Author Topic: My dog is losing his hearing?  (Read 1175 times)


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My dog is losing his hearing?
« on: September 06, 2016, 09:03:20 PM »
So I have an old dog, he's almost 14, Jack Russell terrier, and he wasn't doing too bad, I spent $3200 on his teeth last year he was in decent shape, a few days ago he got stung by a wasp on one ear, it's swelled up. It's not going down I will take him to the vet, but he's been getting hard of hearing, seems now he can't hear anything, I call him he doesn't even look at me. I am a bit worried about him, maybe he's getting close to the time, you guys know. Any advice would be great.


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Re: My dog is losing his hearing?
« Reply #1 on: September 06, 2016, 10:14:09 PM »
Man oh Man..... How do you respond to a post like that?

It's not easy putting a loved one down,trust me I know but...

You need to think what is best for them and not what is best for you.

 A year ago last July we had to put down our cat (Bunny) due to diabetes.. I cried.  :'(

She gave us 14 years of love and happiness and now we just have memories..

Take care man...It's hard losing a fur baby... :'(


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Re: My dog is losing his hearing?
« Reply #2 on: September 07, 2016, 05:22:35 AM »

 I sympathize Paul , Jack s 98 , my Griff is ten , problems seem to run closer
  together . The dog and I are the same age , it's one day at a time , we are
  Both a little deaf  or we don't care . I think he is my 10 th pointer , they pretty
  well all lived to 14-15 . Like with other familly members ,we do what we have to do .
   There's no friend like a dog .
My motto


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Re: My dog is losing his hearing?
« Reply #3 on: September 07, 2016, 09:34:17 AM »
Benadryl or how ever it's spelled.  I do carry some with me incase a dog gets stung multiple times.  Same with rattle snakes they tell me just give the dog the whole package not sure I would do that!