Author Topic: The Donald Sterling Issue.  (Read 1412 times)


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The Donald Sterling Issue.
« on: April 29, 2014, 05:48:38 PM »
I am not sure how many of you have been paying attention to this whole issue with the NBA owner or not but for those that have they really nailed him today. Now I don't want anyone to take me wrong on this but I have an issue with the way this has all went down.

First off yes the man is a racist and a biggit that goes with out saying and there is no room for that in a public figure especially one who makes money off of black people but my issue is this. First off if any of you have listened to the conversation he was having with his so called girl friend,, it was a private conversation he wasn't making a public statement it was in private and should have remained just that. The way I see it,, this women should be charged for making a recording of a conversation and then making it public. Second of all,, what's with the fine, what is it going to accomplish ?? Nothing !! Look the man feels the way he feels it's his business,, is it right, of course not but it is a free country and he is aloud to feel the way he does. Now if he would have made these feelings in an open public manner then by all means nail his ass but,, it was a private matter.

What is going to start to happen now,, they are going to fine people into loving everybody ?? If you don't love every human on the face of the earth you will be fined ?? What an obsurd thought or gesture.

Nope,, this is political correctness once again ran afoul.

I hope the man sues her and the NBA's ass off. And not because I agree with him by no means do I but,, this is still a free country and we are still aloud to have personnel feelings,, right or wrong,, but it's our right !!
« Last Edit: April 30, 2014, 07:59:30 AM by walleyes »


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Re: The Adam Silver Issue.
« Reply #1 on: April 29, 2014, 09:15:25 PM »
Pretty fair assessment of that crazy issue for sure.  Lots of people yapping as if they were stabbed in the heart by one old man's comments in a private conversation.
Lots of money changing hands over some crazy talk spurred on by a gold digger.  Easy come, easy go... Donald was divorce and personal injury attorney.
Old Don Sterling is paying for that gold digger of a girlfriend now....hope he had fun while it lasted.
What struck me as being funny is that his wife was by his side supporting him today after this all went down.
She is probably hanging on to him thinking about the 1.9 billion that he is worth.
« Last Edit: April 29, 2014, 10:05:43 PM by AxeMan »
I think I see a rip in the social fabric, Brother can you spare some ammo?
Gettin' down on the mountain, gettin' down on the mountain


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Re: The Adam Silver Issue.
« Reply #2 on: April 29, 2014, 09:42:57 PM »
You hit the nail on the head walleyes and I agree with you 100%.

I think the punishment was way to severe for what he said,plus it was said in a private conversation and it's not like he was yelling and screaming while dropping F bombs and using the N word.

I think a public apology and a short time out would have been suffice.People are taking this political correctness way to far.Why? Because someones poor widdle feelings might get hurt. ::)

People need to harden the eff up and stop with the "Oh that offends me" crap. 8)


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Re: The Adam Silver Issue.
« Reply #3 on: April 30, 2014, 07:10:08 AM »
Haven't been following this, heard a snippet about it on the news is all.

However if the big kafuffle is over something he said in private, presumably in confidence then yes, it's not only blown out of proportion, it's a very dangerous precedent.

The guy may be a rascist prick, but it's his right to be a closet rascist and a prick.  As I understand it his actions did not hurt anyone and if not for a vengeful ex no one would have ever even known.

Que the thought police and open the doors of the fema camps.

Keep in mind:  suzuki stated global warming, "deniers" should be put in camps.
Anti second amendment zealots in the US say gun owners should be put in camps.

Left wing political correctness is indeed just another word for tyranny.  The scary part is the left wing zealot's remind me a lot of another frenzied group that started in the 30's.
The truly scary part is that many elected politicians are in line with their views, and that's how the previously mentioned group got power.


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Re: The Donald Sterling Issue.
« Reply #4 on: April 30, 2014, 10:04:06 PM »
Bang on Walleyes. It all was said behind closed doors and that paid for ditz shouldn't have brought it public. We all know what she's looking for..... and it's not just a piece of smoked meat.


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Re: The Donald Sterling Issue.
« Reply #5 on: April 30, 2014, 11:03:35 PM »
         This is a slippery one. Yes it was a private conversation that should be left at a private conversation.  Or should it?  What if it had been about (insert offending topic here...)?  Where exactly is the line?
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Re: The Donald Sterling Issue.
« Reply #6 on: May 01, 2014, 01:27:38 AM »
I agree.
There is no doubt that the guy is a jerk.
There is no doubt that his girlfriend is a piece of work as well.
Lets face it, she didn't do that because she suddenly objected to his racism.

The larger issue is privacy and right to feel free to expess yourself in your own home.

Racism is wrong but its even more wrong to bug a guy in his own home to expose that.

When it comes down to freedom sometimes you have to hold your nose and accept that even characters like him have rights because when his rights no longer  matter...nobody elses do either.

Pardon me but can I please have my country back?


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Re: The Donald Sterling Issue.
« Reply #7 on: May 01, 2014, 04:45:16 PM »
Would extortion on the part of the girlfriend enter into the picture?