Author Topic: Sour Gas Leak  (Read 1636 times)

Dark Wing

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Sour Gas Leak
« on: January 12, 2013, 11:21:54 AM »
So Friday I took the family to GP to do some shopping and get our eye examined. At the end of the day we start our 2 hour drive home and get held up at the Weycan. North road 50Km South of GP. Unsure of whats up my wife calls a few friends and we find out there's a sour gas leak and the hwy is closed from the Prairie cr road ( 50 km North of Grande Cache to the Cutbank river). seems like a pretty big area that was closed so I'll assume the leak was pretty extensive. At 6:00 pm the hwy was re opened and we continued on our way. There was still a really strong odor in the kakwa valley so It got me wondering how it was going to effect the wildlife. Over the years I've heard of the sour gas leak and if it was in a remote enough area's and very little if any media was informed. How accountable are these companies for the damages caused and what are the health risks from eating meat or fish from the effected areas. There's enough sweet gas in the area so why risk dealing with sour gas. It always seems like alot of these sour wells sit on the highest contours at least in the mountain zones and puts everything at a much higher risk when something goes wrong. Man I'm glad I live next to the Willmore and for the most part the wind blows from that direction.


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Re: Sour Gas Leak
« Reply #1 on: January 12, 2013, 12:13:40 PM »
The end of sour gas would be the end of modern man.  Sulfer is one of the most important elements fertilizer for one rubber gun powder plastic. 


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Re: Sour Gas Leak
« Reply #2 on: January 12, 2013, 07:51:24 PM »
I wouldn't let it concern me dark wing,, sour gas is not something that would stay in the flesh or meat of an animal, it attacks the oxygen or robs the oxygen from the body or blood vessels on contact but its not something that would stay in an animals system. I suppose if something was exposed to high level for a an extended period who knows but anything for this content I am sure would cause death to the animal. As in most cases the leak probably wasn't that extensive but no one can take chances now a days and they always air on the side of precaution  before anything.

Nasty stuff.. If people even new half the news about this stuff.. Did you know that every 3 days there are about 20 train cars full of sour gas that pass through the southern greater Toronto region ? They travel all through the prairie  provinces and are used in southern Ontario and northern US for smelting. There is enough sour gas in those train cars that did the proper accident if you will were to take place and with the right winds they say close to 2 million people would be high danger or could be killed.. Scary stuff..
« Last Edit: January 12, 2013, 07:53:32 PM by walleyes »

Dark Wing

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Re: Sour Gas Leak
« Reply #3 on: January 14, 2013, 12:32:04 PM »
I'd just like to know when and where leaks occured. In 08 maybe 09 a sour gas pipe line rupture in a remote area in wmu 352 and nothing was said about it. A co workers brother was involved with dealing with the incident and had told me other wise I would have never heard about it. How many other leaks have occured that were kept hush hush ? 


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Re: Sour Gas Leak
« Reply #4 on: January 14, 2013, 03:33:45 PM »
Log onto the EUB site and keep a look out on there if you would like. Any release of hydro carbons or venting of gases especially sour has to be reported and as such will be noted on their site.