Well it was a great adventure to a new Fishing spot. Lots of light rain and cloud and of Course sun on the last day..

First Fish to the boat was a Squawfish ?? or so i was told , i was not sure what it was at first.

Some local talent must have painted this on the rocks..

We took a day out to go look for some Turkeys and then it was up to Gerrard at the North end of the Lardeau river where it joins Trout Lake.We found 4 Turkey hens in total at different spots. Its either the locals hate them or they love em and feed them..I know where to look now anyways.

The pics are deceiving but my guess was the 800 and some pair of Gerrards were anywhere between 10 & 30 lbs. No wonder were not catching them in the lake they were up in the river..lol A young lady named Jess , spends 2 months doing the Count and she had all the info for our questions..

The sun came out the last 2 days but we managed to land a few as the water warmed up. Of course there is the one that got away, and it was stripping line faster than i could reel it in, lost it on the surface but it left that feeling of going back and trying to hook into another one of the Hawgs in the lake.
Kootenay Lake Dollie
