Greylynx,This is a bit of an aside, but the concept of visualizing terrain is very interesting and the technology is very advanced in this field.I was lucky enough to help our Forestry Technology program here at NAIT with a special project that we developed to teach our students digital mapping and photogrammetric software.We use a piece of Software from DAT/EM Systems called Summit Evolution on some high end 3D PC platforms to introduce them to this fascinating technology. The system allows importing of digital imagery from aircraft, drone, or satellite and assign elevation coordinates to it. These coordinates are often taken with lidar or can be referenced with ground level GPS. The image is then rendered to a 3D image which uses the Nvidia active 3D system viewable with the active shutter glasses.Amazing realism just as if you were viewing out the window of the plane. We have data of some of the areas that I hunt..... .