Author Topic: 7mm bullet suggestions  (Read 3838 times)


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7mm bullet suggestions
« on: May 06, 2012, 09:08:27 PM »
     I've started to do some reloading and am looking for suggestions on a bullet to try in my 7mm.  I use the gun mainly for deer and generally have an elk tag in my pocket.  I don't do a lot of long range shooting but plan to practice a little more at it this summer. 

    To be honest I'm looking for the best all around bullet.  I don't have a limitless amount of time and money to dick around with a ton of bullets and loads but I'm willing to pay a little extra if necessary for a good all around bullet that I can make the most out of with my time.

Thanks in advance

P.S.  No Accubonds.  In my experience they are to explosive.

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Re: 7mm bullet suggestions
« Reply #1 on: May 06, 2012, 10:25:08 PM »
Well in the .284 bullet size the ones that have worked the best and have been deadly accurate for me have been 140gr Noslers in both the partition and ballistic tip. The later is what I shoot now and has done nothing but drop animals right in their tracks and ring the gong at 500yrds but that is out of my .280AI and in my .280rem that I used to own.
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Re: 7mm bullet suggestions
« Reply #2 on: May 06, 2012, 10:55:35 PM »
i use 160 gr accubonds and i get a passthrough on every deer with minimal damage. on my last moose i found the bullet stuck between 2 ribs on the other side after it ricochet up then off the spine and back down and it still weighs 150gr.. i kept it and weighed it and it didnt explode to much...  ive shot 3 bucks and prolly 9 or so does with them and never had a mess ... BUT!!! i didnt hit any shoulder bones... all neck or rib shots... im sure if it hit shoulder bones like any other bullet it would make quite a mess


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Re: 7mm bullet suggestions
« Reply #3 on: May 07, 2012, 05:59:38 AM »
          I know some guys that really like the accubonds but with the 10 (give or take) deer I've killed with them the 160 grains I used did not like bone whatsoever.  Fine if I made a good shot behind the shoulder and a very accurate bullet but I'd like to try something different.  I try to be pretty careful when I take a shot but if I do mess up a little and hit a bone I'd like a bullet that might hold up a little better.
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Re: 7mm bullet suggestions
« Reply #4 on: May 07, 2012, 03:10:55 PM »
All bullets mentioned here are good deer and elk are not hard to kill I think we have all been over sold on bullets.  Personally I am not one for eatting shot meat shot placement is the key here. 

  IMO run 154 gr SST with as much H4831 sc your rifle can shoot accurately.   


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Re: 7mm bullet suggestions
« Reply #5 on: May 08, 2012, 06:26:14 PM »
        How bout the Speer Deep Curls?  Supposed to be similar to the federal fusions which the Miss and I really liked in her 2506.  Anyone try those out?
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Re: 7mm bullet suggestions
« Reply #6 on: May 08, 2012, 06:56:37 PM »
I'm currently loading and using 139 grn Hornady Interbonds in my 7mm. I've killed everything from gophers to Moose with them. Good performance all around.

Also have had great performance with 140 grn Nosler Partitions.

Had HORRIBLE performance with Barnes X and Nosler Ballistic tips. Not isolated incidents with either. Lots of real world trial and error there.

Tried 165 and 175 grn bullets of various types. Haven't had a need for the heavier bullets, so have opted for the potential velocity gains with 140 grn.


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Re: 7mm bullet suggestions
« Reply #7 on: May 09, 2012, 05:55:31 AM »
Shrubs I am going to ask again what do you want your bullets to do?  When you shoot behind the shoulder or if you hit the shoulder?  Answer that and I will tell you with one to use.

        My apologies should have been clearer.  I aim for the lungs.  If I happen to mess up and hit a larger bone like the front shoulder or spine I would like a bullet that will hold up and not blow apart, yet still expand at the longer ranges.  I'd like to not make this an argument about shot placement or how good accubonds are I know what I've seen and let's not pretend like shit doesn't happen. 

       I have a pretty good idea about what I'd like to try but still appreciate the input.


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Re: 7mm bullet suggestions
« Reply #8 on: May 09, 2012, 09:58:21 AM »
Just throwing this out there directed at no one.  I love how we talk about failed bullets recovered from dead animals.


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Re: 7mm bullet suggestions
« Reply #9 on: May 09, 2012, 06:50:18 PM »
             Yeah it's hard to say any bullet I've ever used has really failed in the end I guess it depends on what a persons definition of failure is.  Maybe it's better to say sometimes a bullet can overstate it's point :).  Never ran into a bullet that wouldn't kill game, bullet choice used to be a matter of what wal mart had in stock at the time and can't say any of the regular winchester or federal ammo didn't do a good job.  Can't even tell you what bullets they were lol.
            Anyways thanks for the suggestions hopefully I can get a little more time in the next week or two to make a road trip and do some shopping.
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Re: 7mm bullet suggestions
« Reply #10 on: May 09, 2012, 07:06:08 PM »
Just throwing this out there directed at no one.  I love how we talk about failed bullets recovered from dead animals.

