comical for sure.  This climate change plan is going to have real consequences and whether they are ignorant or just plain smug they see this as low hanging fruit to them in defence of complete bs.  Funny thing is there is no way a court rules in favour of the government without complete corruption at play. 
"Wolves don't lose sleep over the opinions of sheep"


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Re: Environment, Economy, Politics.
« Reply #121 on: July 30, 2016, 08:44:35 AM »
 So where are you guys at on the " Unite the Right" ?   
 10 years ago I was a PC member ,  then I was Wildrose until Danielle pulled her little stunt.
 So I have been trying to get a feel on both parties ,  try to have direct communication with someone .  And see what kind of compromises they are willing to make for the greater good.
 But that seems to be harder then expected,  I'm not on Facetube , or Tweeter .   So  the Wildrose home page doesn't even have a contact form or Email other then those .
 The PC's. have an Email on the home page but limited it to 800 characters  which did not pop up till after I submitted some of my questions ,  which kinda pizzed me off.
 So these guys want or votes , they want feedback , but they limit you on when, why ,& how they receive the feedback. 
  So who or Whom do you guys contact your riding associations ?
I'm from the country , and I like it that way!!!


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Re: Environment, Economy, Politics.
« Reply #122 on: July 30, 2016, 01:22:02 PM »


I am kind of like you.  I am taking a hard look at both parties.  There is nothing wrong with holding a membership in both parties.

I think the PC leadership convention in October will be when ladies and gentlemen like us start taking a real hard look at both parties.

I have a bias towards Kenney because of his ability to stick to Conservative principles.  So let us see if he is a "whiskey talks" "bull poop walks" kind of guy.


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Re: Environment, Economy, Politics.
« Reply #123 on: July 30, 2016, 02:56:05 PM »
I don't think the right in Alberta is Right enough for me.
 But it's all I got . Here is what we do ......we get 500 people
  To join the party .....all dressed alike .....with huge signs
  we go to the convention .....the signs say we are for law and order
   , guns , heterosexual sex and marriage , total Conservatism , No
     immigration , God in the schools .i think the T shirts should say
         Bring down the Unions ...Bring back Stephen H .
      Believe me , people will Talk
     to you , half the conservatives in the room are closet liberals .
       They will come out !
     this will be the biggest circus Alberta has ever seen . 
      After the convention  , you can just join the Wildrose ,
       they will , then , be the " right " choice .
My motto


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Re: Environment, Economy, Politics.
« Reply #124 on: July 30, 2016, 03:35:30 PM »
By the looks of things the regular joe memeber won't be able to vote for the leader of the PC's. If we can I will pick up a membership just to vote for Kenny. I will only go with the PC's if they go with Kenny and unite the right otherwise forget it. We don't need another middle sitting party we have the Libs for that. We need and want a Conservative party.
Westerner by birth, Canadian by law, Albertan by the grace of God.

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Re: Environment, Economy, Politics.
« Reply #125 on: July 30, 2016, 07:03:01 PM »
      As far away from election as we are it's tough to say who to cast a vote for.  Just hope there is a one and only right vote choice next election.  Only thing a guy can do is pay attention and hope for the best.  Frankly if there are two right parties to vote for next election I'll vote for the one most likely to get into power.  To much at stake to be worrying about feelings.
"Wolves don't lose sleep over the opinions of sheep"


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Westerner by birth, Canadian by law, Albertan by the grace of God.

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Re: Environment, Economy, Politics.
« Reply #127 on: August 02, 2016, 08:43:27 AM »

  Good read . Who saw that coming , anyone with a higher I Q  than a pencil .
   Govt always holds on to their motto " Hold on , we'll screw it up "
   Brexit is lesson for Quebec to learn . I did my part ...bought a battery
    Ice auger . Green is the new jebus thing , no one is coming to the door yet !
      Can you imagine  $200.00 charge fee to go 100 miles. Sign me up ...lmao
My motto


