Got out for some Lakers today tried some what for some eyes but none out of the slew water yet so I will wait for them to get into the deeper water.
Got into them with the fly rod today that was a true blast. Sure is a big difference when getting them in shallow water and on the bucktail flies, man do they go hog wild. Numerous long runs until they would get tired,, a real treat. Also after many years and numerous fish landed I finally landed a native trout. You can really tell in the color of these fish, they are so colorful compared to the hatchery strain, nice to see there are still a few of the true species in the lake.
Got hammered on by a wicked storm lol,, had to chuck out the anchor and sit it out for bout half an hr.
A native fish,, wish you could see the colors better, but I was solo today so its the best I could do.

The storm