Author Topic: The rcmp Gestapo rounding up guns in high river  (Read 3892 times)


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Re: The rcmp Gestapo rounding up guns in high river
« Reply #20 on: June 30, 2013, 10:15:24 PM »
Totally agree with Bruce. I am really worked up over this. I HIGHLY doubt hundreds of guns were left unsafely stored. HIGHLY doubt it!! Interesting, I know of ONE person who owns guns in High River. I don't know him personally, but am good friends with his sister. She tells me yesterday he was one of the first allowed back in the town and his guns are missing. The RCMP have no record of going into his house and taking his guns. Doesn't sound like they were tagged very well does it? I will be keeping up with this to see how many of the guns are returned to their owners.
Bonnie (and Joel)


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Re: The rcmp Gestapo rounding up guns in high river
« Reply #21 on: June 30, 2013, 11:49:04 PM »
Oh nooooooes my .243 might end up in the hands of a criminal and they might use it to rob a bank  ::)

Don't ever fool yourself into thinking that there isn't an agenda. 


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Re: The rcmp Gestapo rounding up guns in high river
« Reply #22 on: July 01, 2013, 06:56:28 AM »
The only ones looting were the ones left to prevent looting... Lets see illegall search and seizure , breach of rights and freedoms act,  and profiling of ordinary tax paying law abiding citizens.
Nope don't see nothing wrong there. 
They should be brought up on charges of theft and dereliction of duty. 
I'm from the country , and I like it that way!!!


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Re: The rcmp Gestapo rounding up guns in high river
« Reply #23 on: July 01, 2013, 08:10:24 AM »
I would like to know what they mean by proof of ownerwhip ?? think about it,, how do you prove a gun is yours ?? I certainly don't have any reciepts from my guns,, even if they did these people's houses are detroyed,, God only knows what their files are like.. How on earth is anyone going to prove ownership.. More guns will be stolen this way then if they would of just been left alone..

This is just bad all around,, really bad..

Dark Wing

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Re: The rcmp Gestapo rounding up guns in high river
« Reply #24 on: July 01, 2013, 08:55:08 AM »
If it was me I would have removed my firearms from my basement safe that would have flooded and hid them in the upstairs bedroom. I would imagine the majority of gun owners in HR did the same. Who would of expected the RCMP would break in and take your fire arms ???? Any one that thinks what happened is ok is a ---ing idiot.


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Re: The rcmp Gestapo rounding up guns in high river
« Reply #25 on: July 01, 2013, 10:24:47 AM »
Any one that thinks what happened is ok is a ---ing idiot.


The provincial Government thinks its OK "hey what's the big deal lets focus on helping people it's a small thing".

If it happened to me I would be very unhappy.


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Re: The rcmp Gestapo rounding up guns in high river
« Reply #26 on: July 01, 2013, 10:33:53 AM »
I would like to know what they mean by proof of ownerwhip ?? think about it,, how do you prove a gun is yours ?? I certainly don't have any reciepts from my guns,, even if they did these people's houses are detroyed,, God only knows what their files are like.. How on earth is anyone going to prove ownership.. More guns will be stolen this way then if they would of just been left alone..

So if these people didn't register when the gun registry was in effect they lose their firearm. The only way to prove ownership would be to possess a PAL or FAC. Their were lots of Albertans who joined LUFA and fought the gun registry and never registered.
< >

These poor people have enough on their plates and now they have to deal with the headache of proving gun ownership to the RCMP. Can you imagine if you or I had done this in the name of safety, we would be charged with break, enter and theft. I hope their are charges laid against the RCMP and they pay for violating these people when they are most vunerable. I respect the law but when crap like this happens it erodes away at that respect.
High River RCMP your job is to protect the people, not break into their homes in a time of crisis and steal their belongings. Shame on you!

« Last Edit: July 01, 2013, 10:45:05 AM by Tuc »


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Re: The rcmp Gestapo rounding up guns in high river
« Reply #27 on: July 01, 2013, 11:45:52 AM »
last night I was working a few miles E of HR.  People are saying of locked closet doors broken open, cable locks cut, etc.  Also, despite the MSM's claims, from what I was told people wanting their guns back were flatly refused.  Note that this is mostly, but not all second hand information.

This is more serious then we even feared guys, and it's happening right here, right now.


