Author Topic: Stole this off Facebook  (Read 1995 times)


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Stole this off Facebook
« on: August 12, 2013, 05:35:58 PM »
So its been brought up that one of the guys drawn in Alberta for the coveted last season of the 2013 Cadomin lottery tag is a guy that has already held this tag two previous times(Rich Mellon of Outdoor Quest TV) . He has already had this tag twice which when drawn his second time raised concerns and riled people up. It is also rumored that his wife's draw was in the same envelope yet she killed a sheep last year and is not allowed to hunt sheep this year or apply for the draw . They should have forfeited the envelope but it was supposedly accepted. This is referred to by Albertans as basically a once in a life time tag with the numbers applying for such a few tags. But now someone has pulled it a third time with very very few if any others getting even two. Seems that there is a huge flaw in the system and need to be looked at. Right now the Alberta sheep hunting community is up in arms over this and rightly should.

So here is a question,
Do you folk think that tags such as these late season super tags should be once in a lifetime tags? You draw one you are ineledgable to apply ever again? Or should it be left alone?

It doesn't surprise me that Melons name showed up, I'm sure it was coincidendal.  ::)

This draw should be once in a lifetime and once your drawn, your no more eligible.


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Re: Stole this off Facebook
« Reply #1 on: August 12, 2013, 06:10:14 PM »
Reminds me of the, "good ole' days" before our priority system when the local, "good ole' boy's",  were, "fortunate enough" to draw cypress elk tags every year or every other year while everyone else had more chance of seeing a unicorn.

I absolutely love our draw and priority system and it really pisses me off when I read of a percentage of drawn applicant's not bothering to purchase the tag, etc.  I'd really hate to see any major changes to what I believe is the best system we could possibly hope for.  I'd really hate to see a lottery which a lot of the newcomers seem to think would be a good thing.  I don't buy lottery tickets as I believe they're a voluntary tax on the stupid.

That being said, with the population steadily increasing maybe specific tags do need to be, "once in a lifetime", for example the goat tag, maybe draw bison and this cadomin tag?  Especially if it's true this guy's been drawn 3 times.  Heck, that smells almost as bad as the constantly changing stories of the b&e high river gang.

I'd actually prefer to see something like if someone is drawn for a tag and they don't purchase it they can't apply for draws (incl 999) for 3 years.  That'd stop That BS in a hurry!

I don't know, that's a tuff one Tuc, I fully understand the reasoning and frustration, but  "be careful what you wish for" comes to mind.

What's the attraction to the cadomin area anyway?  You can purchase an over the counter ram tag and hunt them every single year.  Easy access?  They're hobbled?  I just don't know why that tag's so coveted?


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Re: Stole this off Facebook
« Reply #2 on: August 12, 2013, 07:52:04 PM »
Just a bunch of rumours and inneundo, right now.  No such thing as mail in draws with IBM it's web or phone. Ill see how I feel if its proven to be true but at this time it's all speculation.
Also it is a lottery, not a priority draw so anything is possible.
I'm from the country , and I like it that way!!!


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Re: Stole this off Facebook
« Reply #3 on: August 12, 2013, 07:54:41 PM »
Not sure what to think about this one.. I mean really,, it's not like Mellon is all that important of a person or that influenceual in this province to be able to constitute any special treatment. There are a huge number of people with a tonne more money and pull in politics in this province that hunt than old Mellon. If this would of happened to someone with heavy ties to SRD then I could see it but not this guy..

If this is true,, I say just luck,, very darn good luck but luck none the same.. Funny thing is is I still see no comment from him on the matter.. Weather I like the man or not I still won't pass any judgment until the truth comes forth..


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Re: Stole this off Facebook
« Reply #4 on: August 12, 2013, 08:04:53 PM »
Not sure what to think about this one.. I mean really,, it's not like Mellon is all that important of a person or that influenceual in this province to be able to constitute any special treatment. There are a huge number of people with a tonne more money and pull in politics in this province that hunt than old Mellon. If this would of happened to someone with heavy ties to SRD then I could see it but not this guy..

If this is true,, I say just luck,, very darn good luck but luck none the same.. Funny thing is is I still see no comment from him on the matter.. Weather I like the man or not I still won't pass any judgment until the truth comes forth..

And his wife had one of the same tags so thats 4. 


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Re: Stole this off Facebook
« Reply #5 on: August 12, 2013, 08:24:43 PM »
And his wife had one of the same tags so thats 4.

We don't know if any of this is true or not yet jimmy,, let's wait and see before we get to riled up..


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Re: Stole this off Facebook
« Reply #6 on: August 13, 2013, 03:04:49 PM »
Well regardless of who it is and what anyone thinks of that person a couple of things immediately come to mind. First, considering the odds of winning this lottery 3 times in the span of the eight or ten year history of the draw must be well into the millions to one range it would be in the interest of SRD and the Ministry to have a quick look into the system to assure everyone that the system is working correctly. Even Lotto boards will investigate multiple winners to make sure everything is on the up and up. Without that type of integrity the fall out can have some rather nasty effects.

Second, again considering the odds is there something that is amiss with the system that can be exploited to increase your opportunity? Again not suggesting that it has been by this individual but if there is a flaw in the system and someone either by blind luck or personal knowledge knows about it the integrity of the system will have some nasty fall out. Along with this line of thought if the individual knew of a flaw and was in anyway exploiting it I'm not sure that wouldn't be considered fraud, and then the whole thing of who knows what. Remember this is just "what if's" but something to consider.

Finally on a personal and biased note, considering the individual in question it is hardly surprising that he isn't clearing the record, pretty much inline with how his ego and self importance makes him so reprehensible to so many of us. I can only imagine his response to this if the situation was reversed.

As to the OP and whether this should be a once in a lifetime draw, I've always thought that it should stay the way it is because it gives some hope of perhaps coming up with a second chance on a great opportunity, that in reality (considering that it really is a pipe dream to think you'd get it even once) is just a pipe dream. But when you see something like this taking place it becomes obvious that in the nature of fairness this has to be changed.

Good luck Rich, I really hope you are a lucky Bastard and there is not an alternative reality to this situation.
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