Author Topic: Jason Kenney Alberta s Great Right Hope!  (Read 3841 times)


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Re: Jason Kenney Alberta s Great Right Hope!
« Reply #40 on: July 27, 2016, 01:28:58 PM »
The only thing that tells me is that more liberals like to watch the liberal media.  Not sure if that translates into votes.
I think I see a rip in the social fabric, Brother can you spare some ammo?
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Re: Jason Kenney Alberta s Great Right Hope!
« Reply #41 on: July 27, 2016, 05:57:09 PM »

First of all we are dealing with the likes of the New York Times (Carl Marx publication) , CNN (aka: Clinton News Network) and Nielson (a liberal firm).  Go Figure.

The Sheep are being told how to vote.  Also, the lazy people are interested in being told about all the Free Stuff they are going to get. If I was one of them I sure would be watching CNN in my new Nike shows and I Tunes 7.


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Re: Jason Kenney Alberta s Great Right Hope!
« Reply #42 on: July 27, 2016, 06:18:47 PM »
First of all we are dealing with the likes of the New York Times (Carl Marx publication) , CNN (aka: Clinton News Network) and Nielson (a liberal firm).  Go Figure.

The Sheep are being told how to vote.  Also, the lazy people are interested in being told about all the Free Stuff they are going to get. If I was one of them I sure would be watching CNN in my new Nike shows and I Tunes 7.

Lol,, It's funny what's so obvious to some eludes others..
Westerner by birth, Canadian by law, Albertan by the grace of God.

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Re: Jason Kenney Alberta s Great Right Hope!
« Reply #43 on: July 27, 2016, 07:40:43 PM »
First of all we are dealing with the likes of the New York Times (Carl Marx publication) , CNN (aka: Clinton News Network) and Nielson (a liberal firm).  Go Figure.

The Sheep are being told how to vote.  Also, the lazy people are interested in being told about all the Free Stuff they are going to get. If I was one of them I sure would be watching CNN in my new Nike shows and I Tunes 7.

Yep ^^^^^^^

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Re: Jason Kenney Alberta s Great Right Hope!
« Reply #44 on: July 28, 2016, 02:00:02 AM »
First of all we are dealing with the likes of the New York Times (Carl Marx publication) , CNN (aka: Clinton News Network) and Nielson (a liberal firm).  Go Figure.

The Sheep are being told how to vote.  Also, the lazy people are interested in being told about all the Free Stuff they are going to get. If I was one of them I sure would be watching CNN in my new Nike shows and I Tunes 7.

The ratings include Fox, just like with the Trump circus.


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Re: Jason Kenney Alberta s Great Right Hope!
« Reply #45 on: July 28, 2016, 07:03:56 AM »

   I still think Jason can get the job done .
    Stateside we will just have to wait to see all that Wiki Leaks
     has to reveal. Cankles  dodged the email bullet
      anything is possible . I don't believe the DNP represents
       the American general population , you know like Alberta
       Isn't really NDP .....BUT will everyone vote , they didn't here !
        Is it me or does Bill C look like your dirty Uncle Morty , I couldn't
         watch it without a pail by my chair .
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Re: Jason Kenney Alberta s Great Right Hope!
« Reply #47 on: January 26, 2017, 04:38:50 PM »
I am going to rekindle this thread as some progress has been made on the "PC Leadership/WRP/Unite-the-Right" but man has it been SLOWWWWW to evolve.

Guys, this is an important subject as the chance to turf "NotHead and her NDP carbon taxing climate change fanatics" is coming no later than May 31, 2019.  Just a bit over 2 years until campaign time.  Another 4 year term of the NDP would be absolutely horrifying especially now that the USA will be steaming their way to a super economy under Trump who is not fooling around.  That combined with the ugly fact that we at least another 3 years of Turdo Jr. as well to keep Canada in serious debt.

The only way the Alberta Commie Party has a chance at a second term is if somehow the Conservative side keeps imploding as they have been doing since Ralph Klein left us.  So what we have been discussing here is how to stop that implosion of the right in Alberta.  Time is getting short now and they better start getting this settled.  Some news since we all discussed this last.  A quick summary:

