Author Topic: Muzzy says thanks  (Read 1650 times)


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Muzzy says thanks
« on: October 03, 2011, 10:22:43 AM »
a little while ago I posted a pic of a muzzy broad head I pulled out of a mulie doe I had shot.

 I also sent an email with the pic and a little blurb to Muzzy
 The CEO of the company replied that he was impressed with the pic of the broadhead and my story about its use, and wanted my addy.

 I was pleased to recieve a package in the mail from them
 I got a hat, two large truck decals a lighted keychain, and a cooler cover to keep my beer cool.

 pretty kool 8)
Promoting the sport of Archery and Bowhunting
NCCP and IBEP Certified

Custom Hunting Knives and Game Calls

" life is tough,its even tougher if you are stupid " ......John Wayne
" It is better to be alone than in bad company "......George Washington


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Re: Muzzy says thanks
« Reply #1 on: October 03, 2011, 08:28:50 PM »
 Cool, free stuff. What did you say in your little blurb?


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Re: Muzzy says thanks
« Reply #2 on: October 04, 2011, 06:54:00 AM »
This is a copy of the return email

From: Fred Settles
Sent: Monday, September 12, 2011 6:42 AM
To: Yvonne Sills ;
Subject: RE: Muzzy 100 grain Broadheads
Thank you Roy for your great email as well as the photo.
What is your mailing address as I would like to send you a package for your continued loyalty to Muzzy.
Lastly not sure if you are a member of facebook but we would welcome you as a member to any of our face book pages which you can find under "Muzzy Products", "Muzzy Bowfishing", or "Muzzy Bad To The Bone Bowhunting TV"

You can log on and share your Muzzy Moments directly with other Muzzy Moment Club Members, get technical support, have discussions, share stories, get the latest info on new products, find events we will be attending, or just say hello.


We look forward to hearing from you so be sure to check us out!


Again thank you for your loyal support and have a great season this year!

Fred Settles
Chief Operating Officer
Muzzy Products Corp.
Ph.   : 770-387-9300
Fax   : 770-386-1777



From: Roy Gerrath []
Sent: Sunday, September 11, 2011 2:02 PM
To: Yvonne Sills
Subject: Muzzy 100 grain Broadheads

Dear Muzzy
Dropped a big fat mulie doe on friday with my bow

Used a 100 grain Muzzy 3 blade broadhead that went through a shoulder blade,rib,through the opposite rib and lodged in the joint on the opposite shoulder blade.
Dropped her like a rock and she nose plowed for about 15 yards until she got her front legs underneath her and then only went another 25 yards
she went a total of 40 yards and piled up
This is the result........................a little bent but pretty good I think
replaced all three blades this morning as the other two were pretty nicked up.
did a spin test on an arrow and the shaft and tip made it unscathed

Awesome product
Thank you
Roy Gerrath
Promoting the sport of Archery and Bowhunting
NCCP and IBEP Certified

Custom Hunting Knives and Game Calls

" life is tough,its even tougher if you are stupid " ......John Wayne
" It is better to be alone than in bad company "......George Washington