Author Topic: problem trolls  (Read 3797 times)


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Re: problem trolls
« Reply #20 on: July 10, 2011, 09:42:06 PM »
That mason guy was a crackpot...look what he sent me..

you another internet tough guy? I dont live far from you at all and am always in hinton so if you really wanna talk to me we can meet up


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Re: problem trolls
« Reply #21 on: July 10, 2011, 10:14:31 PM »
The site has been great with topics related to the great outdoors being encouraged.  Personally I try to avoid negative comments towards people or products as they are very weak arguments.  Basically they disrepect both myself and the argument.  Its a shame that these comments have crept into the threads lately and we should all do our best to eliminate these type of comments.

My 2 cents anyway.


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Re: problem trolls
« Reply #22 on: July 11, 2011, 01:18:26 AM »
I apologize for bringing up crap from the other site. I thought it was funny and a way to make a positive statement about this forum.

Okie no one has an issue with anything you posted.


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Re: problem trolls
« Reply #23 on: July 11, 2011, 01:31:28 AM »
I just had a very suspicious troll problem, and I STRONGLY suspect a member from THIS SITE was involved.  >:(

Whoever is was, send me a PM and fess up please.

I don't think a random person would post videos of muzzleloading season and attack me on another site.

« Last Edit: July 11, 2011, 04:19:42 AM by Boberama »

Quote from: BeckyJudas
Truth be told I was googling GagaYard and found Boberama on a guns forum, I was reading all the negative comments about Gaga that they were putting, that made no sense at all.[/qu

Chris K

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Re: problem trolls
« Reply #24 on: July 11, 2011, 08:20:30 AM »
Don't take advantage of the lax atmosphere here.  It's not for posting annoying Lady GaGa information over and over, or for hijacking threads with Britney Spears tattoos.  We are Alberta Sportsman, not TMZ.  If you have a problem or a beef, handle it in a civil manner.  If you are going to be an idiot, and want a second chance to redeem yourself we are all going to wonder why that is necessary as you really can't function on a message board like a normal person in the first place.  Do we need people to sign their real names to the bottom of their posts so that there is real integrity to the words that are posted?  I don't think so, as 99 percent of the people here seem to know how this kind of thing works.  It seems that every full moon or something like that another real winner comes out of the woodwork and graces us with their presence.  It's the internet and that's one of the hazards of running a message board.
I don't care why other sites kicked you out, and I don't think anyone here does either.  GET ON WITH LIFE!  If you come here and act like an idiot, you will be booted out, and no one is going to care here either!  Posting screen shots of drama you enjoyed only adds fuel to a negative atmosphere.  Hahaha, gee that was funny, but we are adults, not 13 year olds.  Well maybe some of us really are 13.......

I do not think that there is any stereotype here.  This is simply a place that no matter what the sponsors, if you want to mention something that isn't sponsor related, we won't crack down on members.  Don't confuse that with spam, and if you are a member and have a business, you are more than welcome to share your services with our members.  You can disagree all you want with whatever posters say, as long as you do it in a civil manner.  Read what you type, and then read it again.  If you can stand by your words and make them civil, post away.  If you can't, then take a deep breath, erase some of your post and rephrase your message.  I work with companies and have sponsors as a pro staff fisherman.  Sometimes I have to step back and realize that some things are just not worth getting into.  Pick your battles carefully!  I do have my real name on here, and it's quite easy to identify who I am.  I have a concience and stand by my words.  The beauty of the internet is that if you want to hide behind a faceless name and spew a pile of bs you can.  This isn't the place for it.  If that's what you want to do, save us the drama and go somewhere else and erase your account.

Chris K     



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Re: problem trolls
« Reply #25 on: July 11, 2011, 09:08:09 AM »
Seen this one coming for quite some time, things were going way too well. Figured it wouldn't take long before a screwball or two from other forums would hear about this site and show up, and they have............
I don't believe in the free and easy banning either, but there are always a few that need to go. Would be nice to see this site stay free of the drama that occurs on a daily basis on other alberta outdoors forums (really gotta watch those fishermen, they're usually right in the middle of the fueding and drama on various other forums   ;D)
« Last Edit: July 11, 2011, 09:17:41 AM by MountainTi »


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Re: problem trolls
« Reply #26 on: July 11, 2011, 11:48:44 AM »
Pretty easy really guys - if you see stupidity just walk the other way.

Kudos to the mods for keeping an open mind - but if you are talking about things like Lady Gagme on a hunting forum it speaks volumes too guys. Sometimes you need to cut bait and move the boat.

Who in their right mind would want to talk about that stuff here - imagine the ribbing your hunting buds would have after you advertise it on the net....

At any rate I have far less problem with this type of inappropriate behavior that the baiting and trolling by the "experts" on other forums.

Another great thing going here is the level of REAL experience - some great resources here and a great place to learn about things outdoors.


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Re: problem trolls
« Reply #27 on: July 11, 2011, 12:50:38 PM »
Very nice comment Paul the boss...... I hope it ends and that is the end of it.
On another positive note I am pleased to see this new format.
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Re: problem trolls
« Reply #28 on: July 11, 2011, 01:36:11 PM »
Don't take advantage of the lax atmosphere here.  It's not for posting annoying Lady GaGa information over and over, or for hijacking threads with Britney Spears tattoos.
You know, there are many sites out there very appropriate for some of the immature bullshit that goes on here. I believe they belong to 14 year olds and I'm sure they would love to have you and you can talk about Britney and googo all you want. Here you are on an OUTDOORSMEN board and its my opinion outdoorsmen topics should be 95% of your posts.

