If I was a leader I wouldn't even acknowladge I got these letters let alone respond..
Screw them and their tags..
Some of these famous idiots are legends in their own minds. If our government even takes the time to respond to him, I will be disappointed. Redford never misses an opportunity to disappoint though.WTH, is he trying to win brownie points with his ex wife Pamela.
WTF?! Tommy Lee of Motley Crue sends a letter to premier alison redford pleading her to ban chuckwagons. This yahoo has no business messing with our heritage, traditions, or rodeo. PETA harms more animals than they save. I'm concerned with the lack of people who voted against the ban on chucks. Please go vote if its not too late. I know its only CBC but still....famous people have no business in our politics. As if the dye used in his tats isn't derived from animals....makes me sick.http://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/calgary/story/2013/04/26/calgary-tommy-lee-chuckwagon-races.htmlhttps://m.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=616947585001281&id=198234993539211&_rdr#617307128298660