Author Topic: 3 way swivel method?  (Read 2866 times)


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3 way swivel method?
« on: August 15, 2011, 11:31:39 AM »
Any of you guys ever used this method fishing for lakers? Post how you do up your rigs, weight size, length of lines from swivel, bait or spoon used, etc.


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Re: 3 way swivel method?
« Reply #1 on: August 15, 2011, 12:27:05 PM »
I have always been fortunate enough to have the use of downriggers for fishing lakers. This I am grateful for,, it just makes it that much simpler. A person really can get into some small lake troller downriggers for minimal cost they are so worth it. Lake trout are not the greatest fighting fish in the world in fact they are quite lazy I have found that the lighter the gear the better as they tire less and add to the enjoyment. I know this doesn't answer your question Tuc but if it was me I would look into some small riggers.  The last time I was out I went from full size flashers to small 6" flashers and then even switched it down to running dummy flashers to lighten the line load even more. It really made a differance in the fight of the fish.

josh gelinas

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Re: 3 way swivel method?
« Reply #2 on: August 15, 2011, 02:22:21 PM »
ive used three different methods and was successful if you going to be running the three swivel method its the hardest to use. sense your using direct weight to the line its incredibly heavy. tires the fish more and you dont get nearly the experience i agree with walleyes lake trollers are still very effective and much cheaper than the typical downrigger you would normally use. another very effectove way i fished was with a thing called a deep six. or other brands call them pink ladys or deeper divers. and what these do is act like the bills on your typical rapala and get you rig or hook to more less dive downwards assited by a small weight. this is also very ideal for lake trout because you can troll roughly 150-200 ft with an average of 150-300 ft of line out. another great thing about these are yes they are heavy at first because you are running a deep diver but once a fish grabs it or you set the hook it releases a pin or bead (depending on the brand) so instead of the rig diving it straightens out and is practically weightless. you can ask for any of these at any fishing store really ive seen them everywhere and their very cheap! and very effective! at times i even prefer them over my downrigger. and what i run behind it is normally a very flashy herring patterned plug, flatfish. or the large versions of williams wobblers or blue and silver len thompsons in the largest size. rig wise a herring rig or "minnow teaser" are also very good ways and for most cases use a flasher like walleyes was saying with these and its a very impressive rig that hasn't let me down :P


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Re: 3 way swivel method?
« Reply #3 on: August 15, 2011, 05:28:32 PM »
Thx for the comments, here's what I was thinking. I got this idea off an Ontario forum.  They suggest a 3 way swivel with about 4 ft of line on each end, using a 2-3 oz bell sinker and a 4" flutter (thin light) spoon. Maybe a 3/4oz sutton silver spoon. They say this will get you down 50-100ft if you troll very slowly. Lakers like water temps between 40-52F or a naturally fed spring in the lake.

Chris was telling be about those dipsy divers but I never priced them. I assumed they were expensive and was looking for a cheaper method. Maybe I will go look at them and try one if the price is right.

Can any of you guys suggest a non-lead sinker. I pretty sure no lead is alowed at Little Bear Lake.


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Re: 3 way swivel method?
« Reply #4 on: August 16, 2011, 10:00:10 AM »
Dipsy Divers, Pink Lady's, Deep Six etc. are all around the $15 price range, so not terribly expensive.

When I went up to Cold a couple weeks ago I didn't have a downrigger, so on Kevin from the South TFH's advice, I grabbed a few slip sinkers.  Clip the slip sinker on to your line about an arm's length from your lure, and when a fish hits it, the weight releases and slides down to the end, so you're not fighting the weight.

Clear as mud right?
Just puttin' it out there...


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Re: 3 way swivel method?
« Reply #5 on: August 16, 2011, 04:06:54 PM »
Was just cruising around checking stuff out and came accross this. Might be usefull to you Tuc.