Author Topic: United Conservative Party.  (Read 8522 times)


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Re: United Conservative Party.
« Reply #40 on: August 10, 2017, 10:35:04 PM »

  Go Rachel ! I needed that ! If it wasn't so funny
  especially on here !     Lost in space !

My motto


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Re: United Conservative Party.
« Reply #41 on: August 11, 2017, 09:04:20 AM »

Who the hell left that rat commie door open .
 Did AO have a dump again .

  This Fildebrand thing is perfect , he did nothing ,
   Followed the party rules , all fake news .
   Just shows you Jean , no Balls . Kenney is letting him
    hang himself .
      Couldn't be better for Jason  .
      And  speaking of AO , the Public is asking  the admin.
      to shut down the General Discussion.
       Get ready for the crack pot  wave to hit ...
        I Walleyes having a great Holiday ,    we miss him !
My motto


  and media ....


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Re: United Conservative Party.
« Reply #42 on: August 11, 2017, 09:08:48 AM »

Do you have reading comprehension issues?
My post you quoted was negative towards Fildebrandt,  I never did like that guy and have said so many times on this forum.   I was saying he was the only poison that could hurt the UCP and help your hero Notley.  My prediction was 100% true.
So my answer to your question "so what do you think of your Fildebrant buddy now" is the same as what I thought of him before...a hypocrite weasel from down east.
Your understanding here explains to me your choice in Rachel.
« Last Edit: August 11, 2017, 09:37:12 AM by AxeMan »
I think I see a rip in the social fabric, Brother can you spare some ammo?
Gettin' down on the mountain, gettin' down on the mountain


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Re: United Conservative Party.
« Reply #43 on: August 12, 2017, 10:40:06 AM »
The more I hear about Kenney's supporters, the less I am inclined to vote for him, even though he unquestionably is the best 'retail' politician.

MLA's like Barnes and Strankman are enemies of anyone who values public lands. Both, especially Barnes, have called for the sale of grazing leases, as well as other areas, to private individuals.  Both support Kenney. MLA's like Fildebrandt certainly don't give one comfort and joy knowing he is supporting Kenney.

I haven't decided yet. I'd like to know more about Doug Schweitzer, although he has never held elected office. Callaway I've always had my concerns about, so he's out. I am mostly leaning towards Brian Jean. He is principled and ethical, although not the best stump politician. I think most Albertan's respect him, even if with the fact he is not the most dynamic. That could go a long way the next election, as Kenney is definitely polarizing, especially with all the dog whistle actions he has taken.

At least those are my thoughts at this point.


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Re: United Conservative Party.
« Reply #44 on: August 20, 2017, 11:59:17 AM »

I will make this real simple for you.  I explained in an earlier post to you that Fildebrant is not my buddy and never was but you keep on.
Do it again and I will ban you for your confrontational bs.  Disagree with the UCP all you like but do not think that you can outright contradict me and get away with it.
You are on watch.
I think I see a rip in the social fabric, Brother can you spare some ammo?
Gettin' down on the mountain, gettin' down on the mountain


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Re: United Conservative Party.
« Reply #45 on: August 20, 2017, 12:37:25 PM »
pm sent

You are misquoting me yet again.  I explained that to you in an additional post as well.
I think I see a rip in the social fabric, Brother can you spare some ammo?
Gettin' down on the mountain, gettin' down on the mountain


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Re: United Conservative Party.
« Reply #46 on: August 20, 2017, 04:47:59 PM »

Wish you would learn to quote to make it easier to read.

BIG SKINNER SAYS : YES IT DOES harm society , most of thease so called Gay men that get married want to adopt a child , how do you think this affects that child with no mother , also what are thease 2 going to do to this child if its a boy , and yes most Gay men want a boy for the simple reason to have their way with them , believe it.
lt should be outlawed.

I probably concur that the ideal situation is for a loving and capable mother and father for a child. However, with 50% of marriages ending in divorce, we already know the ideal doesn't happen many times. I would much prefer that the child has two loving parents, and if they are lesbian or gay, so what? There is NO known study that I am aware of that indicates any more prevalence to child abuse with same sex couples as opposed to heterosexuals. You are throwing out a canard that is unsubstantiated and fear mongering.

In fact, long term studies show that your concern is just not happening on the ground. But I know, you beleive it, and no matter what the facts are, you will not change your mind.

You DO know and realize that most pedophiliacs are heterosexual, and not homosexual, right?

