Author Topic: what is alberta to you?  (Read 1702 times)


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what is alberta to you?
« on: July 28, 2011, 10:45:02 PM »
well i think corb lund said it best

I don't got the money that lawyers can buy
I don't got my own government's laws on my side
But I got this old rifle that my grand daddy owned
And this is my prairie, this is my home

alberta is home to me and always will be
god bless alberta!!!


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Re: what is alberta to you?
« Reply #1 on: July 29, 2011, 09:19:49 AM »
Yah you bet wildmeat,, its my home.. For me its a little deeper than that Alberta is who I am. My grand parents on both sides came over during the big European influx of the early 1900's. Those European people of all corners of Europe are who built this province and made it what it is today. Its still based on hard work and the dream that you can have a better life here in Alberta if you just work for it. This place has had its ups and downs but over all it has always been one of the strongest jurisdictions in the world. My grand father died over a stump at an old age still trying to make this place better, he was never happy with good enough it could always be better. That is the Alberta way.

This province really does hold just about everything that the world needs, from its vast and diverse natural resources to its productive farm lands,, what a place. Yah there are other places that I enjoy in the country. I plan on semi retiring out on the island some day with momma but Alberta will always be my home.

It really hits me to the core when i see people driving around my province flying the flags of other provinces higher than ours.. You know the ones !! Proud to be from this rock proud to be from that prairie,, hey I have nothing wrong with people being proud of where they are from. But don't come to another mans home,, eat his food,, take his belongings and in the mean time tell him that your house is so much better than his. The worst of it is,, most of them are just here to take. When they are done they will take what Alberta gave them and leave and go back home,, can't happen soon enough for me. When you are here you are an Albertan,, be proud of it or leave now !!! When you are in my house you are in my house act like it..

Poor Alberta how much can she give until she breaks ???


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Re: what is alberta to you?
« Reply #2 on: August 02, 2011, 08:12:49 AM »
Yah you bet wildmeat,, its my home.. For me its a little deeper than that Alberta is who I am. My grand parents on both sides came over during the big European influx of the early 1900's. Those European people of all corners of Europe are who built this province and made it what it is today. Its still based on hard work and the dream that you can have a better life here in Alberta if you just work for it. This place has had its ups and downs but over all it has always been one of the strongest jurisdictions in the world. My grand father died over a stump at an old age still trying to make this place better, he was never happy with good enough it could always be better. That is the Alberta way.

This province really does hold just about everything that the world needs, from its vast and diverse natural resources to its productive farm lands,, what a place. Yah there are other places that I enjoy in the country. I plan on semi retiring out on the island some day with momma but Alberta will always be my home.

It really hits me to the core when i see people driving around my province flying the flags of other provinces higher than ours.. You know the ones !! Proud to be from this rock proud to be from that prairie,, hey I have nothing wrong with people being proud of where they are from. But don't come to another mans home,, eat his food,, take his belongings and in the mean time tell him that your house is so much better than his. The worst of it is,, most of them are just here to take. When they are done they will take what Alberta gave them and leave and go back home,, can't happen soon enough for me. When you are here you are an Albertan,, be proud of it or leave now !!! When you are in my house you are in my house act like it..

Poor Alberta how much can she give until she breaks ???

Well Said.  I am from the rock but have the same sentiments as you.  I actually don't admit it much anymore because I am now an Albertan.  Moved here in 1982 (as a kid) and I love it here.   I know some of the guys you speak about and it drives me nuts.  Sometimes I can't control my tongue so they don't talk to me about it anymore. LOL


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Re: what is alberta to you?
« Reply #3 on: August 06, 2011, 02:19:22 AM »
Alberta is the place I came to in order to find work and finish my apprenticeship. It's the place I came to to get ahead of the curve and kick start my life. It also happens to be a beautiful province with lots of opportunity.

I'm a BC Boy, born and bred. To me, BC is home and someday I'll move back. But for now, Alberta is doing the trick and I don't really mind it. :)


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Re: what is alberta to you?
« Reply #4 on: August 06, 2011, 04:49:17 PM »
When my grandfather was 14 he'd meet settlers at the, "train station", (read ramp);  toss their gear into his horsedrawn wagon and take them across the prairie to where their home 1/4 was, dump them and their posessions off.
Bet they had some real culture shock, eh?  Welcome to Alberta, here's some land.  Prosper, die trying, or leave.  I suggest you build a shelter, cause winter hits in "X" months.

He, his father and my great uncle had as far as I know the first and only steam tractor for quite a few miles.  They broke most of the land around where our land is.  I managed to buy some of my great uncles land, I'm just holding the title till my kids get it.  Our family never did threshing, another local family had a threshing machine.

