Screw them and their tags..
great thread sheep... and thanks ISB for sticking up for some of us... even if it wasnt me...
We might be growing in numbers as you can see but the amount people post is not growing much. To me it seems like the same old crew bringing up topics and the odd guy chippin in every so often. Not sure how to get guys to share more or pipe in on a topic but it would be nice if we had a little bit more going on.
look again tuc...that name isnt banned. well tonight it isnt...i make no promises by morning.
Anyway, for amusement, there was certainly some interest because of that post, some of the searches that found us yesterday...ban from alberta outdoorsmen banned camp outdoorsmen alberta ooutdoorsmen banned camp alberta outdoorsmen banned camp banned from alberta outdoorsman banned from alberta outdoorsmen banned from alberta outdoorsmen forum