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Re: Environment, Economy, Politics.
« Reply #128 on: August 02, 2016, 09:48:07 AM »
So where are you guys at on the " Unite the Right" ?   
 10 years ago I was a PC member ,  then I was Wildrose until Danielle pulled her little stunt.
 So I have been trying to get a feel on both parties ,  try to have direct communication with someone .  And see what kind of compromises they are willing to make for the greater good.
 But that seems to be harder then expected,  I'm not on Facetube , or Tweeter .   So  the Wildrose home page doesn't even have a contact form or Email other then those .
 The PC's. have an Email on the home page but limited it to 800 characters  which did not pop up till after I submitted some of my questions ,  which kinda pizzed me off.
 So these guys want or votes , they want feedback , but they limit you on when, why ,& how they receive the feedback. 
  So who or Whom do you guys contact your riding associations ?

It might be interesting to listen to Danielle Smith's background on why she left Wildrose, due primarily to the social conservatives push for going backwards on gay marriage and other social issues. In particular, her decision to go to the Calgary Pride parade was key in many of the push back.

Link to the Soundcloud 1/2 hour show. There is a lot of meat in it, that goes well beyond the one issue, and discusses some of the machinations that go on inside a party, and particular in the Wildrose.


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Re: Environment, Economy, Politics.
« Reply #129 on: August 02, 2016, 10:03:33 AM »

It might be interesting to listen to Danielle Smith's background on why she left Wildrose, due primarily to the social conservatives push for going backwards on gay marriage and other social issues. In particular, her decision to go to the Calgary Pride parade was key in many of the push back.

Link to the Soundcloud 1/2 hour show. There is a lot of meat in it, that goes well beyond the one issue, and discusses some of the machinations that go on inside a party, and particular in the Wildrose.

So is going backwards on gay marriage a bad thing ?? Depends on where you stand on it I guess. If you beleive keeping strong family values entrenched in our society is bad then I guess yah it may be bad. If you beleive morality should be left to a free for all do as you feel is right, better judgement be damned then maybe it would bother you.

Funny the farther and farther we as a society fall from strong moral values or total lack of any moral values our society falls deeper into the quagmire we find ourselves in this day. A quick look at what is taking place in the US is a fine example. But hey, let's continue down this path we are taking it will only get better right.

Unfortunately not. I read the book, I know how the story ends !!
Westerner by birth, Canadian by law, Albertan by the grace of God.

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Re: Environment, Economy, Politics.
« Reply #130 on: August 02, 2016, 11:39:47 AM »
So who or Whom do you guys contact your riding associations ?

If you have a wildrose mla just look up the contact info and they Will meet with you.  If not you should still be able to track down your local riding assoc. 
Not sure about the pc's.

I don't know how this will work.  Simple fact is, the conservatives that We're in the pc's left and became the wildrose.  From what I can see all that's left in the pc party is liberals who ran under the pc banner just to get elected as they knew they'd never get elected declaring their true colors.  Maybe I'm wrong but seeing the policies of the last couple pc gov't's I don't think so.
IMPO the pc's were very anti property rights and anti personal freedom;  not to mention fiscally incompetent.  Nothing conservative about that.  True conservatives just want to left alone to live their life as they see fit and are capable of balancing their books.

It's the left winger's that think they should tell everyone how to live and what they can own/do with what they own.


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Re: Environment, Economy, Politics.
« Reply #131 on: August 02, 2016, 11:47:16 AM »
It might be interesting to listen to Danielle Smith's background on why she left Wildrose,

Suspect it's more a case of she got conned by preston manning who may still have delusions of grandeur.  I also suspect rather than just saying she really screwed the pooch with that one it's easier to make excuses.

If there were fundamental differences between her and the party she would have stepped down far prior to the campaign. Far as I'm concerned anything other than the first paragraph is after the fact BS, since there was no discord in the party to my knowledge.


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Re: Environment, Economy, Politics.
« Reply #132 on: August 03, 2016, 10:33:51 AM »
So is going backwards on gay marriage a bad thing ?? Depends on where you stand on it I guess. If you beleive keeping strong family values entrenched in our society is bad then I guess yah it may be bad. If you beleive morality should be left to a free for all do as you feel is right, better judgement be damned then maybe it would bother you.

