I believe the walleye just eat everything in site and decimate the lake the large pike starve, what else is happening. Our lakes used to be loaded with shiners, you can’t find a shiner in any of our lakes now if your life depended on it. Explain that one to me. At work when we have issues with something you look at what dimension has changed in the process that caused our issues, apply that scenario here and what will we come up with. Our lakes were in better shape and had more fish when they were comercial fished regularly than what they are now, can someone explain this to me and don’t tell me they were over fished because they've been shut down for years now.
So do the walleye take over by shear numbers or the big pike eat one good fish ever week while the walleye eat all the little ones every day? I agree things are screwed up in Ab. As a kid 30 ish yrs back. All our lakes had walleye, pike and perch with good numbers of each. Some winter killed, some got fished out but you could go to any lake and expect to catch each species and good sizes were abundant. Now its tag city everywhere, no pike limits and everyone talks how the walleyes have decimated the other species. Seems like the experiment has gone horribly wrong so lets make $$$$$ and go to a tag system on any lake we deem has a walleye population. Crazy we have to apply for tags to keep a fish.