I have been in agreement of trail fees and random camping fees for years. As long as the existing trails stay, including the ones in the castle, livingstone and porkies that have been removed by our current govt. The fees should go towards trail maintenance and enforcement though. $30 is peanuts.
Guido: Do you really think that 30 bucks is actually going to go into trail maintenance. That money is going into general revenues and a small percentage will come back for some piddley little bridge, or a couple of camp tables and a decrepit outhouse no one will go near..I think random camping back in the Bighorn will also disappear very shortly. Condos in Nordegg are in the future.
There was only 500,000 people in the province in those days axe, there wasn’t 200,000 quads running around in the bush, we walked 2 miles in the bush and turned around. There’s wasn’t 5,000 35’ fifth wheel trailers camped on every pull out on the forestry trunk road, there were 50 canvas tents. Times have changed boys we have to accept it.
Anyone that has been in Alberta for more than 30 years is allowed on Crown Land, their kids and grandchildren get grandfathered in. The rest must stay to provincial and federal parks, see fixed it. 🍺🤪
Motion passed. Next. Our little team here would make great government. Small amount of discussion and debate and then bam, a solution.
I don’t see the issue