Author Topic: Jason Kenney Alberta s Great Right Hope!  (Read 3842 times)


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Re: Jason Kenney Alberta s Great Right Hope!
« Reply #20 on: July 09, 2016, 10:25:14 PM »
You know I was a WR guy but they way Brian Jean threw Derek Fildebrandt under the bus here recently made me think that Jean is not the guy that I want to support.
I just might have to go with Kenney


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Re: Jason Kenney Alberta s Great Right Hope!
« Reply #21 on: July 15, 2016, 05:29:58 PM »
Was listening to CHED driving to work yesterday and they had a panel on from various conservatives groups in Alberta, a couple from the provincial PC's The pricks are doing their best to stop Kenny. They are seeing what they can do to stop further purchases of memberships to stop people from being able to vote him in.

See this is what pisses people off about this party they just don't get it. We are tired of the same old same old, it's this arrogance that got them the boot. They would rather have many more years of NDP as too have a change or give democracy a chance. Let the people decide what they want don't make it impossible for democracy to happen.

Bunch of azz hats..
Westerner by birth, Canadian by law, Albertan by the grace of God.

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Re: Jason Kenney Alberta s Great Right Hope!
« Reply #22 on: July 17, 2016, 05:28:54 PM »

Purchase a membership to the Alberta Conservative Party.

Go to a constituency meeting and see what kind of losers that Kenney is up against.


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Re: Jason Kenney Alberta s Great Right Hope!
« Reply #23 on: July 18, 2016, 09:37:20 AM »
I was listening briefly last night to that CHED talk show with Ryan Jespersen.  He had the president of the Alberta PC party Katherine O'Neill and Thomas Lukaszuk on his show.  The three of them were running Kenney down big time and talking about ways to make it illegal in the PC party rules for Kenney to even run for leadership.  They plan to change the voting process to a delegate system instead of the full card holding member base of the party.  This smacks of an internal plan to keep Kenney from "taking over their party" as they put it.

If this is the direction the PC wants to go, then let it die a miserable death!

On a side note, that Ryan Jespersen is the absolute worst talk show host that I have ever listened too.  He was defending the "Black Lives Matter" terrorist group in the states and was yelling terms at the listening audience like "you Whities just don't get it".  I felt like punching the damn radio.  This was after a caller told him that the black man that was killed in Baton Rouge (Alton Sterling) had a gun and was resisting arrest and had just finished robbing a store.  The guy was just adding a bit of perspective to the story and showing what pressure some of the cops down there are under.  Jespersen went off the deep end and called him a racist.
« Last Edit: July 18, 2016, 09:43:31 AM by AxeMan »
I think I see a rip in the social fabric, Brother can you spare some ammo?
Gettin' down on the mountain, gettin' down on the mountain


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Re: Jason Kenney Alberta s Great Right Hope!
« Reply #24 on: July 18, 2016, 02:30:23 PM »
           I've enjoyed listening to Jespersen in the past but lately it seems he's perhaps getting a little to comfortable with his job.  Tends to lean a bit more left than the majority of Albertans and in the heated moments has a hard time hiding it.  Everyone is entitled to their opinion but he gets to be a bit condescending at times. 

           There was a show he did where they discussed the oilmens golf tourney down south and the blasting of golf balls at a picture of Rachel Notley's head.  He was expecting massive public outcry from Albertan's towards the knuckle dragging neanderthals that would think that was funny, and how could they be so upset to express their displeasure with the government by shooting golf balls at a womans head.

           Well judging by the majority of callers people are that pissed!  And the only one drawing a parrallel between that cardboard cutout and sexism was Jespersen. 

           I really do hope the right gets their crap together and unites.  I'm no historian but from what I understand the right split was the only reason the NDP ruled Saskatchewan for so many years and man is that a scary thought.

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Re: Jason Kenney Alberta s Great Right Hope!
« Reply #25 on: July 18, 2016, 08:03:57 PM »
I have noticed that CHED is a CBC wannabe.

I will not listen to them or purchase anything they advertise. That includes the two sports teams they promote.

However, I do tune in to 770 QR 77 in Calgary.  Calgary is town that is hurting bad right now. QR tells how bad things in Alberta really are.


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Re: Jason Kenney Alberta s Great Right Hope!
« Reply #26 on: July 18, 2016, 09:28:24 PM »
I very seldom listen to it anymore since Rutherford left. It has become nothing more than a left wing rag. I just happened to check it out and heard this program was coming on so left it on there for a bit.

But back to Kenny. I think this may end up being another Daniel Smith blunder on his part. But either way I beleive the Conservative movement comes out ahead. Either Kenny's movement wins and unites the right or it crashes and as we can see happening the PC's are reduced to nothing and Brian Jean and the WR take over the Conservative voice in this province. Like I mentioned before, all this business has awakened the Conservative movement in this province and that is never a bad thing.
Westerner by birth, Canadian by law, Albertan by the grace of God.

