Author Topic: Kokanee Fishing with Dummy Flashers  (Read 1035 times)


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Kokanee Fishing with Dummy Flashers
« on: February 19, 2019, 08:13:50 PM »

I checked with a Conservation Officer who said it is legal to use dummy flashers ice fishing as long as no hook attached to the line.

This was my first ever successful ice fishing adventure for Kokanee Salmon fishing at Monte Lake. The lake is frozen quite well now and there are fish out there suspended below the ice waiting to find your lure. On my rod I used a Gibbs Gator Spoon flasher, 14 inches of four pound fluorocarbon leader tied to a Backcountry tackle 5 mm Pink Quick Flicker Tungsten Jig. I tipped the jig with half a meal worm. While many other people on the ice were not having much luck, I was able to pull my limit quickly using this method. A must have for better success in a Flasher Sonar like my Marcum or any other type of fish finder device. This will help you see where the fish are in the water column. You can use this advantage to present your lure in the right location. It also helps you get ready for a bite when you see the fish swimming towards your lure.
The Fishing Doctors Adventures