The so what is that they are no better than Muslims pushing Sharia law. And let's not forget, an elected official is suppose to represent ALL of their constituents, not just the ones who agreed with them. Most of our MLA's, no matter what political stripe, often forget that. They also forget that those that voted for them may be SDA, Jewish, Mormon, Muslim or atheist, and should never represent one over the others. The baristas that were elected in some urban ridings are the worst for forgetting that, and hopefully they are gone next election.

I have no idea what this comment refers to, as it addresses nothing in my post.


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Re: United Conservative Party.
« Reply #47 on: August 20, 2017, 10:30:41 PM »
OMG....I give up.  Forget it.  You can't understand written English.
I think I see a rip in the social fabric, Brother can you spare some ammo?
Gettin' down on the mountain, gettin' down on the mountain


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Re: United Conservative Party.
« Reply #48 on: August 21, 2017, 09:14:14 AM »

HAAAAAAAAAAAAAA , so what do you think of your Fildebrant buddy now , haaaaaaaaaaaaaa ,GO RACHEL

Have fun in your socialist bubble Edmonton when you and your comrades are crushed in the next election. I wonder how well you will be treated then by the UCP for your loyalty lol.
Westerner by birth, Canadian by law, Albertan by the grace of God.

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Re: United Conservative Party.
« Reply #49 on: August 21, 2017, 11:13:40 PM »
Have fun in your socialist bubble Edmonton when you and your comrades are crushed in the next election. I wonder how well you will be treated then by the UCP for your loyalty lol.

Ut oh! NDP MLA double dips in one month almost as much as Fildepockets did in 1.5 years.


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Re: United Conservative Party.
« Reply #50 on: August 22, 2017, 06:49:40 AM »
Hey guys, you may be having a battle of wits with someone who is unarmed.  Anyone who supports "this government" and thinks she has done more for Albertan's then Klien, must not get out of the protection of mommy's basement much.


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Re: United Conservative Party.
« Reply #51 on: August 22, 2017, 09:02:44 AM »
Well we always knew they were out there boys, someone voted these morons in. Heck we all know there exists a communist party in Canada someone has to support them and here we have it. The Socilaist is not an intelligent one nor or an overly energetic one but they do exist. For myself they are not worth wasting my time trying to have an intelligent conversation with, they are brain washed usually it's a generational thing so it's pointless.

Just remember these people come next election and let's remember where to put them.
Westerner by birth, Canadian by law, Albertan by the grace of God.

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Re: United Conservative Party.
« Reply #52 on: August 22, 2017, 11:20:07 AM »
Klein sent me a cheque when the debt was paid off.  That was nice.   :)
I think I see a rip in the social fabric, Brother can you spare some ammo?
Gettin' down on the mountain, gettin' down on the mountain


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Re: United Conservative Party.
« Reply #53 on: August 22, 2017, 11:35:08 AM »
Your funny bigskinner, ;D are you here all week with nightly shows? And should we order the veal? Or would you recommend the vegan dish?


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Re: United Conservative Party.
« Reply #54 on: August 22, 2017, 12:01:19 PM »
Klein sent me a cheque when the debt was paid off.  That was nice.   :)

All fine and dandy if you are a rational human being that believes debt exists and is not fictional. Fine and dandy if you believe that money can't just be printed when you need more. You have to have the ability to comprehend there are consequences for debt. These people do not understand these concepts. They are tormented by the fact others work harder than they do and have more, they want all to be equal regardless of their ambition. They want to reap the rewards of others work. It's their mantra.
Westerner by birth, Canadian by law, Albertan by the grace of God.

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Re: United Conservative Party.
« Reply #55 on: August 22, 2017, 12:23:54 PM »
Your batten a thousand today Walleyes, if I work my ass off to better myself and the next guy spends his time playing in the sun, at the end of the year he gets the government hand out and I pay for it. That's why certain people support the Notley gang, they might be right, she has done more for the lazy bum's in Alberta then Klein ever did.


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Re: United Conservative Party.
« Reply #56 on: August 22, 2017, 02:31:43 PM »
Yup, socialism defined:

The ant works hard in the withering heat all summer long, building his house and laying up supplies for the winter.  The grasshopper thinks he's a fool and laughs and dances and plays the summer away.  Come winter, the shivering grasshopper calls a press conference and demands to know why the ant should be allowed to be warm and well fed while others are cold and starving.  CBS, NBC, and ABC show up to provide pictures of the shivering grasshopper next to video of the ant in his comfortable home with a table filled with food.  America is stunned by the sharp contrast.  How can it be that, in a country of such wealth, this poor grasshopper is allowed to suffer so?