Funny the farther and farther we as a society fall from strong moral values or total lack of any moral values our society falls deeper into the quagmire we find ourselves in this day. A quick look at what is taking place in the US is a fine example. But hey, let's continue down this path we are taking it will only get better right.

Unfortunately not. I read the book, I know how the story ends !!

Define strong moral values. And why should YOURS be the ones that are right? As far as I am concerned, if two adults indulge in consensual sex, what business is it of mine? Or anyone else's? There are a lot of heterosexual activities I don't care for or want to be involved in, but if no one is physically harmed, meh, again, what business is it of mine?

Do I prefer the traditional family structure? You bet. Is it the only viable one? Nope, not at all. In fact, what we call a traditional family structure is an aberration in man's history, including in biblical times. Polygamy was accepted as normal, and some religious sects still consider that their scriptures teach that.

I kind of like this take on moral guidance. It pretty well covers it all:


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Re: Environment, Economy, Politics.
« Reply #133 on: August 03, 2016, 12:09:01 PM »
Well traditional is pretty cut and dry in my world.

But hey if you feel that one man puttin his penis in another mans butt hole is traditional and normal then well our take on normal and traditional is quite a ways off. Somthing tells me that's not what a penis was intended for yah know.

But each to his own,, doesn't mean we can't discuss it.  Not even saying it should be illegal I'm just sick of it being trust in my face at every turn. If your gay,, good for you why does there have to be a flag waved about it all the time. If it's normal and that's the way it is then fine go with it why do they have to have it justified every chance they get. I don't need justification for what I do and who I am, I'm good. 
Westerner by birth, Canadian by law, Albertan by the grace of God.

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Re: Environment, Economy, Politics.
« Reply #134 on: August 03, 2016, 02:40:24 PM »
When I read stuff like this it gives me hope. Hope that one day our native people will crawl out of the depressed state that some are in and find the pride in self accomplishment that some so need. Some of the First Nations have come a long ways in the last few years, some are still stuck in the old Canadian way of looking for more hand outs and looking for the next excuse of why not to succeed while other have learned to move on and start with the progress. 

Harper really tried hard at this process he wanted more rights for the individual member of tribes. The Liberals will take these rights away, they want to be in control of the hand outs, it's the only way to buy those votes.

Kudos to those that are trying to change the status quo.
Westerner by birth, Canadian by law, Albertan by the grace of God.

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Re: Environment, Economy, Politics.
« Reply #135 on: August 03, 2016, 04:00:32 PM »
Well traditional is pretty cut and dry in my world.

But hey if you feel that one man puttin his penis in another mans butt hole is traditional and normal then well our take on normal and traditional is quite a ways off. Somthing tells me that's not what a penis was intended for yah know.

But each to his own,, doesn't mean we can't discuss it.  Not even saying it should be illegal I'm just sick of it being trust in my face at every turn. If your gay,, good for you why does there have to be a flag waved about it all the time. If it's normal and that's the way it is then fine go with it why do they have to have it justified every chance they get. I don't need justification for what I do and who I am, I'm good.

I get your point, because no way I want to insert my penis in some guy's whatever. Ain't gonna happen, I'm just not inclined that way. But like I said, if someone is inclined that way, how does that affect society? As such, society should have no say in it.

BTW, I know a few gay, well, lesbians actually, people. None of them are the in your face kind, and a couple of them you would never guess they were so inclined. In fact, a few of them I'd love to be the one who could convert them, but, alas, they're just not interested. :)


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Re: Environment, Economy, Politics.
« Reply #136 on: August 03, 2016, 04:01:48 PM »

Interesting that a lot of the native bands that seem to be the most prominent in getting themselves out of the milieu most of them are in are from B.C.

When I read stuff like this it gives me hope. Hope that one day our native people will crawl out of the depressed state that some are in and find the pride in self accomplishment that some so need. Some of the First Nations have come a long ways in the last few years, some are still stuck in the old Canadian way of looking for more hand outs and looking for the next excuse of why not to succeed while other have learned to move on and start with the progress. 

Harper really tried hard at this process he wanted more rights for the individual member of tribes. The Liberals will take these rights away, they want to be in control of the hand outs, it's the only way to buy those votes.

Kudos to those that are trying to change the status quo.


