Alberta Sportsman Fishing and Hunting Forum

Alberta Sportsman and Outdoors Fishing or Hunting Discussion => Back at Camp => Topic started by: Paul on November 07, 2012, 12:29:21 AM

Title: Eva Shockey a big joke
Post by: Paul on November 07, 2012, 12:29:21 AM
So I saw this was shared on facebook, and I can honestly say Eva Shockey is the biggest joke in the so called "celebrity" hunting world. What a poor representation for our sport and a pure coattail ride on her dad (now coasting to riches), who actually worked to where he is today. She was posted with this archery buck, wearing all the latest Holt Renfrew fashions (check out the hat), somewhere in the US. I am sure it was a canned hunt, she probably shot it as it was coming to get apples out of her hand. To me it really sours the whole sport, maybe I am cynical, but I honestly think it's a big joke. Yes she's cute (chubby arms not withstanding), but she isn't what she pretends to be, she's just a huge marketing toy for her dad.

Even worse were all the "atta girl" comments, like anyone gives a shit about her little penned up buck that was hand feds oats from a pail, it's amounts to suckholing because she's somewhat easy on the eyes. And yes, I have had a couple of rums tonight... :P


I would take this back, I think she is starting to figure things out a bit and truly loves the sport, she is indeed a good role model for young ladies and she's taking a lot of flack from the antis and doing a good job standing up for the sport, it can't be easy for her putting up the crap the antis spew.
Title: Re: Eva Shockey a big joke
Post by: wildmeat on November 07, 2012, 06:17:48 AM
yes shes definitely very easy on the eyes and i think us men being the horn dogs we are get mesmerized very easy by a pretty girl doing what we love to do and almost have to watch... shes def a marketing tool... i think old dad is getting tired and old and cant keep up anymore but still needs to make the cheddar somehow to pay for all the money his wife spends... this is the end result
Title: Re: Eva Shockey a big joke
Post by: walleyes on November 07, 2012, 07:46:06 AM
Lol,, why don't you tell us how you really feel Paul..

I agree with all you guys say but we have to ask ourselves, given the same circumstances would we be any different ?? I think not.

Don't get me wrong on what I am about to say I enjoy looking at the finer species of the opposite sex as much as the next guy but I hate the way a lot of these hunting shows have been going lately. How many of them are using sex to sell. How popular is it getting to have a hot little blonde in the stand with you to sell your show. It just pizzes me off to see what hunting is turning into, its nthing more than a money cash cow,, thats all it is to so many of these people, its just a commodity thats all.
Title: Re: Eva Shockey a big joke
Post by: Paul on November 07, 2012, 09:43:55 AM
As for riding coat tails Jim is being like any father and just trying to keep his family in the business.  I know I would do the same for my girls.

Agree, Jim isn't a dummy, it's a great marketing angle for him and it does keep the family in the business. Jim's boy doesn't even hunt I don't think, I think he's into photography. Anyway nothing about her outdoor pursuits impress me although I am sure she is a very nice person.
Title: Re: Eva Shockey a big joke
Post by: ishootbambi on November 07, 2012, 09:52:35 AM
agreed.  she is getting old enough that she is realizing that she doesnt have much else going on so grab a free ride.  she had no interst in hunting until what 3 years ago?  her interest in it now is obviously not about the hunt, but what she can gain from it. i find it sad that so many men can fall for the silliness.  honestly, shes mediocre looking at best.
Title: Re: Eva Shockey a big joke
Post by: JIMMY 808 on November 07, 2012, 10:44:40 AM
The way to my heart is with baked goods not acting like a ditz on TV.  Anyone out there know if she can bake a Pie ? Strawberry Rhubarb or Saskatoone are my favorites.

Americans set the stage to what sells Eava is the result I doubt in real life she is anything like the way she is on tv.
Title: Re: Eva Shockey a big joke
Post by: sporthunting on November 07, 2012, 10:52:37 AM
I have to agree with all of you.  I am not a fan of canned hunts at all.  Got me thinking with what I hope is a little hunter growing up in the house do I really want him watching these type of hunts.  There are some good hunting show's on and some not so good one's.  Might have to go old school and let him read Dad's hunting books (the paper kind with pages and everything).  Then take him to the woods to apply the knowledge.
Title: Re: Eva Shockey a big joke
Post by: badback on November 07, 2012, 11:17:05 AM
Yes nice hunting attire...Maybe the sporting-goods stores will run this new line of city-core camo clothing.... ;)
Title: Re: Eva Shockey a big joke
Post by: Weste on November 07, 2012, 11:19:35 AM
I have to agree with all of you.  I am not a fan of canned hunts at all.  Got me thinking with what I hope is a little hunter growing up in the house do I really want him watching these type of hunts.  There are some good hunting show's on and some not so good one's.  Might have to go old school and let him read Dad's hunting books (the paper kind with pages and everything).  Then take him to the woods to apply the knowledge.

