Author Topic: problem trolls  (Read 3796 times)


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problem trolls
« on: July 10, 2011, 04:53:40 PM »
I was thinking today about how nice this forum has been till the last week here where a few interesting guys or gals have joins and stirred things up.  Then I though and wondered how long do we take it before someone gets banned.  I wondered if the best way to handle it is to have a forum vote?  It was mentioned that people like to be warned and that is fair enough but if we had a vote if the person did not shape up and was declared banned then really they can't blame Admin for it as it was a vote from the membership and that is pretty fair.  What do you think if we had a system like that?


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Re: problem trolls
« Reply #1 on: July 10, 2011, 05:03:54 PM »
 Could be interesting that's for sure. But at least you wouldn't have to worry about a biast(sp?) mod. I'd be for it.


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Re: problem trolls
« Reply #2 on: July 10, 2011, 05:13:25 PM »
Its probably a fair way to go. I havent seen anyone that id like banned( well other than old mountainman!!!) but a few guys that just need to drop what happened on other forums and a couple others that need to keep their personal dislikes for each other into PMs or in person.
If guys are posting retarded stuff or what ever I just dont read them, but ya if they do get carried away then something needs to be done. But it would have to get pretty bad for me to decide to get involved with removing someone from this site.
If people could have voted me off the site at AO im sure I would have been gone way sooner whether it was deserved or not just because of personal likes, dislikes and different groups. So to me getting everyone to vote could get carried away also.

But if a Mod is gunna ban someone a community vote would be a good way to see what everyone thinks before it happens as we all have seen guys get banned that a vote would probably kept from getting banned. So I can see where it could work. And im sure even now Mod.s will look into bans if members put forth concerns so then they could put it out for a vote that way too.

Gives guys a little more chance then just a sorry your gone.

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Re: problem trolls
« Reply #3 on: July 10, 2011, 05:21:16 PM »
Funny thing Nube I have been thinking the same thing the last couple days.. There has to be some way to control the community you are in..

The thing is is to control it so its not abused,, like the karma thing was. I suppose if it was put on an anonymous vote and a member could only vote once then yah I suppose it would be worth a try. Possibly if a person was voted off they could then be notified by the Admin that it has taken place and given one last chance to smarten up or pack it up.

I to am not for banning people for having a point of view but there is a difference between having a view of something and just plain old stirring up shit. Trouble makers should be gotten rid of plain and simple..
« Last Edit: July 10, 2011, 06:04:45 PM by walleyes »


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Re: problem trolls
« Reply #4 on: July 10, 2011, 05:28:35 PM »
That's called democratic tyranny, mob rule by majority.

The majority can't censor the few just because they don't like what they have to say.

It's why we all left AO.

Quote from: BeckyJudas
Truth be told I was googling GagaYard and found Boberama on a guns forum, I was reading all the negative comments about Gaga that they were putting, that made no sense at all.[/qu


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Re: problem trolls
« Reply #5 on: July 10, 2011, 05:34:24 PM »
That's called democratic tyranny, mob rule by majority.

The majority can't censor the few just because they don't like what they have to say.

It's why we all left AO.

Whats the matter,, starting to feel the door slam on your ass on the way out,, again ???


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Re: problem trolls
« Reply #6 on: July 10, 2011, 05:34:42 PM »
The board has really had a rough few days, and I honestly gotta say that for the past week I havent enjoyed coming here as much.  Alot of nagging, complaining, and whining about the past. Some very stupid arguments that should be taken to private.  Its just a few members, but you can see it headed towards a downward spiral if it continues or is allowed to continue.  This place shouldnt be a place for 'rejects' to come and act however they want.  It should be a board that promotes new members and has a good membership with good people that like the same stuff...the outdoors!

I cant say I really support a 'vote'.  I'm of the mindset that there are certain rules to follow and people that cant follow them get a warning, then get suspended or banned.  I think its a fair system and the right people moderating get it done properly.  No wasted time on votes or public opinion. 

Maybe thats the enforcement officer in me, but its just what I think can work with the right people in place.  I think public opinion is usually pretty obvious by others posts and demeanour.  Just my opinion!


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Re: problem trolls
« Reply #7 on: July 10, 2011, 05:49:10 PM »
Bob, keep topics level headed and of half way normal topics and there is nothing to worry about. But face it, no one here wants to talk about Lady Gaga! So when you bring it up over and over that is what gets under peoples skin and pisses them off. Post your threads all you want, if no one responds let it die and dont egg people on to get them to respond as that is a troll and those are the ones that will be targeted.
Your right your ideas are fine for you but dont force them on others. After the first few threads that people gave you a tough time you should have figured that not many others showed your enthusiasm about it so you should respect people enough to leave it alone.
Just like my Tattoo thread, it was for hunting, fishing and outdoors and you posted one of Britney Spears, that sir is a troll and is not needed.
Like I said no one wants people banned and im sure they wouldnt be just for having different ideas and thoughts.
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Re: problem trolls
« Reply #8 on: July 10, 2011, 05:52:32 PM »
Personally I don't think thats a good idea. Members can be bias towards other members and I think a mod needs to make the decision whether you stay or go. Warnings are nice and hopefully a moderator can stay neutral and make the right call. Personally, I could never be a mod.

