Author Topic: Petition to End Fish Farms - Save Wild Salmon  (Read 1485 times)


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Petition to End Fish Farms - Save Wild Salmon
« on: June 04, 2016, 10:38:47 PM »

Another forum was kind enough to make a post regarding an important petition.  I thought I'd drag it over here cause Alberta's showing on the petition fails in comparison to BC.  Lets make it known that wild salmon and ocean fish stocks are more important that filling the pockets of fish farm owners.

 An online petition has been started to remove fish farms from our Canadian oceans. This petition has been sponsored by a Liberal member of Parliament, and is an officially registered petition with the Canadian House of Commons. If you are concerned about the impact of fish farming on our wild Salmon stocks please take the time to sign this online petition. I have posted the links to sign the petition, and the thread about the petition on the forum below.

It takes all of a minute to fill out and just click the link in your email to make it official after you're done.

Save our oceans. 

I made this underwater video last year trying to feature the wild salmon stocks.  They need a break.

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Re: Petition to End Fish Farms - Save Wild Salmon
« Reply #1 on: June 04, 2016, 11:02:21 PM »
When BC starts caring about Alberta Oilsands and pipelines then maybe..

Until then...screw BC and their anti oil hippies.. >:(


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Re: Petition to End Fish Farms - Save Wild Salmon
« Reply #2 on: June 05, 2016, 12:56:03 AM »
When BC starts caring about Alberta Oilsands and pipelines then maybe..

Until then...screw BC and their anti oil hippies.. >:(

Just so you're aware sonny the ocean is not BC's, it's a Canadian waterbody.  This is a Canada wide petition, east/west coast... not a BC thing. 

Just so you're aware the canadian government has already cut the Sport harvest of Halibut.  They are now as of this year considering cutting the sport harvest of Chinook Salmon.  This is Canada Fisheries, not BC.  The sportfisherman are losing ground over here on the west coast.  If you don't fish in Canadian waters I can understand your indifference.
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Re: Petition to End Fish Farms - Save Wild Salmon
« Reply #3 on: June 05, 2016, 01:18:55 AM »
I fish in Canadian waters...Alberta waters..

Like I said...screw BC and all the tree hugging NDP/LIBERAL .. asshats

« Last Edit: June 05, 2016, 01:34:43 AM by sonny »


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Re: Petition to End Fish Farms - Save Wild Salmon
« Reply #4 on: June 05, 2016, 08:29:40 AM »
On this issue of fish farming. I spend quite a bit of time on the west coast, fishing and just hanging out. We have a number of friends and family out there some work in this industry and rely on it for an income. I know there are people that keep throwing the doom and gloom out there about these farms but I would like to see the evidence that these farms are harming the natural stocks, it's just not there. 20 years ago when these things were just getting rolling it was nothing but doom and gloom. According to David Sazuki and his cult followers all native stocks were to be gone in 10 years, wiped out !! There was program after program on how these farms were going to be the demise of all salmon stocks on the west coast, but you know what, it hasn't happened.

Over the last 10 years there have been ups and downs in the runs, in the last couple years there have been record runs of Chinook and Coho and Pinks, where is the devastation that was supposed to take place. It's like most anything with these anti everything crowds it was bull shit that never happened.

The sport Chinook fishery you are talking about is a native issue not a fish run issue. The natives have lobbied the government our liberal government no doubt and are working on increasing their take while lowering the sport take. ( for those that don't know there is an allotted amount of fish that can be taken out of the ocean every year so each segment whether it be the US, Commercial boats, Natives or the sportfishing industry must devide that quota up.) so the Chinook issue is a Native one not a salmon farming on. And this closure you are talking about is for a period of time in the South Island area not the entire west coast.

Yes this is a Canadian issue taking place on Candian waters but believe me those west coasters beleive those are their fish and their attitude reflects it. I can go anywheres up and down the coast to fish I say good for them it's about time their own bull shit caught up with them and effects them. It's about time they get a taste of what it's like to have your industry be shut down. Like Sonny said they won't support us screw them.

As far as the fish farms go, it's better than having that fish being caught commercially. I support fish farms they are a badly needed form of employment on the west coast and the so called damage they do is just not there regardless of what the anti cult says.

Westerner by birth, Canadian by law, Albertan by the grace of God.

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Re: Petition to End Fish Farms - Save Wild Salmon
« Reply #5 on: June 05, 2016, 08:44:09 AM »
I'm for this because the concentrated fish shit from those farms
 is stinking up the whole Pacific Coast . Between that and the Jap
  nuclear garbage , the place is craphole . Fish farming does nothing
   for the economy and I'm sick and tired of suffering because of
    an export market that does nothing for me and screws up the
     Environment . Cause that's the domain of oil and cattle . I am
     Kind of on board with Sonny , any fringe benefits of fish farming
      for me are so minimal , I'll sign.
       I have never bought or eaten farmed fish . If I want farmed I'll go
       to Safeway and buy Basa Fillet , farmed in the biggest sewer in the world
         the  Vietnam Mekong Delta , if I'm going to eat shit I want mine Fong
         Food style .

           I moved here from the coast ( 10 yrs there this time ) ..I've heard it all .
            It's like saying if we don't prop up Bombardier , Alberta is in the shitter .
             Employment from farming is as minimal as it is from netting . I'm sick
              Of corporations getting rich exporting our resources , getting govt dollars .

         WAF ...
My motto


  and media ....


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Re: Petition to End Fish Farms - Save Wild Salmon
« Reply #6 on: June 05, 2016, 08:54:09 AM »
Fish shit is fish shit, fish been shitting in the ocean since God created it ! You want to worry about what's going in that ocean how bout we remove the thousands of houses up and down that coast dumping their human shit in the ocean, how bout we remove Vancouver, Vistoria, Nanimo from the map and quit dumping all that shit in the rivers and oceans. Them natives up and down that coast that live on the reserves along the ocean every one of them their raw sewage goes right into the ocean then they cry that the shit from the white mans fish farms are ruining the ocean. How bout we stop farmers from pouring pounds after pound of pesticide in our rivers and lakes how bout we do that then we can look at removing a few fish farm from the ocean.
Westerner by birth, Canadian by law, Albertan by the grace of God.

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Re: Petition to End Fish Farms - Save Wild Salmon
« Reply #7 on: June 05, 2016, 04:50:21 PM »
Why do I want to sign a petition to save Atlantic Salmon on the east coast? Those EI welfare cases living there are still waiting for the cod to come back at the expense of Alberta transfer payments.

Then there is B.C.
Both the coastal saltwater and inland freshwater B.C. fisheries are going downhill big time.  And no one in B.C. cares. The only time anyone cares about the fish in B.C. is when a pipeline from Alberta has to be built, and the extortionist B.C. maggots of every creed and colour come out looking for Alberta money.