Author Topic: Your strangest place to run into the fish cops  (Read 1592 times)


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Your strangest place to run into the fish cops
« on: October 23, 2012, 08:57:27 AM »
Thought there might be some good stories in this one. A few years back I went back in on an old trail to some cutlines and hid my truck, then walked in down a line, it was pretty cool morning and I was rattling. So I am standing on the edge of the line and hear something coming, right about the same time I heard a snort and saw the ass end of a buck making a run for it, he was probably 20 yards from me, and here comes a white ford over a hill right on the line. So I am thinking what the ****, a fish cop pulls up right beside me. Guy rolls down his window "how's the hunting". Well I really had to restrain myself, so I told him I had a nice buck within 20 yards but he ran when he heard you driving down the cutline. Then he asks for my hunting license. So I said "what are you doing back here there's no one back here" and he says "we are everywhere" lol. He says "did I screw up your hunt?" I said "didn't you see my truck?" and he said he hadn't. So he gets out of his truck and I had a bad cold at the time and I was coughing up a storm and it was the year of the big swine flu scare and I said "I think I have the swine flu you better not get to close" lol the look on his face and 3 steps backwards. Needless to say I showed him my hunting license and said that he might have better luck catching law breakers if he stayed around the farm field roads. Then to leave he had to keep driving down the line I was on to find a spot to turn around I mean this line was a goat trail, really put a damper on my morning. I honestly think he was out doing a little scouting for himself.


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Re: Your strangest place to run into the fish cops
« Reply #1 on: October 23, 2012, 10:52:13 AM »
2km up were the bow and hi wood rivers meet up.  Still have that ticket...


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Re: Your strangest place to run into the fish cops
« Reply #2 on: October 23, 2012, 11:00:38 AM »
In the bush.   Kidding! Don't think I ever had one.


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Re: Your strangest place to run into the fish cops
« Reply #3 on: October 23, 2012, 01:59:50 PM »
  We need way more to stop all the poaching going on.

Like more cops have slowed speeding, murdering and thieving. ::)  Give your head a shake. 


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Re: Your strangest place to run into the fish cops
« Reply #4 on: October 23, 2012, 04:46:35 PM »
So you are now calling me a poacher, eh.  Shows your true make up.  Even if I was to agree that more conservation officers are needed, it wouldn't slow illegal activities.  If people would stop glorifying hunting and making big bucks doing what should be enjoyed for free then we would see a reduction.  I wonder when hunting changed from gathering food to gathering to gathering points?  Money and peer pressure are the reason for most poaching anymore and neither of those will be reduced by more guys in uniform.


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Re: Your strangest place to run into the fish cops
« Reply #5 on: October 23, 2012, 07:08:11 PM »
the strangest place to run into the fishcops was this morning actually... im doing a lane widening on the anthony henday here in edmonton and this morning i had a coyote ( mangy lookin little bastard) walk right past the dozer.... i mean within 10 yards of a working dozer... so i stopped and watched him make his way down the side of the highway... not more than 20 minutes later i spin the dozer around without looking back and there was an officer in his truck right there... i almost hit him with the edge of my blade... he wanted to talk to me... he seen my camo hat and gloves and his eyes seemed to brighten right up.... first thing he asked was .... Hunter? im like yessir born and bred... then i said let me guess your looking for a mangy coyote... he said yep you seen him.... i pointed down the ditch where you could see about 1000 yards down this coyote still trying to cross..... he said thanks good luck hunting and take care... he went bouncing down the ditch and im not to sure what became of that coyote... dont know if he put it down or what


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Re: Your strangest place to run into the fish cops
« Reply #6 on: October 23, 2012, 07:12:12 PM »
  I'd be interested in what you call a "good" hunter ;).  Is it one who respects his prey so much he'll sneak out from 100 yds to more than 600 yds to take the shot?  I've kept the local CO's wife and children in my basement through a storm that killed people in Alberta, so I kinda know what they do.  If hunting is all about a trophy then I'll hang up my weapons cause I don't feel the need to have a trophy but I do have a need for meat. 

josh gelinas

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Re: Your strangest place to run into the fish cops
« Reply #7 on: October 24, 2012, 02:08:12 AM »
now i know this is weird but the sturgeon river that literally runs right through st albert holds some small pike fun to catch on the fly but right next to the river in saint albert and you actually drive over it coming down that big hill with the clock tower but theres walking paths and bike trails in there. anyways i go out with the 8weight and chuck some zonkers in and around the small bridge by the sev and a tressel bridge further down and still am successful most of the time. and heres the best part. 3 weeks ago now i was about an hour in fishing and a fish cop comes down the trail on a SAGWAY! lol i couldnt help to laugh a little but overly i was just surprised to see him almost as surprised he was to see me fishing there! lol it was funny and we kinda laughed at the situation but i got checked and was all clean but apparently he goes down that trail weekly to watch for signs of wildlife that may enter the town or the little park there. he said he has never seen a fisherman down there since he started doing these routes.


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Re: Your strangest place to run into the fish cops
« Reply #8 on: October 24, 2012, 11:14:36 PM »
weirdest place for me would be the clown that roots through my garbage can.  i almost feel a little sorry for that dummy.....he wants to charge me with something sooooo bad, but just cant seem to find anything.  hmmm....i wonder why he cant come up with anything? 

thankfully there is a new guy in town that seems to have a better head on his shoulders.  i feel bad for him too though having to deal with that kind of incompetence on a daily basis.
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