With my kids, I actually keep them away from watching any of the shows.  I think their choices in life would be best influenced by real life experiences.  I try to take my kids out in the field as much as possible to give them as many experiences as I can, all year round.  My son was starting to turn into a hardcore zookeeper and protector of the animals until I got him shooting gophers last spring (he was 8) and now he is getting to be a hardcore hunter.  He was with me for an archery kill whitetail in September and talks about it all the time.  TV just doesnt give that experience.
Title: Re: Eva Shockey a big joke
Post by: sporthunting on November 07, 2012, 11:25:05 AM
Weste, that is basically how i feel too.  I know my Dad spent plenty of time with me out into the field teaching me the ways.  He gave me all his old hunting books to read and learn from (tracking, deer sign etc).  I think it may have been a test to see how much time i was willing to put in.   
Title: Re: Eva Shockey a big joke
Post by: Weste on November 07, 2012, 04:15:10 PM
I may have to start leaving a few hunting magazines in his room for him to peruse.  My Dad never had any books for me but it could be a great way to help my son.  Not sure what the heck that smily  8) is doing in my last post, it was supposed to say he was 8 years old.  The majority of my memories growing up were in the winderness with my Dad, fishing, hunting or camping.  Now I get to return the favour to him and pay it forward to my family.  I am taking out a couple of newby's this weekend so hopefully will get to post some pics of their first kills.
Title: Re: Eva Shockey a big joke
Post by: OL_JR on November 07, 2012, 08:53:30 PM
       Are we even 100 percent sure this was canned hunt?  Some proof would be nice, just sayin. 

       With that aside I kinda think it's good for the sport having a little hottie shootin deer.  Hunting is a sport for everyone and maybe a girl not dressed in the full camo arrowing a deer helps show that.
Title: Re: Eva Shockey a big joke
Post by: Paul on November 07, 2012, 09:32:51 PM
No I can't say it was a canned hunt Shrubs, but if I could wager on it I would. Hey if Eva wants to hunt in mall clothes fair enough but I think anyone that shoots an animal should at least help gut it, even on a guided hunt, I would hate to see her get blood on that $300 Holt Renfrew hat.
Title: Re: Eva Shockey a big joke
Post by: ishootbambi on November 07, 2012, 10:16:15 PM

       With that aside I kinda think it's good for the sport having a little hottie shootin deer.  Hunting is a sport for everyone and maybe a girl not dressed in the full camo arrowing a deer helps show that.

i dont think a blonde smiley ditz does anything for the sport.  i fully support having more girls getting involved....but i dont like the subtle hint that im too dumb to see past the sexually motivated BS being rammed down our throats with the likes of eva, tiffany, and my least favorite....the chick who thinks shes a beauty queen but is actually just a former plumpy with too much makeup, nicole jones. 

there are some girls out there that legit are into hunting....many others just do it because someone thinks it will help get cromagnon couch potatoes watching.  vicki ciancarullo is the best example.  she met ralph at his archery shop where she was a customer on her own.  that woman is a hunter to the core.  maybe not the prettiest thing, but a good example of a female hunting personality.  robin also likes her on tv the most.  julie kreuter is another.  her being pretty is just a fluke, not a pre requisite.
Title: Re: Eva Shockey a big joke
Post by: OL_JR on November 07, 2012, 10:21:10 PM
No I can't say it was a canned hunt Shrubs, but if I could wager on it I would. Hey if Eva wants to hunt in mall clothes fair enough but I think anyone that shoots an animal should at least help gut it, even on a guided hunt, I would hate to see her get blood on that $300 Holt Renfrew hat.

My girl doesn't gut her own deer either, she can skin and want's to get into taxidermy down the road but just can't do the gutting thing just yet.  I know she will eventually but for now I'm fine with doin it for her.

Big Picture = No big deal

I respect you're opinion however I feel there are better fights to pick.
Title: Re: Eva Shockey a big joke
Post by: OL_JR on November 07, 2012, 10:46:36 PM
i dont think a blonde smiley ditz does anything for the sport.  i fully support having more girls getting involved....but i dont like the subtle hint that im too dumb to see past the sexually motivated BS being rammed down our throats with the likes of eva, tiffany, and my least favorite....the chick who thinks shes a beauty queen but is actually just a former plumpy with too much makeup, nicole jones. 

there are some girls out there that legit are into hunting....many others just do it because someone thinks it will help get cromagnon couch potatoes watching.  vicki ciancarullo is the best example.  she met ralph at his archery shop where she was a customer on her own.  that woman is a hunter to the core.  maybe not the prettiest thing, but a good example of a female hunting personality.  robin also likes her on tv the most.  julie kreuter is another.  her being pretty is just a fluke, not a pre requisite.