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Re: The rcmp Gestapo rounding up guns in high river
« Reply #28 on: July 01, 2013, 01:34:41 PM »
The employees of Buffalo Cab should probably stick to what they know best-tazering innocent people, gang beating the local drunk, handcuffing him and packing into Buffalo Cab for a free ride to the tank.  They are also very good at speeding to the local coffee trough, eating doughnuts and snagging anyone that they perceive might need a free ride(the taxpayer pays the fare)!!!  I guess that when you have the foregoing as your chosen career, you feel protected from the law, with the public's constitutional right the furthest thing from your mind.
« Last Edit: July 01, 2013, 01:40:41 PM by unclebuck »


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Re: The rcmp Gestapo rounding up guns in high river
« Reply #29 on: July 01, 2013, 03:47:26 PM »
That's the issue guns in plain site that guys pulled out of their basements to save and locked their doors behind them when they left is one thing. Snooping in closets or cable locked doors, well that's entirely something else. I am sure there will be more facts coming out. My fear is the usual rcmp whitewash and the usual "we are right and did the right thing" right from the top to every first year constable. There is no reasoning, no admission of guilt, no apology. I mean to apologize or admit they made mistake might actually lead to some reprimands or policies so that's never going to happen. The dummies running it will defend the dummies who gave the orders to do it who will defend the dummies who did it.


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Re: The rcmp Gestapo rounding up guns in high river
« Reply #30 on: July 07, 2013, 12:19:40 PM »
"in plain sight" has nothing to do with anything.  It is RCMP bullsh-t.  There is no law that prohibits me from leaving my guns in plain sight inside my home.  None.

Furthermore, these homes were LOCKED.  The subdivisions these homes are in were sealed off by police and military, who were also patrolling. 

Some more of us need to wake up and smell the coffee, IMO.


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Re: The rcmp Gestapo rounding up guns in high river
« Reply #31 on: June 24, 2014, 08:02:11 AM »
Sorry for bringing up this topic again but we must never allow ourselves to forget.  The above poster nailed the underlying problem with the RCMP's statement of defence.  "In plain sight" Nowhere in the safe storage regulations in the firearms act does it state that firearms have to be out of "plain sight"
In fact the safe storage is not even designed to prevent theft at all, it was to prevent immediate usage of the firearm. The very bare minimum that is required for my old .303 Enfield is to just remove the bolt.  Doesn't specify where the bolt must be kept, could even be lying right beside the firearm.  Then that firearm can be laying around my living room like the remote control and it is within safe storage regulations.  Problem is many firearm owners go above and beyond that of the bare minimum, and many non firearm owners believe that there are more regulations than there really are, so when we see the statement "within plain sight" we just accept it as something wrong.
The only section where you see something remotely resembling "within plain sight" is when you lock your firearm in a vehicle that doesn't have a lockable trunk.  Then the firearms have to be "out of sight".  That is the reason why you are legally allowed to display your firearms in your home.
As Canadians we have "Rights and Freedoms" that are ours as citizens, but the problem is these are only promissory.  I challenge anyone who feels otherwise to bring and documentation that states the governments legal repercussions of violating those rights.  I would bet you won't find any, that is why when citizens rights and freedoms are bent or broken no one is ever held accountable and punished.
Overall my point is don't feel like you have to hide your firearms, if you choose so, then do so, but never feel like your doing something wrong if you don't. 


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Re: The rcmp Gestapo rounding up guns in high river
« Reply #32 on: June 24, 2014, 02:59:45 PM »
Now the, "investigation/report" release has been pushed back to August.  Last few days the rcmp have been releasing what IMO amounts to nothing more than misinformation for the left wing media to spew in an attempt to skew peoples views on what the report will contain.  The official story has changed so many times I doubt they can even keep it straight.

From what I've heard, the results of the report will not be kind to the rcmp's actions, as well it shouldn't.  This was an egregious attack on the freedom and security of Canadians and a disgusting abuse of power which, for obvious reasons needs to be severely curtailed if our democracy is to survive. 

Wonder if the report will mention ammunition/reloading components.  From what I've heard those were destroyed and nowhere in the media have I heard or read a single peep about that topic.  Perhaps we're all supposed to pretend that never happened;  can't spin being caught red handed.

Scott N

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Re: The rcmp Gestapo rounding up guns in high river
« Reply #33 on: June 26, 2014, 02:48:55 PM »
I think you're spot on Bruce.


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Re: The rcmp Gestapo rounding up guns in high river
« Reply #34 on: June 26, 2014, 10:14:16 PM »
From what I've heard, the results of the report will not be kind to the rcmp's actions, as well it shouldn't.  This was an egregious attack on the freedom and security of Canadians and a disgusting abuse of power which, for obvious reasons needs to be severely curtailed if our democracy is to survive. 

I agree Bruce, but does it matter? No one will be disciplined, even though people should be fired. That would be the only way to give people some level of comfort and faith in not only the RCMP but also in the Charter of Rights, fire every cocksucker involved right from the top to every constable who kicked in a door. Then our rights actually mean something, that would create some balance in the system and make them think twice before trampling peoples rights. They will continue to violate peoples rights on a whim because they know they are immune, even senior RCMP have a hell of a time firing a constable, very political.