Author Topic: Underwater Chironomid attacks  (Read 878 times)


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Underwater Chironomid attacks
« on: April 13, 2021, 03:05:14 PM »

I enjoy watching the strike indicator drop under the surface while stillwater fishing for trout but I always wonder what exactly is happening down there under the surface to produce the different types of disturbances to the indicator sitting on the surface.  Why some days that float just goes down and never seems to come back up and others it just pops down quick and back up before you can even react.  Or maybe just a little wobble on the surface. 

That is exactly why I have underwater cameras.  To see what is happening under the surface.  First off Chironomids are very small and sometimes you are fishing deeper water.  My previous chironomid video the camera was actually up at the surface.  This one I was able to float the camera in the water column above the chironomids.  Now that I have it working really well I am quite interested in trying this somewhere in a deeper lake and see what is happening deeper down this spring.  Hopefully I can find some clear water where it will work for me to try. 

I hope you enjoy this short video with trout taking hook clipped Chironomids.  I always enjoy watching the fish to see how they feed.  Best way to learn what is happening. 

If you have any suggestions let me know in the comments section below.

Best of luck fishing up there this spring.  Enjoy your time on the water!
The Fishing Doctors Adventures