  • Some of the Liberal Progressive losers have been dropped and shamed from the PC Party. ie. Sandra Jansen and Donna Kennedy-Glans...nothing to do with them being women but they were hard core liberals even socialists within a so-called right of center party.
  • The PC leadership race is really now between Kenney and Starke and they have very different visions.
  • Kenney wants to unite the PCs and the WRP under one banner.
  • Starke wants to keep the PC party separate but somehow make back room deals to not compete a WRP and PC candidate in a riding.  He made a ridiculous statement today about the party's staying separate but working together but released no details.  Without limiting one right wing candidate per riding, his ideas are dangerous.
  • Brian Jean has warmed up to a unite the right idea and has even said so publicly.
  • Fildebrandt has been very public about pushing a PC-WRP merger and has created some internal division between himself and Jean.  Jean is more cautious and rightly so I think.
  • Starke claims that timelines are too short for a merger.
  • Useless Ric McIver has done nothing as interim leader and the new leader wont be elected until March 18, 2017.  Dumb,dumb, dumb....2 years wasted for nothing!

I think two questions better get answered really damn quick.  Depending on who will lead the PCs, 1. How will they merge with the WRP, or somehow prevent vote splitting, or 2. Does the PC party completely disintegrate and the WRP goes it alone.

My opinion.  I am torn by knowing that there are enough voters in Alberta that will reject the NDP but are not right wing enough to go all the way to the WRP.  This is the ground that the 2 separate right wing parties can cause a dangerous splitting of the votes.  I am also of the opinion that the PC party is a dinosaur especially led by Richard Starke and might be best left to die.  With a Kenney win, at least we know upfront that a merger is definitely in the cards.

Starke claims that there is no possible time for a merger and is strongly opposed to it for other reasons as well:

I have to say that it is 4 bloody years between elections and if the right can't get their proverbial shit together in that time, then how in the hell are they planning on running this province.  I mean, come now Starke, a Trump like kind of guy would make something like this happen in a few weeks.  I also think Brian Jean better get a solid opinion on their strategy and announce it pretty damn quick.  If he and Kenney are like minded on a merger, they better work it out and get it going, even before the March 18 PC leadership vote.

Opinions please.
I think I see a rip in the social fabric, Brother can you spare some ammo?
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Re: Jason Kenney Alberta s Great Right Hope!
« Reply #48 on: January 26, 2017, 05:43:33 PM »
Wow, moments after I wrote this I see the breaking news:
Honestly true.

"Wildrose Brian Jean ‘prepared to step down’ and run for a merged Alberta conservative party"

I didn't know Brian followed our little site that closely....... ;)
Good for you Brian, you have my full support!
Bye bye Rachel.....
I think I see a rip in the social fabric, Brother can you spare some ammo?
Gettin' down on the mountain, gettin' down on the mountain


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Re: Jason Kenney Alberta s Great Right Hope!
« Reply #49 on: January 26, 2017, 06:26:57 PM »
That's very good news for the conservative movement in the province but,,, there are too many hard core progressives in the PC party that don't want to give up the party. The PC party must die in this province and the only way that is going to happen is getting Kenny elected as the leader.
Westerner by birth, Canadian by law, Albertan by the grace of God.

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Re: Jason Kenney Alberta s Great Right Hope!
« Reply #50 on: January 26, 2017, 06:46:41 PM »
There is no way the PC's can beat the NDP by themselves and I don't think the WR can do it either.

Unite the right is they only way to go.

PC's and WR's just need to get it done ffs. 8)


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Re: Jason Kenney Alberta s Great Right Hope!
« Reply #51 on: January 27, 2017, 09:45:08 AM »
Now we're talkin'.  A united party would mean by-elections to quantify local representation BEFORE the next prov. election.
That would mean the vast majority of the closet liberal pc's would be eradicated from the new party.

Sure, a few would slither in but enough actual conservative mla's would represent the party that the extreme left element of the current pc's would simply be outvoted in party matters.  And That my friends means an end to bills 19, 24, 36 and 50. 

That being said, they'd best pull on their workin' boots 'cause that would mean a LOT to do before the next election and time's a wastin'.


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Re: Jason Kenney Alberta s Great Right Hope!
« Reply #52 on: February 17, 2017, 09:52:31 AM »

 Well this certainly is bad news,but I'm not sure for who !
  What I can't believe is that the PC s haven't punted this
  Ahole to the curb years ago .
      When you marry a party it's for or worse right. No, so
  It's like a marriage . I agree with one of the last posts
     this party needs a severe dry cleaning .
       Hopefully Kenney will bring a focused ,clear agenda to
      the Conservative voter in Alberta .

      Tommy boy is done , we hope

       If he doesn't quit ,kick his ass out the door . It will be a light skip for
         him to take his true place in Dipper heaven . He can just rip off his shirt
         to reveal his " I voted Commie " body ink .

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