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Re: Jason Kenney Alberta s Great Right Hope!
« Reply #27 on: July 18, 2016, 10:01:20 PM »
       Hope your right Walleyes because no matter how mad the majority of albertans are the right split is a death sentence.  I like the Wildrose and Brian Jean and I voted for them last election but Im not 100% sure he's the guy judging how he performed in the last election debate.  His performance was terrible and I think a lot of voters on the fence that could have been swayed to the Wildrose either went left or stayed home.  Hopefully with some more time in the driver seat he will be better prepared next time around or he'll give up the reigns.

        Gotta hand it to the commie buggers though.  Implement a bunch of crap green taxes and policy early in the term and hope that things turn around just enough economically by the end of it that the population forgets about it.  I aint forgetting, all Ill be picturing heading to the ballot box is a big Alberta fire and Notley heading over to it with a jerry can.
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Re: Jason Kenney Alberta s Great Right Hope!
« Reply #29 on: July 20, 2016, 09:39:09 AM »
              Not surprised their fundraising numbers are good and will probably continue to be good for a while.  It will be interesting to see what unfolds here moving forward.  Hopefully egos don't rule over wanting the best for Alberta.  Jean seems willing to work with the PC's anyways.  I feel Jean is a good man and a good leader but as mentioned not sure if he's the guy come crunch time.  Time will tell.
"Wolves don't lose sleep over the opinions of sheep"


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Re: Jason Kenney Alberta s Great Right Hope!
« Reply #30 on: July 21, 2016, 10:29:00 AM »
Glad to see we can discuss some political issues here. Apparently there are "other Alberta forums" that a plethora of topics are now not allowed, and it doesn't matter what the rules say.


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Re: Jason Kenney Alberta s Great Right Hope!
« Reply #31 on: July 21, 2016, 10:44:03 AM »
AVB, everyone's opinion is allowed here.  We don't always agree and we can agree to disagree and that is usually done with the appropriate respect and that respect is generally earned by our contributing members. One thing we don't try to do here is to cut people and threads off just because they don't match a moderators or owners own opinion.  Politics affects our hobbies and lifestyles greatly so why not discuss it to some degree.
I think I see a rip in the social fabric, Brother can you spare some ammo?
Gettin' down on the mountain, gettin' down on the mountain


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Re: Jason Kenney Alberta s Great Right Hope!
« Reply #32 on: July 21, 2016, 12:22:39 PM »
AVB, everyone's opinion is allowed here.  We don't always agree and we can agree to disagree and that is usually done with the appropriate respect and that respect is generally earned by our contributing members. One thing we don't try to do here is to cut people and threads off just because they don't match a moderators or owners own opinion.  Politics affects our hobbies and lifestyles greatly so why not discuss it to some degree.

Thanks, I agree, one can disagree with a position, but should never degrade the person making it. I'm sure I'll see some of those from the "other forum" here. :)


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Re: Jason Kenney Alberta s Great Right Hope!
« Reply #33 on: July 21, 2016, 01:23:23 PM »

And there in lies the rub , socialism and it's proponents are finite . I can't begin to
 Discuss and won't the absolute indignation I feel about the cheapening of our love
  For the outdoor endeavours . I have seen some sell outs in my life , but none greater
   than the one I have witnessed in certain hunting and fishing Medias .
    When you analyze the ideal behind the stifling of reason , gain some solace in the
      Fact that life is short , but memory is long and revenge is a dish best eaten cold .
  There is no room for dissent in the communist world , the party line is all .
   Democratic Canadians struggled in 3 great wars to throw off the yoke of oppression .
    Yet since then several generations in this country have willingly embraced this blight
     On our ideals and freedoms . Those generations of freeloaders , panhandlers , and
      Pseudo intellectuals are the undoing of our society .
         These are dark days but on the other hand F-em if they can't take a joke .
My motto


  and media ....


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Re: Jason Kenney Alberta s Great Right Hope!
« Reply #34 on: July 21, 2016, 08:23:15 PM »
Please don't take me wrong by what I'm about to say but I beleive I am right one this. I blame our education system and our educators for the mind set of our generation. We are brain washed by unionists from the time we enter kindergarten, what chance does our youth have. Parents these days are for the most part either brain washed themselves or as in many cases pretty much negligent in raising there children, the kids are raised in front of a television that is ran solely by the Liberal and socialist. I mean my God what chance does society really have.
Westerner by birth, Canadian by law, Albertan by the grace of God.

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Re: Jason Kenney Alberta s Great Right Hope!
« Reply #35 on: July 21, 2016, 10:21:55 PM »
Sorry I am going to stray a bit off the main thread topic a bit, but we are talking Great Right Hope here.

Just watched Trump's speech at the GOP convention rap up.  It is refreshing to see the politically correct crap we here so often these days get ripped up and thrown in the garbage.
He is a character for sure and so much of what he says you will not hear from any other politician anywhere.  He is the only one to say he would eliminate ISIS.

