My father in law had this old Shrade upswept skinner for 40 years that he used for hunting and camping
I am not sure what type of steel the Shrade is made from and the handle seems to be a bakalite type of material that is coloured to look like antler.
I decided to make my own version of this knife.
It is made from 5/32 precision ground 440C steel
It is a hidden tang design and has a brass guard with red/white/black spacing material in front of and elk antler handle.It is held in place with a single brass pin for strength
It is well balanced and long enough to get in there to quarter up game as well as having that classic skinning blade style.
It is 9 7/8 inches overall with a 5 1/2 inch blade that is 1 1/2 inches at the widest point