Here ya go Elizabeth,........ as promised

This recipe can be altered in the amounts of spices to your individual taste and the amounts of game meat and pork.
I have used this over the years and have found it not too bad at all.
3 1/2 lbs. venison
1 1/2 lbs. ground pork
4 tbsp. salt
1 tbsp. sugar
3 tsp. black pepper
1 tbsp. cayenne
2 tbsp. paprika
1 1/2 tsp. crushed anise seed
6 cloves of garlic
1 cup red wine
mix all the ingredients well and refrigerate for at least 48 hours
stuff into hog casing and dry in a smoker or dehydrator or whatever process you wish.
If you want to add cure you can but if it is dried really well it will keep for a few days on its own.
I package up in amounts that will last me for a couple days in the field.