To me it's like our family is part of Alberta, and it's a part of us, if that makes sense without sounding stupid?

The same grandfather also won a house in a poker game, but that's another story.   8)


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Re: what is alberta to you?
« Reply #5 on: August 06, 2011, 09:05:59 PM »
My roots run deep here our family has farmed here for over 100 years, we even have a road named after our last name. To me Alberta is more than home it's my life and livlihood. I am very proud to be Canadian but more proud to be a true Albertan. It really burns me to see comments as (It's just alberta boys  Take what you can while you can, if you can't beat them join them.).
The outside of a horse is good for the inside of a man.


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Re: what is alberta to you?
« Reply #6 on: August 07, 2011, 09:59:58 AM »
Born and raised in Alberta myself.  Alberta is my home and I have lived here all of my 48 years and I probably will till I die.  Both my grandpas homesteaded in northern Alberta.  My Dad was born in the homestead cabin when times were tough.  Grandpa hauled wood all winter with his team of horses to the RCMP detachment in Lac La Biche in trade for money so my Dad could be born in the hospital but the RCMP welched on the deal.  Times were tough.   I come from a farming background.  Mom and Dad are still on the farm.   I too get my back up when I hear about people who want to rape this province.
I think I see a rip in the social fabric, Brother can you spare some ammo?
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Re: what is alberta to you?
« Reply #7 on: August 07, 2011, 09:32:43 PM »
Like a lot of guys my ancestors settled here in the early 1900's and homesteaded around Hylo. To fully convey everything about Alberta that I love would fill up our database here, but I will share a few...

A silent and frosty early October morning, you know any bull within 3 miles is going to hear you calling. Campfire coffee. Listening to the coyotes on a starlit night. Sitting in the big spruce while large snowflakes drift silently to the ground, knowing that at any second a big whitetail might cross the line. Spending a day in the bush and not seeing or hearing another person. Finding that honey hole teeming with respectable browns that no one has touched this year. Fresh walleye in beer batter. Sitting by the campfire in good company and enjoying a few spiced rum. Crawling into my sleeping bag after a tough day in the bush.

The hardest thing is putting into words the actual feelings involved with doing any of these things, but I really don't have to here I suppose, just the sheer thought of many of these things likely stirs the same feelings in most of us.


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Re: what is alberta to you?
« Reply #8 on: August 08, 2011, 06:13:44 AM »
some great replies guys


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Re: what is alberta to you?
« Reply #9 on: August 11, 2011, 11:23:27 PM »
I came out to Alberta in 1989 and called it home. Though I've retired and moved to the cabin in Sk, we still own a home in Alberta. When I moved here I fell in love with the mountains and had many, many trips and good times hunting and camping in them.
I'm getting tad older now (21 and a 1/2 + tax  ;D) and the old bones can't climb them hills like they use too. I've also found the last couple of years setting up camp (wall tents) was starting to be a chore rather than a good time. Over here in Sk, I can hunt and fish out of my back door and I don't have to worry about planning trips, traveling and setting up camps.
Alberta has been good to my family and I and if it wasn't for my time spent in Alberta I would not be where I am today. I think many Maritimers have looked to this province as the land of opportunity, came here, made a good life for their families and have never looked back.

Long live God's country!


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Re: what is alberta to you?
« Reply #10 on: August 13, 2011, 08:27:07 AM »
I certainly don't hold anything againts people coming to our fine province to find work and to make a better life for themselves,,, thats what Alberta is about Tuc.. People like you are solid folk. But I am sure you know the type I am refering to in my rant..


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Re: what is alberta to you?
« Reply #11 on: August 13, 2011, 10:14:10 PM »
My roots run deep here our family has farmed here for over 100 years, we even have a road named after our last name. To me Alberta is more than home it's my life and livlihood. I am very proud to be Canadian but more proud to be a true Albertan. It really burns me to see comments as (It's just alberta boys  Take what you can while you can, if you can't beat them join them.).

yup.....didnt anyone invite that guy over here?

anyway, alberta to me is everything thats good.  its a place that offers a huge variety of beautiful landscapes form tough dry unforgiving badlands to rugged high mountain peaks.  we have rolling hills and farmland, and miles and miles of endless forests.  as an outdoorsmen we have a pretty good variety of huntable game, and a whack of fish species to pursue between hunting seasons. 

we have a good economy even when other areas are suffering through tough times.  we have big cities if you like the concrete jungle, and small towns where everyone knows everyone else.  ive lived in bc, and i might move away again.....but ill end up coming back.  this is home.
opinions are like sphincters......everyone has one, and they all stink!


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Re: what is alberta to you?
« Reply #12 on: September 30, 2011, 04:03:49 PM »
for axeman