Author Topic: Lake Whitefish sight fishing  (Read 1104 times)


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Lake Whitefish sight fishing
« on: August 19, 2015, 04:32:56 PM »
Got to love when you can cast to them

 Sight fishing is so much fun

 This one is only 4# 8oz on 8# tippet

 it beat my 05/26/2013 which was 4#6oz on 8# tippet

 windy most of the time but wind breaks you could see them

 casted stripped it in a bit .. could see it coming up

 Bam !!!! into it .. the fights on .. running

 back under control

 few quick pic's

 in the net .. tape it at 24 inches in my PCV half pipe in water

 ok scale time

 Eagle's calling ..Eaglet on roots in lake near shore ..not nest.. flying but lazy

 need some me time so this trip was


 wow I love fishing

 and all it entails


 David :-}

Scientific & Analytical Angler /Hunter