Author Topic: The Newfie and the Game Warden  (Read 1162 times)


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The Newfie and the Game Warden
« on: May 25, 2013, 05:00:08 PM »
A Newfoundlander was stopped by a Game Warden recently with two ice chests full of live fish.
He was leavin' a cove well known for its fishing.

The Game Warden stopped him and asked "Do you have a license to catch those fish?"
"No, sir," replied the Newfoundlander.
"Got no license. I don't need one. You must understand, b'y, dese fish are my pet fish."

"Pet fish?" says the Warden.

"Yeah. Dat's de trut' b'y. Every night, I takes dese fish down to de cove and lets 'em swim 'round for awhile.
Den, when I whistles, dey jumps right back into dese ice chests, and I takes 'em 'ome."

"That's a bunch of hooey! Fish can't do that."

The Newfoundlander looked at the Warden for a moment and then said, "It's de trut sir. I'll show ya. It really works."

"Okay," said the Warden. "I've got to see this!"

The Newfoundlander stood on a rock and poured the fish into the cove. Then he stood and looked out to sea.

After several minutes, the Warden says, "Well?"

"Well, what?," says the Newfoundlander.

The Warden says, "When are you going to call them back?'"

"Call who back?"

"The FISH," replied the Warden!

"What fish?" replied the Newfoundlander.

Moral of the Story: We may not be as smart as some, but by the lard tundering, we ain't as dumb as some Government Employees!


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Re: The Newfie and the Game Warden
« Reply #1 on: May 25, 2013, 05:09:46 PM »
Good one;  heard if before except instead of fish it was a poached lobster.

Told it to an ex boat captain newfie who was working for us, thought he was going to pee himself he laughed so much.  Made me suspect he knew something about, "free range lobster"? 


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Re: The Newfie and the Game Warden
« Reply #2 on: May 25, 2013, 05:46:25 PM »
Why wasn't jebus born in Newfoundland?

Because they couldn't find three wisemen and a virgin there.
« Last Edit: May 25, 2013, 05:48:17 PM by Sonny »