Author Topic: Reply  (Read 1117 times)


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« on: July 28, 2012, 08:13:23 PM »
Wife sent me an email about her trip to Alaska, so I replied.

Howdy wife of mine.
  Glad to hear your trip is going well even with a rough spot.  Bobby had Donny, Amigo, Duke and Black cat with him on the Ranger and rolled it.  Bobby has multiple fractures to his legs and back, They say Donny may see again in a year or two, Duke got off lucky by dieing on the first flip, blackcat has 8 lives left and Amigo flew out but as you know birds can fly so he just landed.  Everything has died from drout except for the parts washed away in the big flood.  Hotter than hades here since you left except for the day of frost and blizzard we had.  Your Dad’s grow op got busted the day after your Ma ran off with another woman.  Keep enjoying your trip cause everything is under control here.