Author Topic: Cold Lake Lakers and Underwater Footage  (Read 5416 times)


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Cold Lake Lakers and Underwater Footage
« on: September 15, 2014, 06:30:07 AM »
This is just some action from the day actually missed the Big one of the day, guess the camera wasn't on. Stopped filming after these since we were just catching too many.

This is a great lake trout fishery and it is not that far away. So pack up your boat / downriggers to go check it out for yourself if you haven't yet. It is a beautiful lake with frequent aerial shows as fighter jets fly in formation over the lake in and out of the air weapons range. We had four jets flying in tight formation over us, pretty cool stuff. Bait really isn't needed as these fish are very willing to hit a lure. Trolling speed should be varied from 1.5 mph to 3 mph for best results.

Second, my first Cold Lake Underwater Trolling Video. This is the Luhr Jensen Test, didn't even do it on purpose, just realized when I was editing that I had tried three different lures they make. #1 J Plug #2 Coyote Spoon #3 Manistee Spoon. They would come charging in really fast and then something was wrong, cause they'd swerve last second. I think the camera and ball three feet away were spooking them. Check it out, kind of interesting.

If you're interested uploaded a couple others recently - Mabel Lake BC underwater Chinook Salmon

Hawk eating a birdy breakfast on my fence
The Fishing Doctors Adventures


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Re: Cold Lake Lakers and Underwater Footage
« Reply #1 on: September 15, 2014, 09:17:29 AM »
Brandon, when you are trolling with a downrigger how do you control the depth? Do you stay so far off bottom, do you need to constantly pull your line in and out accordingly? Thx!

Great vids by the way!


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Re: Cold Lake Lakers and Underwater Footage
« Reply #2 on: September 15, 2014, 02:19:23 PM »
I just fish the suspended fish there are usually enough to keep you busy and they are usually more active anyways.  So most of the time my down rigger ball isn't anywhere near the bottom.  At cold most days if you put one at 50 feet and one at 70 feet and troll in water from 100 to 300 feet deep you'll catch plenty.   I was marking a lot of fish down deep this trip so I put one to 100 feet but a couple fish were not burping well so I stopped that since I don't want to cause increase in mortality going too deep.  When I was down that deep I went over a few hump and I just watch the fish finder to stay off the bottom.  You can also speed up to get over structure cause the balls will swing out more and come up shallower.  Trolling the steep drop of is trickier. I just drive away from and nd back towards the drop.  I turn out when I get to ten feet below my ball.  So it's a lot of close watching of the fish finder more than adjusting the balls.
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Re: Cold Lake Lakers and Underwater Footage
« Reply #3 on: September 15, 2014, 08:05:43 PM »
Cool pics Brandon..

You are right Cold Lake is an awesome lake trout fishery unfortunately it is being managed all wrong by SRD,, imagine that. The lake is loaded with smaller fish one has a hard time to catch anything but lake trout in the lake, but try and catch anything of any size. By size I mean 15# plus. When I first started fishing Cold Lake about 10 years ago 15 was not uncommon a person could expect at least one a day and a few over the summer. There was consistently fish in the 20 plus being caught through out the summer. The last couple years has been a different story. I keep a pretty close ear to the ground about the lake I am in the local shops a lot and am in the loop on what is happening out there pretty darn good, talking with the other local boys on the ramps and in the tackle shops and this summer has been a very poor year for quality fish. I do not know of a 30# fish coming out this summer and this is a first in many years. There was a hog pulled out last winter but I do not know of one this summer. This concerned a lot of us. SRD will wake up to late again after the fishery has collapsed and then just do as they usually do and shut it down. The ice fishing that takes place out there is saddening it really is, I won't even be a part of it I refuse to it's just crazy. The mortality rate of ice fishing is crazy do to the way people treat their catch. You should go out there on a weekend and see the blood on the ice around people's holes from them handling fish in -20 degree weather to get a measurement than have to throw them back after they have been exposed to the elements,, it's just crazy.

We want this as a trophy fishery not a meat fishery,, wake up SRD before it's to late,, but what are the chances of that.

Very sorry for the hi jack Brandon but it just upsets me what is happening out there.

Again awesome pics and video thx for sharing it with us.


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Re: Cold Lake Lakers and Underwater Footage
« Reply #4 on: September 15, 2014, 08:16:12 PM »
On a lighter note,, Tuc we really have to line up a laker day out on Cold Lake next summer I know we will have a blast.


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Re: Cold Lake Lakers and Underwater Footage
« Reply #5 on: September 16, 2014, 12:09:20 AM »
Yeah I think you are right Walleyes... it would be great if they changed the regulations.  The big spawning fish are being wiped out at an alarming rate.  Really has changed the fishery in a few years.  There are a lot of little fish and all sizes up to the 75 cm mark.  Hopefully if those fish under get a year or two of spawning in the fishery won't collapse.  I've always wondered how those fishery biologists do their math.  It would be great if you could keep one under 50 cm or a certain slot they deemed reasonable, since they aren't caught as often anyways, good eater and keep the big ones in the lake to enjoy over and over. 

I do see the fish getting beat up as well.  The one I caught that was just under 75 cm had all her fins torn up, has spent a few times in a net probably or prolong measuring periods since she's close to 75cm.  Looks like shes surviving the abuse though.

I sure hope the fishery doesn't colapse... that lake is awesome!  When we started fishing there we were lucky to catch 1-3 fish a day, but they were usually big... then the population just took off and its been wide open since.  So much fun to fish.
The Fishing Doctors Adventures


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Re: Cold Lake Lakers and Underwater Footage
« Reply #6 on: September 18, 2014, 03:55:58 PM »
Thx for the info Brandon! Sorry to hear how they are treating cold lake. Maybe a solution would be for them to shut down the ice fishing. I'm no biologists but I hate it when things are mis-managed.

Walleyes, next spring we are headed north for a week. Colin and I are going to fish a series of lakes along the way. We haven't really talked to much about which direction and which lakes we will fish but if we Head N.W. towards Cold lake I'll let you know. That lake crosses over into Sask and maybe if you have time off work we could meet up somewhere. I'll keep you in the loop. I know it will likely be the first week in June. The lakers should still be up and grabbing the spoons.