          I won't lie I think Tiffany and her "smile" is a little cheesy.  Talk, slight pause, big ridiculous smile lol.  Just don't see it as a huge deal is all.  I definately wouldn't call her BAD for the sport along with the others mentioned and don't feel my intelligence is being threathened either.  Been a while since I had Wild TV but shows like "The Crush" and "Driven TV" didn't bother me at all and remember some great nights watchin with a couple buddies and a few beers.
Title: Re: Eva Shockey a big joke
Post by: Paul on November 07, 2012, 10:47:02 PM
i dont think a blonde smiley ditz does anything for the sport.  i fully support having more girls getting involved....but i dont like the subtle hint that im too dumb to see past the sexually motivated BS being rammed down our throats with the likes of eva, tiffany, and my least favorite....the chick who thinks shes a beauty queen but is actually just a former plumpy with too much makeup, nicole jones. 

Couldn't have said it better, totally agree.
Title: Re: Eva Shockey a big joke
Post by: walking buffalo on November 08, 2012, 11:45:46 AM
Hilarious.....  ;D

Might be a canned hunt....

I don't like her fashion sense....

A girl dressing like girl....

Daddy's girl.... 

Birds of a feather....
Title: Re: Eva Shockey a big joke
Post by: Tuc on November 08, 2012, 11:47:46 AM
Eva is no different than Brooke Hogan, cashing in on here old man's fame. If she's a real hard core hunter fine, if it's all a publicity stunt, she'll fade quick enough.
Title: Re: Eva Shockey a big joke
Post by: jboutdoors5 on November 09, 2012, 12:36:17 PM
She's cute.  The deer is nothing to write home about,  canned hunt or not.  I haven't seen her on camera,  but her mother is downright painful to watch and listen to.
Title: Re: Eva Shockey a big joke
Post by: Roughneck Country on May 26, 2014, 03:58:27 PM
popular post over 22K views!
Title: Re: Eva Shockey a big joke
Post by: Nester on May 26, 2014, 04:49:44 PM
I bet if she was a big fat mouthbreather not a word would be said. 

Good for her, living the life.......
Title: Re: Eva Shockey a big joke
Post by: JIMMY 808 on May 26, 2014, 05:28:50 PM
She is the number 1 draw around these parts on google search that and Dinty Moore Stew.
Title: Re: Eva Shockey a big joke
Post by: Tuc on May 26, 2014, 06:06:29 PM
" I bet if she was a big fat mouthbreather not a word would be said. " Wanna bet.... I bet she could haul out her own deer!   lol
Title: Re: Eva Shockey a big joke
Post by: walleyes on May 26, 2014, 08:19:53 PM
Come on now boys,, that could be said for half of the female celebrities out there.

I think she is doing a fine job, she is using the tools she has to succeed. Which is her looks, her dad and she obviously loves the outdoors, power to her. She is a fine roll model to young women, she doesn't seem to be a hose bag she is a good looking young lady that is going against the grain and stands up for a sport that is condemned in most circles. Give credit where credit is do. I hope she continues on the path she is on and does super well.
Title: Re: Eva Shockey a big joke
Post by: Nester on May 26, 2014, 08:43:58 PM
Title: Re: Eva Shockey a big joke
Post by: Nester on May 26, 2014, 08:47:05 PM
Title: Re: Eva Shockey a big joke
Post by: Paul on May 26, 2014, 08:55:03 PM
Come on now boys,, that could be said for half of the female celebrities out there.

I think she is doing a fine job, she is using the tools she has to succeed. Which is her looks, her dad and she obviously loves the outdoors, power to her. She is a fine roll model to young women, she doesn't seem to be a hose bag she is a good looking young lady that is going against the grain and stands up for a sport that is condemned in most circles. Give credit where credit is do. I hope she continues on the path she is on and does super well.

well said she is standing up for the sport and she takes alot of flack from the anti's I take back half of what I said
Title: Re: Eva Shockey a big joke
Post by: Sonny on May 26, 2014, 10:31:42 PM

Title: Re: Eva Shockey a big joke
Post by: blacktail on May 27, 2014, 07:52:24 AM
Yup agree Paul
She is just a big marketing gimmick for her dad
And yes Bonnie I can't stand Louise's commentaries and style
Title: Re: Eva Shockey a big joke
Post by: Paul on May 27, 2014, 08:05:20 PM
She is the number 1 draw around these parts on google search that and Dinty Moore Stew.