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Re: Environment, Economy, Politics.
« Reply #137 on: August 03, 2016, 05:24:14 PM »
Chances are that the BC bands take Chief Louis of Osoyoos seriously when he speaks.  The attendees to his "pep talks" probably pay their own way to those sessions, so needless to say they have an interest in improving their lot, rather than having their way paid by the taxpayer and sitting back inattentively, waiting for coffee & doughnut time and later beer, VLT, & bingo!!!!  To quote Chief Louis at a Ft. Mac speech, "We don't run on Indian time", as the attendees straggled in!!!


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Re: Environment, Economy, Politics.
« Reply #138 on: August 03, 2016, 05:37:00 PM »
You say who am I to be the moral judge of what's excitable, I don't beilive I am or should be personely but we should be guided by something that is just and right. 

My biggest fear is where do we draw the line, sooner or later there has to be a line drawn. What not acceptable today may be tomorrow. 50 years ago people and governments would,shudder at what's accepted today. We live in this society of if it feels good do it. So where do we draw the line. In 25 years is it going to be acceptable for people to have sex with a 10 year old boy or girl, if they are excepting of it, no, why not. If we have no moral compass what do we follow, where do we draw the line. At what point are we going to say enough is enough, it's going to have to come at some point. Should,people be able to have sex with a sheep, in public, it won't hurt anybody so why not. You see where this goes.

We were a society built and based on Christian morals and guidance we have abandoned those morals and guidelines for what,, this mess we are in. Is it any surprise we are in the mess society is in, why and how is this not obvious to people. I'm not saying everyone has to have the same religious beliefs that I have but my goodness there has to be something there to guide us.

Homosexuals as people don't bother me in the least, live as you will but like I said quit throwing it in my face. Quit passing laws that say I have to love it, I will like what I like and accept what I want, thats my choice.

In the end it all really doesn't matter anyways. This world is in such a mess and is so lost it's saddening. If you throw one more piece of manure in the manure pile does it make it smell any worse, not one bit. Same as this world really.
Westerner by birth, Canadian by law, Albertan by the grace of God.

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Re: Environment, Economy, Politics.
« Reply #139 on: August 03, 2016, 07:00:08 PM »
You say who am I to be the moral judge of what's excitable, I don't beilive I am or should be personely but we should be guided by something that is just and right. 

My biggest fear is where do we draw the line, sooner or later there has to be a line drawn. What not acceptable today may be tomorrow. 50 years ago people and governments would,shudder at what's accepted today. We live in this society of if it feels good do it. So where do we draw the line. In 25 years is it going to be acceptable for people to have sex with a 10 year old boy or girl, if they are excepting of it, no, why not. If we have no moral compass what do we follow, where do we draw the line. At what point are we going to say enough is enough, it's going to have to come at some point. Should,people be able to have sex with a sheep, in public, it won't hurt anybody so why not. You see where this goes.

We were a society built and based on Christian morals and guidance we have abandoned those morals and guidelines for what,, this mess we are in. Is it any surprise we are in the mess society is in, why and how is this not obvious to people. I'm not saying everyone has to have the same religious beliefs that I have but my goodness there has to be something there to guide us.

Homosexuals as people don't bother me in the least, live as you will but like I said quit throwing it in my face. Quit passing laws that say I have to love it, I will like what I like and accept what I want, thats my choice.

In the end it all really doesn't matter anyways. This world is in such a mess and is so lost it's saddening. If you throw one more piece of manure in the manure pile does it make it smell any worse, not one bit. Same as this world really.

Trouble is about Christian principles, they were used to justify slavery. Heck, even JC himself told masters how to beat slaves. (LK 12: 47-48) That is not a moral teaching I want to live by, society to abide by, or my children or grandchildren to even hear. Of course, today, most western country's citizens are abhorred by the thought of slavery, both christians and non-christians. So, guess that morality has shifted over the years.

The meme with the 2 commandments stands the test of time. If you are not harming yourself or anyone else, who cares what you are doing. Consensual activities between adults according to the 2nd commandment (don't harm yourself or others) pretty well covers it all. If your forcing someone, you are doing harm.