AVB, everyone's opinion is allowed here. We don't always agree and we can agree to disagree and that is usually done with the appropriate respect and that respect is generally earned by our contributing members. One thing we don't try to do here is to cut people and threads off just because they don't match a moderators or owners own opinion. Politics affects our hobbies and lifestyles greatly so why not discuss it to some degree.
Had to laugh when I watched Global news tonight. Those media clowns were tripping over themselves trying to get a bigger story out of this.They interviewed both Michael Oshry and Don Iveson on Edmonton City council and asked them if they were considering running against Kenney for the APC leadership......lol.Both of those two idiots are hardcore Liberals/Socialists that have been doing nothing but spending and advocating staunch socialism in Edmonton. Public sponsored housing, eliminating homelessness, and public transit have been their goals no matter the cost. Our civic taxes and debt are on a moon shot with these guys.Kenney better get that ugly word "progressive" out of the party name as a first order of business. It means "Liberal" when translated in today's political dictionary. Everyone with a brain knows that the APC party was hijacked by Liberals (Redford, Lukaszuk, Griffiths, Mandel, McQueen, etc.) in their last hoorah.Walleyes, hopefully your WR membership and the PC membership will be the same thing if some big egos don't get in the way. Listen up Derek Fildebrandt...WR better realize that if they oppose a merger of the parties it will be another shot in the foot for them, their magazine must be getting empty already. Jean should help broker a merger as soon as Kenney wins the leadership of the PC's and get his share of the direction forward to the ultimate defeat of the socialists. Timing should be ripe as the debt and taxes should be off the scale by then and the chickens are coming home to roost.Comments on CBC website are vile against Kenney so that means the "takers" are scared that their gravy train might be threatened in the future.
Sorry I am going to stray a bit off the main thread topic a bit, but we are talking Great Right Hope here.Just watched Trump's speech at the GOP convention rap up. It is refreshing to see the politically correct crap we here so often these days get ripped up and thrown in the garbage.He is a character for sure and so much of what he says you will not hear from any other politician anywhere. He is the only one to say he would eliminate ISIS.Half the population likes him and the other half including all of the liberal media hates him. The most entertaining part for me is watching the complete goofballs in the liberal media eat crow again and again as old Trump proves them wrong on their predictions. They are looking more foolish all the time with their rhetoric against Trump. I think he is playing a bit of a game with them and that is part of his strategy. He knows that he can wind them up and create publicity and some of the time that bad publicity backfires on the media and makes them look stupid.Well, it is game on now in the USA and the gloves will come off. Watch Hillary get nasty and abandon every moral and principle (not many left in that Clinton family) that she still has to win votes. Trump is an pro at being nasty and she will be playing right into his hands. He won't fall into that old trap of nice guys finishing last.