You have a point, that said, there are situations where follow up shots, tracking, etc are required. Bullets fail and prey do not die, or do die and are not recovered. Some require followup shots and bullets, or wound channels are analyzed later. Shot placement is very important, but only one part of the equation.


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Re: 7mm bullet suggestions
« Reply #11 on: May 09, 2012, 08:26:22 PM »
You have a point, that said, there are situations where follow up shots, tracking, etc are required. Bullets fail and prey do not die, or do die and are not recovered. Some require followup shots and bullets, or wound channels are analyzed later. Shot placement is very important, but only one part of the equation.
  While I to do hear what you are saying and I will not disagree with you most critters I have encountered have been mostly bang flops. 
  Here is two SST 154gr .284 bullets.  The first bullet was shot into a white tail buck at around 150 yards or so straight on dead in chest the bullet was found in the hind quarter against the hide that’s a lot of penetration for just a jacket being left.  Deer was dead before it hit the ground did this SST fail because it does not look like a perfect mushroom and all that is left it a jacket?
 The second is all so an SST 154gr .284 bullet this was shot into a white tail buck just behind the shoulder and about the middle of the deer range was 530 yards or close two.  Same result bang flop yes the second bullet is magazine quality but in the end same result.       


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Re: 7mm bullet suggestions
« Reply #12 on: May 09, 2012, 08:36:16 PM »
  Here is a pick of RobMcLoed82 and a his bull buffalo 300 win mag 190gr Bergers  I will let him tell the story if he wants but that a pile of meat on the ground for a LR bullet that is not supposed to work on game at close range. 

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Re: 7mm bullet suggestions
« Reply #13 on: May 09, 2012, 09:21:05 PM »
Jimmy- I agree with you. My thoughts are most controlled expansion bullets in a 7 mm (and most center fire offerings for that matter) will kill a deer. Dead is dead.

I have had bad experiences with Barnes X bullets not expanding at all in wolf, deer, and bighorn sheep. With those bullets I was not ever able to recover a bullet. I also had a complete pass through on a deer shot in the chest facing me at a long distance (not the best shot placement for certain).


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Re: 7mm bullet suggestions
« Reply #14 on: May 09, 2012, 09:39:11 PM »
Agreed bergers are awesome! I dont care for barnes either but that is because my idea of what a bullet is supposed to do differs from lots of other peoples views. I want a bullet that will penetrate bone get inside the cavity and go BOOOOM! Animals dont go far when the heart and lungs are puddles of goo. Hornady amax do a great job of this too. But I do know a guy that told me once "I love barnes bullets, not because they shoot well, but because I shoot a lot of deer in the ass" hahaha
Sorry I don't ice fish or hunt rabbits, but I did stay at a Holliday in express last night.


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Re: 7mm bullet suggestions
« Reply #15 on: May 10, 2012, 09:45:52 PM »
Jimmy- I agree with you. My thoughts are most controlled expansion bullets in a 7 mm (and most center fire offerings for that matter) will kill a deer. Dead is dead.

I have had bad experiences with Barnes X bullets not expanding at all in wolf, deer, and bighorn sheep. With those bullets I was not ever able to recover a bullet. I also had a complete pass through on a deer shot in the chest facing me at a long distance (not the best shot placement for certain).

  Barns bullets sounds like in the quest for the perfect bullet they made a decent Fmj.   


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Re: 7mm bullet suggestions
« Reply #16 on: May 11, 2012, 08:17:48 PM »
Jimmy- I agree with you. My thoughts are most controlled expansion bullets in a 7 mm (and most center fire offerings for that matter) will kill a deer. Dead is dead.

I have had bad experiences with Barnes X bullets not expanding at all in wolf, deer, and bighorn sheep. With those bullets I was not ever able to recover a bullet. I also had a complete pass through on a deer shot in the chest facing me at a long distance (not the best shot placement for certain).

How do you know they didn't expand if you didn't get the bullets back? 
I have shot a ton of critters and use Barnes.  I have lost a couple critters to them but probably would have done so with other bullets.  I am not saying I am a barnes fan because I am still leary using them.  I don't like small holes comming out and like some explosion inside but I have to say that Barnes works for me.  I shoot a 7mmSTW at 3500fps so I need a bullet that will stnad up to the speed and not blow up that much.  I might try Accubonds next if I need to switch.  I have heard a lot of good about them. 

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Re: 7mm bullet suggestions
« Reply #17 on: May 11, 2012, 09:00:01 PM »
Pencil holes in and out.......


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Re: 7mm bullet suggestions
« Reply #18 on: May 11, 2012, 09:10:09 PM »
Pencil holes does not mean they are not expanding.  But I hear you because I am like you and like a little more of an exit.  Fist sized would be ideal ;D

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Re: 7mm bullet suggestions
« Reply #19 on: May 11, 2012, 10:02:35 PM »
Pencil holes does not mean they are not expanding.  But I hear you because I am like you and like a little more of an exit.  Fist sized would be ideal ;D

Nube- I don't follow your logic on expansion. If the entrance and exit holes are the same diameter, the bullets are not expanding.