Some people come in here and post bizarre avatars under their names that haven't got any connection what-so-ever to the outdoors. They talk about their avartars (ya you Bob!) or somekind of garbage connected to it and seldom do they say anything constructive about hunting, fishing, camping or any of the topics that this forum is all about. I know it's a free world but if you'd rather post a picture of Lady GoGa (or whatever the hell her name is) than one of your trophy bucks, hunting truck, rifle  or hunting dog, the beautifull pike you caught at GS Lake, you catch my drift......then you are on the wrong forum. Maybe the mods should start moderating avatars, then you would hear some screaming, wait, don't ya dear touch Nube's, he's an exception...LOL

Anyrate, I just think their is an appropriate place for everything and as someone mentioned, if you can't get over your avatar and stop talking, and running it down other members throats perhaps you would be happier on another forum.
Bob, it's apparent who I'm refering too here but please think about it. If you decide to stay....PALEASE.... lets see some threads and pictures of one of youir memorable hunting or fishinging trips and cut the bull.
I'll try and be very polite and let you know, everytime I look at that avatar it makes me puke.
There how was that?
Ron Grover (AKA Tuc)

Bob I've been on these forums for a good many years and there are some good, straight shooting guys in here that you can learn alot from. (I did) But you got to cut the BS, be honest, stay on topic, shut your big mouth and open your two ears and hopefull we will find an open mind in there. So
I'm assuming your here because you have a great love for the outdoors as most of us do. Then you are in the right spot and these guys will teach you all you want to know about hunting, fishing and other outdoor passions we persue.
« Last Edit: July 11, 2011, 01:45:47 PM by Tuc »


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Re: problem trolls
« Reply #29 on: July 11, 2011, 01:42:58 PM »
I don't have issue with anyone's avatar as long as it's not offensive.

The real issue at hand is bumping something that no one cares about or wants to post in. Isn't that right Bob?


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Re: problem trolls
« Reply #30 on: July 11, 2011, 02:02:19 PM »
LOL Tuc we deffinatly dont want them touching Nube's Avatar Pic!!!!!!!

Could you imagine that face in a clear pic  :o
I hunt sheep to see over the next mountain not to measure the next trophy!

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Re: problem trolls
« Reply #31 on: July 11, 2011, 03:23:02 PM »
LOL Tuc we deffinatly dont want them touching Nube's Avatar Pic!!!!!!!

Could you imagine that face in a clear pic   :o

Ya, we could all see just how young Nube looked in that avatar pic then.  I'm thinking he was so young that could just be him with his teddy  :D
I think I see a rip in the social fabric, Brother can you spare some ammo?
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Re: problem trolls
« Reply #32 on: July 11, 2011, 03:59:56 PM »
I hunt sheep to see over the next mountain not to measure the next trophy!

Maximus Outdoor Adventures Prostaff

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Re: problem trolls
« Reply #33 on: July 11, 2011, 04:01:20 PM »
Ya, we could all see just how young Nube looked in that avatar pic then.  I'm thinking he was so young that could just be him with his teddy  :D

Do I really look that young???  And I still like my teddy bear if you must know 8)


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Re: problem trolls
« Reply #34 on: July 11, 2011, 10:10:43 PM »
I'd like to make a suggestion.

Some people here have got their panties in a knot over my supposedly "off-topic posts" in the off-topic forum.  ::)

Sure, I shouldn't have bumped my thread, but don't treat it like I committed a war crime.

Here's my suggestion:

Delete the Back at Camp sub-forum.

If you don't want off-topic posts, don't have an off-topic area.

Many sites have deleted the off-topic areas and do not allow discussion on off-topic subjects such as politics or general discussions.

Take for example,, and

These sites concentrate on guns. They have zero problems with trolls and no overly heated discussions.

They have a serious and mature atmosphere.

Delete the Back at Camp area and you get rid of 90% of your problems.

Quote from: BeckyJudas
Truth be told I was googling GagaYard and found Boberama on a guns forum, I was reading all the negative comments about Gaga that they were putting, that made no sense at all.[/qu


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Re: problem trolls
« Reply #35 on: July 11, 2011, 10:14:18 PM »
Bob, the problem wasn't what you posted. When no one replied you couldn't handle it. We are not deleting the general discussion forum


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Re: problem trolls
« Reply #36 on: July 11, 2011, 10:35:49 PM »
Bob, the problem wasn't what you posted. When no one replied you couldn't handle it. We are not deleting the general discussion forum

 ;D You really do take bumping a thread very, very seriously.

Won't happen again.

Quote from: BeckyJudas
Truth be told I was googling GagaYard and found Boberama on a guns forum, I was reading all the negative comments about Gaga that they were putting, that made no sense at all.[/qu


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Re: problem trolls
« Reply #37 on: July 11, 2011, 10:42:55 PM »

I really enjoyed the mascot you created for AO.  Would you be willing do a similar sketch for our friends at AS?

PS Your threads dont bug me one bit....i find it all very entertaining!! 

PPS  I like you avatar pic too!


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Re: problem trolls
« Reply #38 on: July 12, 2011, 12:47:38 AM »

I really enjoyed the mascot you created for AO.  Would you be willing do a similar sketch for our friends at AS?

PS Your threads dont bug me one bit....i find it all very entertaining!! 

PPS  I like you avatar pic too!

Why, thank you my friend!

Sure I can create a mascot for AS. I'll post it up once it's done in a couple days.


Quote from: BeckyJudas
Truth be told I was googling GagaYard and found Boberama on a guns forum, I was reading all the negative comments about Gaga that they were putting, that made no sense at all.[/qu