Some things never change. I don't know if you noticed but cutlines are not natural. They were put there with machines. Just because YOU enjoy walking on them doesn't mean that someone else can't enjoy them with their chosen piece of off road equipment. You sure try to split outdoor users up so its easier to "divide and conquer". How many times have YOU used these "OHV highways" to retrieve game??? Hypocrisy at it's finest.
Why must you derail the thread by getting all upset at another members post? This is about "the good old days". And I stated that I miss the good old days when people walked on trails and cutlines. (I don't believe I said anything about cutlines being "natural") And I miss when there were not OHVs "motocrossing"all over (I have used my OHV to retrieve game and not ripping around, no hypocrisy there)I don't try to split outdoor users. But why would I want to be "united" with users I do not agree with?
I hate to even think about it.. Born and raised in the bush in N/E A.B. you cant emagine the change we are seeing.. This place was kind of out of the way for years but now with all this heavy oil mania taking place,, its the center of the province and every yahoo there is is up here. Progress is progress but at what cost. I cant wait until most of the construction is over with at least and it slows down some around here,, wayyyyy to many people..
Looks like I stirred up a hornets nest here. Oh well....the good old days when a Honda 250 Big Red was the king of the hill..
Screw them and their tags..
In the past 30 years what appears to have changed the most to me is that hunting has become much less of a recreational pursuit and much more of a political pursuit… and not by my choice.Several years ago I would spend six weeks hunting and the remaining forty six weeks of the year wishing I was hunting. Now I spend about three months hunting and the balance of the year (through various organizations and on my own) defending conservations, habitat and our past-time. It appears that there have been a number of serious issues that have presented over the past ten or fifteen years with a lot more on the horizon. It never ends and for the most part I don't really understand the need for all these changes.Oh yeah, I also very much miss having a stubby of Lethbridge beer by the campfire. It was my favorite beer and you could buy a dozen for less the $5.00 at the Lethbidge Brewery. Call me a social utopian, but the closest I have found is Stella Artois and about 5 times the price. My buddies think I am mad with my comparison but that is how I remember it… with a Colt Mild cigar and a big bag of bacon rinds. Good times. Swore off the stogies a long time ago and “apparently” bacon rinds are no longer recognized in the Canadian Healthy Eating Guide. Regards, Mike