I think we all know when we are stepping over the line. I do.
Believe it or not I wanted to get banned from "over yonder", I was sick and tired of the BS, so I acted like a child and went out with a bang just to get the last laugh on one particular moderator. He was part of the old boys club (you all know who I'm talking about and remember my battles with Schwanky) and had it in for me so I decided, enough is enough. I wanted to tell that SOB what I thought of him so I did.

My point being, I knew I was doing something that would get me banned and it did. Was it called for? No! ... I know and have learned from past experiences that it takes a better man to turn the other cheek and walk away. I'm a stubborn SOB though and sometimes I just keep singing that song, 'Coward of the County'.
I believe part of the problem on these forums too is the weekend warrior. A couple of bubblies and were off to the races never thinking or caring about what we say until the next morning, then we scrabble to our computer and log on to see if we were good or bad. ( No I don't drink)

Anyrate, it's my honest opinion the mods should do the dirty work. Forums can have there own little "old boys club" and group moderation could and probably would become bias.

WTS, I had my say then I dropped it. I've learned alot from some of the members on these forums and have great respect for several of them. Bullshooter, Don Meridith and a few more have on occassion extended a friendly hand in a PM and gave me some good advice in a couple of my battles on AO. I remember Don always saying, when the name calling and mud slinging starts, you've run out of intelligent facts to back up your side of the debate. Backed into a corner or whatever you wish to call it and then you come out blasting with both barrells.
I believe all grown ups have that inner child inside of us who likes to react when our buttons are pushed. Mature folks act instead of react.
« Last Edit: July 10, 2011, 06:04:41 PM by Tuc »


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Re: problem trolls
« Reply #9 on: July 10, 2011, 05:58:09 PM »
The board has really had a rough few days, and I honestly gotta say that for the past week I havent enjoyed coming here as much.  Alot of nagging, complaining, and whining about the past. Some very stupid arguments that should be taken to private.  Its just a few members, but you can see it headed towards a downward spiral if it continues or is allowed to continue.  This place shouldnt be a place for 'rejects' to come and act however they want.  It should be a board that promotes new members and has a good membership with good people that like the same stuff...the outdoors!

I cant say I really support a 'vote'.  I'm of the mindset that there are certain rules to follow and people that cant follow them get a warning, then get suspended or banned.  I think its a fair system and the right people moderating get it done properly.  No wasted time on votes or public opinion. 

Maybe thats the enforcement officer in me, but its just what I think can work with the right people in place.  I think public opinion is usually pretty obvious by others posts and demeanour.  Just my opinion!

Very well said Rackmaster, I agree.


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Re: problem trolls
« Reply #10 on: July 10, 2011, 06:10:38 PM »
This place shouldnt be a place for 'rejects' to come and act however they want.  It should be a board that promotes new members and has a good membership with good people that like the same stuff...the outdoors!
I agree Rack but the first part of your comment is wrong. This forum is stereoTyped, remember there are lots of good folks that came over here because they were fed up with the BS over there. I'm sure if this forum gets away from discussing our passions, the outdoors, they will leave this one too.

Huh what happened? The last apragraph in my previous post should be the 3rd paragraph.
« Last Edit: July 10, 2011, 06:12:48 PM by Tuc »


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Re: problem trolls
« Reply #11 on: July 10, 2011, 06:12:50 PM »
I have faith in Paul.  He will do what is right in the end.  So far he has been more than fair.  Warnings have already been served.

Tuc has a valid point about the old boys club thing which is not good either.  That is one of the reasons I don't post on AO anymore.   I hear what you other guys are saying too.  The majority of us actual sportsman have little patience for some of this other BS.  (okay I can say bull shit here).

Maybe we need to build an octagon where we can throw some of these guys in to settle  I have some spare page wire.    Lots of referees around too..... ;)
I think I see a rip in the social fabric, Brother can you spare some ammo?
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Re: problem trolls
« Reply #12 on: July 10, 2011, 06:24:52 PM »
You know guys it's not all that complicated we don't have a load of rules here. Just don't be a prick. That's it. Calling someone fat or stupid or retarded because you don't agree with them isn't right.

The whole idea or promoting non restrictive environment wasn't so people could treat each other like shit. The concept is being able to talk freely and openly, post links if you want, talk about other websites or products, and have no worries about it being deleted or being warned. I think that was everyones biggest beef at "other places".