Half the population likes him and the other half including all of the liberal media hates him. The most entertaining part for me is watching the complete goofballs in the liberal media eat crow again and again as old Trump proves them wrong on their predictions.  They are looking more foolish all the time with their rhetoric against Trump.  I think he is playing a bit of a game with them and that is part of his strategy.  He knows that he can wind them up and create publicity and some of the time that bad publicity backfires on the media and makes them look stupid.

Well, it is game on now in the USA and the gloves will come off.  Watch Hillary get nasty and abandon every moral and principle (not many left in that Clinton family) that she still has to win votes.
Trump is an pro at being nasty and she will be playing right into his hands.  He won't fall into that old trap of nice guys finishing last.  ;)
I think I see a rip in the social fabric, Brother can you spare some ammo?
Gettin' down on the mountain, gettin' down on the mountain


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Re: Jason Kenney Alberta s Great Right Hope!
« Reply #36 on: July 22, 2016, 10:45:34 AM »

That Hillary is as sneaky and slimy as her dress staining husband. She is smart.

Look at how she squirmed out of that internet scandal.  Absolutely amazing.

What is also amazing how she gets the women's vote when at the same time she supports that floozy chasing husband of hers. Un flippin real.

Back to Kenney:

Any more news about him?


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Re: Jason Kenney Alberta s Great Right Hope!
« Reply #37 on: July 22, 2016, 10:51:44 AM »
That's because it's a liberal controlled media with liberal controled court rooms. How is this any surprise. Now if this was the Donald that did this,, well my goodness,, they would have his head.
Westerner by birth, Canadian by law, Albertan by the grace of God.

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Re: Jason Kenney Alberta s Great Right Hope!
« Reply #38 on: July 27, 2016, 08:08:32 AM »
Had to laugh when I watched Global news tonight.  Those media clowns were tripping over themselves trying to get a bigger story out of this.
They interviewed both Michael Oshry and Don Iveson on Edmonton City council and asked them if they were considering running against Kenney for the APC
Both of those two idiots are hardcore Liberals/Socialists that have been doing nothing but spending and advocating staunch socialism in Edmonton.  Public sponsored housing, eliminating homelessness, and public transit have been their goals no matter the cost.  Our civic taxes and debt are on a moon shot with these guys.

Kenney better get that ugly word "progressive" out of the party name as a first order of business.  It means "Liberal" when translated in today's political dictionary.  Everyone with a brain knows that the APC party was hijacked by Liberals (Redford, Lukaszuk, Griffiths, Mandel, McQueen, etc.) in their last hoorah.

Walleyes, hopefully your WR membership and the PC membership will be the same thing if some big egos don't get in the way.  Listen up Derek Fildebrandt...
WR better realize that if they oppose a merger of the parties it will be another shot in the foot for them, their magazine must be getting empty already.  ;)
Jean should help broker a merger as soon as Kenney wins the leadership of the PC's and get his share of the direction forward to the ultimate defeat of the socialists.  Timing should be ripe as the debt and taxes should be off the scale by then and the chickens are coming home to roost.

Comments on CBC website are vile against Kenney so that means the "takers" are scared that their gravy train might be threatened in the future.

Need a like button , you absolutley nailed it .
I dispise all this Progressive BS ,  that's a liberal grabbing votes however they can get them.
Fix the economy, crack down on crime, stay the hell out of religion, stay the hell out of people's bedrooms .  Quit taxing the worker bees till death , while propping up deadbeats, and giving billionaires subsidy s .
That's likley to much to ask .
I'm from the country , and I like it that way!!!


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Re: Jason Kenney Alberta s Great Right Hope!
« Reply #39 on: July 27, 2016, 11:33:38 AM »

I found it interesting that the DNC convention had a higher viewership on the 1st night as compared with the GOP. Guess the Donald is not that great for ratings as he thinks he is.

Sorry I am going to stray a bit off the main thread topic a bit, but we are talking Great Right Hope here.

Just watched Trump's speech at the GOP convention rap up.  It is refreshing to see the politically correct crap we here so often these days get ripped up and thrown in the garbage.
He is a character for sure and so much of what he says you will not hear from any other politician anywhere.  He is the only one to say he would eliminate ISIS.

Half the population likes him and the other half including all of the liberal media hates him. The most entertaining part for me is watching the complete goofballs in the liberal media eat crow again and again as old Trump proves them wrong on their predictions.  They are looking more foolish all the time with their rhetoric against Trump.  I think he is playing a bit of a game with them and that is part of his strategy.  He knows that he can wind them up and create publicity and some of the time that bad publicity backfires on the media and makes them look stupid.

Well, it is game on now in the USA and the gloves will come off.  Watch Hillary get nasty and abandon every moral and principle (not many left in that Clinton family) that she still has to win votes.
Trump is an pro at being nasty and she will be playing right into his hands.  He won't fall into that old trap of nice guys finishing last.  ;)