Author Topic: Twas the morning before Christmas  (Read 1164 times)


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Twas the morning before Christmas
« on: December 24, 2013, 02:10:39 PM »
 Twas the morning before Christmas

And all through the lake

the Whitefish were stirring

the Hunt was on before we arrived on the lake

try as we might we got but a few

most we missed as it was like a zoo

WOW  Nice Day with fellow angler Mike as he came fishing out this way

here how it went down

I caught a very nice White and added a couple and then Mike got his first and the come back was on!!! I know how to do this now he exclaimed and caught a couple more

Mike saw 20+ had 4 hit and missed and caught 3
David saw 12 had 4 hit and missed and caught 3

saw a dipper on the way home

Merry Christmas all !!!!

David :)

Scientific & Analytical Angler /Hunter