If you don't agree with someone say it, but be constructive. Example.

Tuc makes a post about how great his new scope is. I don't like his new scope.

How not to reply:
"LAWL Tuc you bag of shit I can't believe how stupid you are that you spent money on that piece of junk, you moron lol!!!111"

Appropriate reply

"Tuc, my dad/uncle/brother/friend has one of those scopes and actually had a lot of problems with it, just saying"


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Re: problem trolls
« Reply #13 on: July 10, 2011, 06:27:46 PM »
I have faith in Paul.  He will do what is right in the end.  So far he has been more than fair.  Warnings have already been served.

Tuc has a valid point about the old boys club thing which is not good either.  That is one of the reasons I don't post on AO anymore.   I hear what you other guys are saying too.  The majority of us actual sportsman have little patience for some of this other BS.  (okay I can say bull shit here).

Maybe we need to build an octagon where we can throw some of these guys in to settle  I have some spare page wire.    Lots of referees around too..... ;)
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Re: problem trolls
« Reply #14 on: July 10, 2011, 06:29:25 PM »
"Tuc, my dad/uncle/brother/freind has one of those scopes and actually had a lot of problems with it, just saying"
Never! It will be Bushnell scopes till the end I say, Bushnell! lol


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Re: problem trolls
« Reply #15 on: July 10, 2011, 06:56:55 PM »
i think it all just comes down to common sense and decency. either your parents taught you some or they didnt. there is no reason to all out war like i seen a few do on this and other forums... what does it accomplish ? nthn

if it comes down to that.. like it has been said a million times keep it private... were all here for the same reasons id like to think... we are a community of guys/gals that love the outdoors and whatever they have to offer... i dont want to come here and have to read some schoolyard grade 6 type mentality bickering as im sure others dont as well...
« Last Edit: July 10, 2011, 07:00:50 PM by wildmeat »


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Re: problem trolls
« Reply #16 on: July 10, 2011, 06:57:43 PM »
That's called democratic tyranny, mob rule by majority.

The majority can't censor the few just because they don't like what they have to say.

It's why we all left AO.

Sorry Bob but I have to add that you did not leave AO,you were booted...And I still read the posts there and sometimes reply to a thread
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Re: problem trolls
« Reply #17 on: July 10, 2011, 08:18:02 PM »
You know guys it's not all that complicated we don't have a load of rules here. Just don't be a prick. That's it. Calling someone fat or stupid or retarded because you don't agree with them isn't right.

The whole idea or promoting non restrictive environment wasn't so people could treat each other like shit. The concept is being able to talk freely and openly, post links if you want, talk about other websites or products, and have no worries about it being deleted or being warned. I think that was everyones biggest beef at "other places".

If you don't agree with someone say it, but be constructive. Example.

Tuc makes a post about how great his new scope is. I don't like his new scope.

How not to reply:
"LAWL Tuc you bag of shit I can't believe how stupid you are that you spent money on that piece of junk, you moron lol!!!111"

Appropriate reply

"Tuc, my dad/uncle/brother/friend has one of those scopes and actually had a lot of problems with it, just saying"

Paul it is appreciated the freedom that you give the members of this forum and all you asked in return is for respect...Unfortunately a few do not understand this and want to turn a forum into a Jerry Springer Show...As far as a vote, I don’t know...Maybe a 3 strike rule where the strikes are listed beside their name....Just a thought...
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Re: problem trolls
« Reply #18 on: July 10, 2011, 09:00:32 PM »
I'll stand up and say that I'm one of the guys that 'contributed' to a bit of a blow up on some recent threads.  If you see my posting style on the other forum, that is typically not how I conduct myself.  But in this instance, I felt that I had to say something outside of PM's due to the fact that other people would be likely swindled.  When it got really ugly, I backed off after saying my piece for the most part.  Seeing Mason flip out and change his username pretty much is all the evidence everyone else needs to see.  If those things said were false, they could be refuted.  In this case, we hit a nerve because it was a little close to home for him.  Typically I live and let live. Except for when I have lady gag-me rammed down my throat.
« Last Edit: July 10, 2011, 09:03:13 PM by Albertadiver »

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Re: problem trolls
« Reply #19 on: July 10, 2011, 09:28:20 PM »
I wonder if it would be possible when people register, that they be told not to purposefully bring up other forums in a negative way. It could be explained that,although it this forum may be new to them it is not new for senior members of this forum. People do not necessarily realize that it has all been said before.(I didn't) "Mods#2,3 and 5 are all knobs and members:Joker,Clown, and Numbskull are all losers over at forum X." This may take away some of the negative postings over here.

I apologize for bringing up crap from the other site. I thought it was funny and a way to make a positive statement about this forum.
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