Then a representative of the NAAGB (The National Association for the Advancement of Green Bugs) shows up on Nightline and charges the ant with "green bias", and makes the case that the grasshopper is the victim of 30 million years of greenism.  Kermit the Frog appears on Oprah with the grasshopper, and everybody cries when he sings "It's Not Easy Being Green."  Bill and Hillary Clinton make a special guest appearance on the CBS Evening News to tell a concerned Dan Rather that they will do everything they can for the grasshopper who has been denied the prosperity he deserves by those who benefited unfairly during the Reagan summers, or as Bill refers to it, the "Temperatures of the 80's."  Richard Gephardt exclaims in an interview with Peter Jennings that the ant has gotten rich off the back of the grasshopper, and calls for an immediate tax hike on the ant to make him pay his "fair share".  Finally, the EEOC drafts the "Economic Equity and Anti-greenism Act," retroactive to the beginning of the summer.  The ant is fined for failing to hire a proportionate number of green bugs and, having nothing left to pay his retroactive taxes, his home is confiscated by the government.  Hillary gets her old law firm to represent the grasshopper in a defamation suit against the ant, and the case is tried before a panel of federal judges that Bill appointed from a list of single-parent welfare moms who can only hear cases on Thursday afternoon between 1:30 and 3:00 PM when there are no talk shows scheduled.

The ant loses the case.

The story ends as we see the grasshopper finishing up the last bits of the ant's food while the government house he's in -- which just happens to be the ant's old house -- crumbles around him since he doesn't know how to maintain it.  The ant has disappeared in the snow.  And on the TV, which the grasshopper bought by selling most of the ant's food, they are showing Bill Clinton standing before a wildly applauding group of Democrats announcing that a new era of "fairness" has dawned in America.
I think I see a rip in the social fabric, Brother can you spare some ammo?
Gettin' down on the mountain, gettin' down on the mountain


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Re: United Conservative Party.
« Reply #57 on: August 22, 2017, 04:16:44 PM »
Through paying off our debt he created the strongest investment opurtunities and economy this country has ever seen. We were the envy of the world for many years until we had left wing ideology take hold of our party and take it to ruins. Did he lay off a few shovel leaneing public sector employees in the process, you bet, not enough but a few that's for sure. Did he bring the public sector unions to their knees you bet, not enough we still have them. If you can't understand these concepts and how they work and what they did for our economy this conversation can not carry on. The public trough is not an endless one, that money does not come out of thin air it has to be created, created through investment and large capital projects not Government handouts but private sector investment. The socialist concept has been tested many times and has failed every single time. And don't bring up Sweden or Norway, do your home work on their economies first before you spout off. Their economies are either defunct or fast on the the way.
Westerner by birth, Canadian by law, Albertan by the grace of God.

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Re: United Conservative Party.
« Reply #58 on: August 22, 2017, 04:32:29 PM »
Through paying off our debt he created the strongest investment opurtunities and economy this country has ever seen. We were the envy of the world for many years until we had left wing ideology take hold of our party and take it to ruins. Did he lay off a few shovel leaneing public sector employees in the process, you bet, not enough but a few that's for sure. Did he bring the public sector unions to their knees you bet, not enough we still have them. If you can't understand these concepts and how they work and what they did for our economy this conversation can not carry on. The public trough is not an endless one, that money does not come out of thin air it has to be created, created through investment and large capital projects not Government handouts but private sector investment. The socialist concept has been tested many times and has failed every single time. And don't bring up Sweden or Norway, do your home work on their economies first before you spout off. Their economies are either defunct or fast on the the way.

Sure let's deal with Canada versus Norway.

Debt to GDP ration? Norway is less by a LONG shot... 35.6% versus Canada's 92.3%. Alberta's is at 13.8%, and yeah, it was zero at one point, and it will likely go higher, but actually, we are in pretty good shape, much as most of us, me included, don't want to admit it.

Norway's unemployment? 4.3%, about the same as the USA. Canada? About 6.3%. Alberta is at about 7.8%.

Sweden? Not as good as Norway, but better than Canada.

So, let's take those two Scandinavian countries off the table, as they are doing OK. What I don't get is that they do have high taxes, and that the population apparently feels the governments actually deliver and use those taxes wisely. No one ever can say they feel that way about it in Alberta or Canada.
« Last Edit: August 22, 2017, 04:36:06 PM by avb3 »