Lol jimmy zero dinty Moore hits!
Title: Re: Eva Shockey a big joke
Post by: Tuc on May 27, 2014, 11:30:11 PM
I'd like to take her in hunting with me and see what she really knows! ****wink*******.

Do you know why women prefer hunters over fisherman. Hunters go deep in the bush., shoot more than once and they like to eat what they shoot. Come on Eva, lets Go!!!!
Title: Re: Eva Shockey a big joke
Post by: Sonny on May 27, 2014, 11:41:23 PM
I'd like to take her in hunting with me and see what she really knows! ****wink*******.

Do you know why women prefer hunters over fisherman. Hunters go deep in the bush., shoot more than once and they like to eat what they shoot. Come on Eva, lets Go!!!!

lol...let me know where the hunt camp is ok?  ;D
Title: Re: Eva Shockey a big joke
Post by: walleyes on May 28, 2014, 07:34:50 AM
I'd like to take her in hunting with me and see what she really knows! ****wink*******.

Do you know why women prefer hunters over fisherman. Hunters go deep in the bush., shoot more than once and they like to eat what they shoot. Come on Eva, lets Go!!!!

Lol,, you wish you old goat ha ha ha..
Title: Re: Eva Shockey a big joke
Post by: Tuc on May 29, 2014, 09:21:25 AM
Quote: "Lol,, you wish you old goat ha ha ha.. "

Ya..... I might come out of the woods in a pine box but I bet Eva would come out with a smile on her
Title: Re: Eva Shockey a big joke
Post by: Wrongside on June 07, 2014, 07:59:09 AM
Come on now boys,, that could be said for half of the female celebrities out there.

I think she is doing a fine job, she is using the tools she has to succeed. Which is her looks, her dad and she obviously loves the outdoors, power to her. She is a fine roll model to young women, she doesn't seem to be a hose bag she is a good looking young lady that is going against the grain and stands up for a sport that is condemned in most circles. Give credit where credit is do. I hope she continues on the path she is on and does super well.


Hilarious.....  ;D

Might be a canned hunt....

I don't like her fashion sense....

A girl dressing like girl....

Daddy's girl.... 

Birds of a feather....

And again. Exactly.
Title: Re: Eva Shockey a big joke
Post by: CRaTXn on June 22, 2014, 01:21:42 AM
Eva has a #10 smile, the countenance of an angel from a loving family butt enough bottom to drag any deer from the woods. Sex Sells ! Look at all the actors whose sons and daughters get into that industry...same same. The really poor Johnny-come-lately to the TV hunting party is Craig Boddington's daughter ...she is so out of her element she shot the tracker instead of the leopard..they came really close to Death in the Tall Grass with that fiasco. Her attempt at archery was so unskilled the poor outfitter/guide was biting his lip.
 Tiffany can shoot with the boys and works on the farm...hail hail the real woman...she is NOT a girl chasing her Daddy's coat tails.
That Vicki gal has got to be the bitchiest screech owl on the outdoor channels...she sure lets that little fat Italian boy know how lucky he is to have her at best mediocre ass.
Jim Shockey is kind of like a guy that drags his female into a pool hall / bar you think he gets angry when the wolves howl at the meat ? Then why did he drag her in here ? You can talk family show values all you want butt I just told the cold, no make that hot truth. Unless you can perform i.e. have paid your dues...don't be wearing a white wedding gown to our hunting show ceremonies. We could actually be learning something in these shows instead of more of this reality TV programing BS...but then what do you do with a viewing audience that votes in a Marxist ....twice.
Title: Re: Eva Shockey a big joke
Post by: JIMMY 808 on June 23, 2014, 05:26:38 AM
Eva Shockey nipple slip.

That should bring a few million google hits.
Title: Re: Eva Shockey a big joke
Post by: Weste on June 23, 2014, 08:16:13 AM
Eva Shockey nipple slip.

That should bring a few million google hits.

Might have to get WildTV if that happened!!  LOL
Title: Re: Eva Shockey a big joke
Post by: Roughneck Country on November 17, 2014, 01:24:35 PM

new Eva news, anyone watch this interview?
Title: Re: Eva Shockey a big joke
Post by: BruceW on November 17, 2014, 05:28:08 PM
Don't have a tv so have never seen the show but have read a couple things, she always seems to me to come across like a true lady sportsman;  likely someone the haters would want their children to emulate, had they any brains whatsoever.
Title: Re: Eva Shockey a big joke
Post by: JIMMY 808 on November 20, 2014, 08:39:24 AM
So I am thinking this thread needs more stew.  Google search renders my own pics hmmmmmmm……
Tireless self-promotion pays off making myself famous.
Title: Re: Eva Shockey a big joke
Post by: walleyes on November 20, 2014, 05:59:20 PM
Now,, if we had a picture of Eva eating a can of stew that would be something lol..