Screw them and their tags..
he admitted he locked it because he hunts in there and doesn't want other guys in there.
It actually is a law. If it is legally closed it is CLOSED. Going around it or breaking the lock off is illegal.
And driving 101 km per hour in a 100 km per hour zone is also illegal but I'll bet you still did it right?
But you are not saying it is OK to break any and all laws are you?
Loosy goosy law there, there is no mention of authority. If the Srd closes a road I say they have the authority and if the leaseholder has rights to the road I suppose they can control who uses the road. I am not encouraging people to use the road or bust the lock but if it's crown land both sides I see no issue with using crown land. There has to be right to access on all crown lands because guess what, we as taxpayers technically own it.
When you see the oil patch big wig with his truck loaded up with quads and his family for day of adventuring on one of these gated roads section 54.01 can bite me.
Would you say that kind of situation is a "common thing" a "rare thing" or an "urban legend" When ever I see someone else doing something wrong it sometimes makes me mad and makes me want to do something to stop them but never makes me want to do the same because they were.
dark wing, you seem to have the tone of a person who used to be on here. Were you banned and have come on under a new name?